LAUC-B Executive Committee
January 9, 2013
10 am 12 pm
Room 303 Doe Library
Members present: Susan Edwards (chair), Lynn Jones, Julie Lefevre, Teresa Mora (recorder), Jim Ronningen, Nick Robinson, Hilary Schiraldi, Susan Xue
I. Announcements
- S. Edwards announced that a new laptop has been purchased for CAPA
- Judy Bolstad is leaving the Library
II. Reports
A. Treasurer's Report (S. Xue)
- The current balance is $90760.67
B. Meeting with the University Librarian (S. Edwards)
- S. Edwards asked T. Leonard if he had anything he would like ExComm to stress in its meeting with the Commission. He noted that we should make clear that stystemwide goals do not always match those of Berkeley.
- T. Leonard reported that general counsel had critiqued the systemwide open access plan
- T. Leonard noted OCLC's current efforts to develop better records for serials
- T. Leonard stated that in discussions of the restructuring of SOPAG there has been talk of eliminating LAUC appointees to committees as librarians already sit on those committees. N. Robinson said he and K. Botello have told University Librarians that they feel there is a need for such committee representation to communicate on behalf of LAUC membership. S. Edwards will communicate to division representatives to make sure they are aware of these discussions.
III. Continuing Business
A. Finalize plan for meeting with Commission on the Future of the Library on 1/22/13 (all)
- There was a general discussion of the draft document distributed by S. Edwards including: whether we needed concrete examples; the presentation format; and getting statistics from Library Administration.
- N. Robinson noted the need to stress that the Re-envisioning the Library report came from librarians as well as Library Administration and that we recognize we can only do so much and that in some cases consolidation might be the best solution.
- S. Edwards felt we need to convey that three million dollars is simply not enough to bring the UC Berkeley Library back up in ARL rankings.
- ExComm members were assigned areas of focus which they will take the lead on during the presentation.
B. LAUC-B's new bSpace site (L. Jones)
- All committee documents and information have been moved to the new site and links have been made from the committee web pages.
- Many groups already had their own b-space sites which they will be maintaining.
- Only current committee members and chairs have access to the site. When the committees turn over in late summer the chair of each group will assign Maintain rights to incoming chairs who will, in turn, assign member rights to incoming committee members. Subsequently, the new chair will remove the old chair from the roster.
IV. New Business
A. Rollover of Professional Development Funds (S. Edwards)
- S. Edwards recently discovered that professional development funds from two separate fiscal years could be used for a single event if approved by Elise Woods.
- It doesn't seem that this is common knowledge and there is concern as to the procedure for such approval.
- S. Xue noted that in budgeting the yearly allocation of LAUC funds we regularly take into account the funds not used in the previous year, stressing that the funds are part of a common pot and don't belong to individuals, making the issue of rollover a complicated one.
- L. Jones suggested we invite E. Woods to the next ExComm meeting to discuss current practice and consider changes to the approval process, possibly making ExComm responsible for approval.
- We need to make the membership aware of the process.
- S. Edwards will communicate to division representatives to make sure they are aware of discussions regarding LAUC representation to SOPAG committees.
- S. Edwards will invite E. Woods to the February ExComm meeting to explain current practice for use of professional development funds from separate years.