Minutes Meeting No. 4
LAUC-B Executive Committee Meeting December 9, 2004
10:00 - 12 noon
Deans Conference Room, Boalt Hall
Present: Chris Tarr (Chair), Lily Castillo-Speed (Vice Chair/Chair-Elect), Allan Urbanic (Past Chair), Linda McLane (Treasurer), Juliet Demeter (Secretary), Kathleen Gallagher (Library Representative), Carole McEwan (Library Representative), Paul Atwood (Affiliated Libraries Representative)
Guests: Randy Brandt, Linda Vida, Michaelyn Burnette
I. New Business
A. Report from LAUC-B Web Committee R. Brandt
Randy Brandt has formed a committee to streamline and generally improve the LAUC-B website. Some concerns of the committee include upgrading the Cultural Diversity Committee page to make it more up to date, introducing new categories on the site, and removing obsolete or outdated information from the homepage. He will send out a mock-up of the new homepage to ExComm members when it is ready. The Web Committee remains interested in advice and suggestions from the membership.
ACTION: C. Tarr will put out a call for volunteers to submit content for committee pages.
B. Nominations/Elections Committeeplans for election M. Burnette, L. Vida
Linda and Michaelyn discussed some changes they would like to implement relating to
the elections of candidates for ExComm. One issue that came up last year was the
enormous amount of paper used when ballots and candidate statements are sent out to
the membership. ExComm approved the following changes to the election procedures:
1) Beginning this year, candidate's statements will not be sent out in paper-form, but will instead be mounted on the LAUC-B website. They will go online the day the paper ballots and instructions are sent out and be removed after the election.
2) There will be a link on the LAUC-B website to information regarding the elections and candidate statements.
ACTION: C. Tarr will talk to Terry Huwe about any privacy issues this may bring up.
II. Reports
A. Treasurer's Report L. McLane
Balance is $49,215.59
B. Meeting with the University Librarian C. Tarr, L. Castillo-Speed
Chris and Lily met with UL Tom Leonard on November 30. They discussed the upcoming LAUC discussion on the document "Systemwide Strategic Directions for Libraries and Scholarly Information at UC." Tom informed them that the library server is moving. An ILS (Integrated Library System) is being planned that will eventually replace GLADIS altogether.
C. Senate Library Committee Report L. Castillo-Speed
The SLC met on November 19 and discussed scholarly communication issues, including the upcoming Scholarly Publishing Symposium, which is to be held on March 31 at the Oakland Marriott City Center.
The UC Berkeley Library was rated the best public university in the world and second best university library in an article published in the London Times.
The SLC Faculty Representative had questions about the faculty's role in the selection process for the AUL for Doe/ Moffitt. They are specifically interested in how this position would be configured. Questions also included whether or not they will have a greater role in hiring of new librarian positions and also why there are so many mistakes to be found in GLADIS records.
III Announcements
C. Tarr announced that the LAUC-B budget was approved as submitted.
A reception will be held at the ALA meeting in Boston in honor of Anne Lipow. The reception will be from 5-6pm on January 16.
IV. Continuing Topics
A. Principal Investigator Status C. Tarr
Chris has been researching how other campuses handle PI status for librarians. At UCSD, the UL is the only librarian with PI status. At UCSB librarians are not automatically eligible but may submit a formal memo requesting "Co-PI status" with the University Librarian. UC Davis allows PI status for librarians once they have received endorsement by the UL and the Office of Research.
B. Discussion of "Systemwide Strategic Directions for Libraries and Scholarly
Information" C. Tarr
LAUC president Terry Huwe wants to have feedback from each division on the new strategic plan discussed in "Systemwide Strategic Directions for Libraries and Scholarly Information at UC." Chris suggested that the Professional Development Committee should organize the program. Tom Leonard, Bernie Hurley and LAUC SLASIAC representative Ann Jensen should introduce the document and provide some background about it. PDC will moderate discussion. A date will be set up in February with a 2-4 hour time slot.
Next LAUC-B ExComm meeting will be held on Thursday, January 13, 10am -12pm, Dean's Conference Room, Boalt Hall