Minutes Meeting No. 3
LAUC-B Executive Committee Meeting November 9, 2004
10:00 - 12 noon
Deans Conference Room, Boalt Hall
Present: Chris Tarr (Chair), Lily Castillo-Speed (Vice Chair/Chair-Elect), Allan Urbanic (Past Chair), Linda McLane (Treasurer), Juliet Demeter (Secretary), Paul Atwood (Affiliated Libraries Representative)
Absent: Kathleen Gallagher, Carole McEwan
I. Announcements
C. Tarr: The Statewide Assembly was held on November 4. The webcast of the assembly will take a few days to encode and should be available on the LAUC statewide website very shortly.
II. Reports
A. Treasurer's Report L. McLane
Balance is $51,731.93
B. Meeting with the University Librarian C. Tarr, L. Castillo-Speed
Chris and Lily met with UL Tom Leonard on November 3. They discussed the LAUC Statewide Assembly and board meeting scheduled for Nov. 4 and asked Tom if he had anything to contribute to Terry Huwe's planned discussion regarding the Systemwide Strategic Plan. Tom mentioned that many people at Berkeley had been directly involved in writing the strategic plan, and that it would make sense to include them in the discussion.
Tom also mentioned that the November 30th early bird presentation by Nancy Kushigian on Shared Print resources was related to the strategic plan, and that Chris and Lily should attend.
C. Senate Library Committee Report L. Castillo-Speed
Linda Vida, Chair of TALAG sent a letter to UC administrators about funding for libraries.
The meeting included a discussion about databases and how best to determine which databases are most useful and desired by faculty and graduate students.
Funding issues have arisen for the Doe Annex. A budget must be re-submitted to the state to allow for higher costs in construction and design.
III Continuing Topics
A. Renaming Distinguished Librarian Award C. Tarr
ExComm discussed alternative ways of honoring Anne Lipow. After discussion of this matter with no resolution, it was decided that we needed more information.
ACTION: LAUC-B Chair Chris Tarr and Lillian Castillo-Speed will speak with Tom Leonard about possibilities.
B. Budget
ExComm decided it could again augment the travel money designated by the MOU. The total allocation for 2004-2005 will again be $700.
ACTION: Treasurer Linda McLane will send an email to all LAUC-B members announcing the amount.
C. LAUC-B Web Committee
The following names were submitted to web manager Randy Brandt as volunteers for the Web Committee: Linda McLane, Lincoln Cushing, Corliss Lee, and John Kupersmith.
D. Listing of Retired /Emeritus Librarians on the LAUC Website C. Tarr
LAUC-B Chair C. Tarr announced that there would be no listing of retired librarians on the LAUC-B website. There are just too many and it would be difficult to create an accurate list. Emeritus librarians, however, will be listed.
ACTION: LAUC-B Chair Chris Tarr will provide a complete list of all UC Berkeley Emeritus Librarians to Randy Brandt. Once the names have been added to the website, she will make an announcement and ask for members to notify her of people missing from the list.
E. Principal Investigator Status C. Tarr
PI status remains an issue. Chris Tarr will contact other campuses to see how the MOU is interpreted elsewhere, and clarify with the Sponsored Projects Office how it is interpreted at Berkeley.
F. LAUC Conference C. Tarr
At the Fall Statewide Executive Board meeting, issues discussed included the Strategic Planning Report, the Visibility Committee and recent peer to peer legislation signed into law in Sacramento. LAUC President Terry Huwe also wishes to publish several white papers on the LAUC statewide website on issues of interest to the profession.
IV. New Business
A. LAUC Discussion of "Systemwide Strategic Directions for Libraries and Scholarly
Terry Huwe is interested in receiving feedback regarding this document. ExComm
members discussed having one or two brown bag lunches or a late afternoon panel/ discussion to give SLASIAC members an opportunity to introduce the document and provide some background about it in mid-December or late in January.
ACTION: C. Tarr will talk to Ann Jensen about whom to invite to participate and whether the format should include a panel and/or discussion.
B. Lunches with candidates for Public Health jobs
J. Demeter will be taking the first candidate to lunch. K. Gallagher will send out dates for the remaining lunches.
Next LAUC-B ExComm meeting will be held on Thursday, December 9, 10am -12pm, Dean's Conference Room, Boalt Hall