LAUC-B Executive Committee
January 10, 2018, 10:00-11:30
303 Doe Library
Present: Brandt, Eason (recorder), Knabe, Nelson, Quigley (chair), Rosario, Rowan, Shih.
Guest: I-Wei Wang
I. Announcements (B. Quigley)
December happy hour at the Faculty Club was well attended, with at least 25 people stopping in. Thanks to James Eason for organizing and to everyone who attended.
II. Reports
a. Treasurer (R. Brandt)
Balance $90,426.00
b. Monthly UL meeting (B. Quigley)
No report.
c. LIBR meeting (J. Rosario)
No recent meeting. A member email communicated a proposed Office of the President policy regarding open access to dissertations and theses. Concerns voiced around differences between humanities and sciences dissertations and timelines to publication. Some concerns about Jan. 16 comment deadline set by OP. Will be discussion at next meeting.
d. LAUC statewide conference call (B. Quigley)
Conference call first week of January. Discussion around planning for LAUC Assembly on March 23 at UCSF Mission Bay, and the draft agenda. There will be afternoon breakout sessions on the academic status of librarians. Also, new librarians are encouraged to submit proposals for the poster session.
Two RLF policy changes have been approved by SLFB: Archival box deposits will be limited to 10% of the total annual allocations systemwide. NRLF will move to tracking allocations using the SRLF model of tracking “work units” - i.e., everything that is sent gets counted against your allocation regardless of whether it is accepted or rejected. This does not apply to JACS. Both changes go into effect July 1, 2018.
III. Continuing Business
a. Two-year professional development funding pilot evaluation results (J. Rosario)
Written report submitted. 38 responses. 76% of respondents used the funding, mostly for national travel. Many appreciated flexibility. It allowed some to travel internationally, or to more expensive conferences. About 80% were in favor of continuing two-year allocation approach.
Some improvements in tools for tracking funding desirable. Increases in funding also needed.
Vote to approve continuation of two-year funding cycles for LAUC-B professional development funds. (Approved)
b. Bylaws revisions (B. Quigley/D. Rowan)
Ongoing review of Articles IV, V, and VI of the LAUC-B bylaws, which are under revision. Changes will be on the Spring 2018 ballot. Further discussion at our next meeting.
Action: Quigley and Rowan to review and consider further editing.