LAUC-B Executive Committee
January 9, 2019, 10:00 - 11:30 am
303 Doe Library
ExComm: Randal Brandt, Marlene Harmon (Recorder), Brian Quigley, Jane Rosario (Chair), Kiyoko Shiosaki, Naomi Shiraishi, Melissa Stoner, and Gisele Tanasse
Guests: Celia Emmelhainz, Susan McElrath, Jeremy Ott, and Chris Tarr
I. Announcements
J. Rosario welcomed and thanked Gisele Tanasse, appointed as a Library Representative to the LAUC-B Executive Committee. Gisele is filling the vacancy left by Kortney Rupp's departure last November.
II. Reports
a. Treasurer (R.Brandt)
Current budget: $93,700.02
Professional Development funds available for each eligible member
(everyone except Law) for FY 2018-2019 and FY 2019-2020, will be $1942.00.
Funds for librarians hired in FY 2019-2020 will be $756.
Supplemental professional development funding for librarians reporting to the University Librarian is $600.
b. Monthly UL meeting (J. Rosario) (no report, next meeting in February)
c. LIBR meeting (N. Shiraishi) (no report; next meeting will be on 1/17)
d. LAUC Statewide conference call (J. Rosario) (no report; next call will be on 1/17)
III. New Business
a. Special Purpose Account for LAUC-B
A Special Purposes Account for LAUC-B came up in the context of hosting LAUC-B conference videos. Currently, it is unclear who could host them, or how we could host them, but a SPA might solve that problem. For the upcoming LAUC-B Fall 2019 Conference, it will be necessary to provide closed captioning for the video recording. Discussed:
Cost of closed captioning
Post video to YouTube? Other options?
Catalog video and add to Media Services collection
(J. Rosario will follow up with Lynne Grigsby about moving LAUC-B ExComm accounts from bCourses to a SPA.)
b. Staff Development Committee and LAUC-B (S. McElrath, guest)
S. McElrath reported on Staff Development Committee issues, she is interested in what LAUC-B sees as the role of the SDC. The SDC is comprised of non professional library staff with 1 librarian liaison. The librarian serves as a liaison between the SDC and LAUC-B’s Research and Professional Development Committee, sharing events, making sure there is no duplication of events between the two committees.
(S. McElrath volunteered to serve on the Research and Professional Development Committee.)
IV. Continuing Business
a. Committee on Research and Professional Development proposal for UCB Library Research Mini-Poster Session/Celebration in Late Spring 2019 (J. Ott, C. Emmelhainz, guests)
J. Ott and C. Emmelhainz presented Committee’s budget proposals for refreshments and for poster materials.
Discussed budgeting options, date, location and time of event.
Possibility of combining LAUC-B Spring Assembly and Affiliated Libraries’ Spring Assembly into one assembly celebrating library research.
(J. Rosario will ask J. MacKie-Mason dates when he would be able to attend.)
(C. Emmelhainz will make a draft model poster.)
b. Nominations and Elections Committee: use of forms for recruitment (C. Tarr, guest)
J. Rosario distributed sample forms for recruitment to LAUC-B offices and committees. The recruitment form would help address the issue of a smaller, busier membership and also build a repository of librarians’ interests.
The form could be posted on the LAUC-B website so any LAUC-B member could use it at any time. Mentors should also be aware of the form.
(C. Tarr will draft a form and send it to ExComm for approval.)