Executive Committee Meeting 8/25/04

Minutes Meeting No. 12 August 25, 2004

LAUC-B Executive Committee Meeting August 25, 2004
10:00 - 12 noon
Deans Seminar Room, Boalt Hall

Present: Chris Tarr, Linda McLane, Juliet Demeter, Lily Castillo Speed, Myrtis Cochran, Ilan Eyman, Kathleen Gallagher, Carole McEwan, Jane Rosario (recorder).

Absent: Allan Urbanic, David de Lorenzo, Paul Atwood

I. Announcements

Ilan Eyman attended the Statewide Turnover Meeting on August 20th at UCOP in Oakland. Ilan is the new LAUC Webmaster. (Congratulations, Ilan!)

Minutes for the LAUC-B Spring Assembly will be distributed to the membership for revision and approval electronically, following the new amendments to the Bylaws.

PI (Principal Investigator) status for Librarians is being tested by Ethnic Studies; a grant proposal submitted to the Sponsored Projects Office naming a Librarian as PI was rejected. Lily Castillo-Speed will contact Lincoln Cushing, who worked on this issue on behalf of LAUC.

II. Reports

A. Treasurer's Report - L. McLane

Balance is $66,766.42.

B. Meeting with the University Librarian C. Tarr

No meeting was held in August.

C. Senate Library Committee Report L. Castillo Speed

No meeting was held in August.

A. LAUC Executive Board Turnover Meeting of August 20 C. Tarr

Terry Huwe, the incoming Chair of LAUC Statewide, wants to make Assemblies more interesting, emphasizing policy issues and LAUCs role as an advisory body.

III Continuing Topics

A. ARL Statistics

Statistics concerning Librarians in the Affiliated Libraries, previously excluded from ARL statistics, will now be included.

B. Peer Review Issues

CAPA members will be invited to the next ExComm meeting to discuss issues raised at the Peer Review Brown Bag held in June. (/minutes/min20040609.doc)

C. Librarian/ Emeritus Librarian Retirement Benefits: finalizing the list C. Tarr/I. Eyman

Some time ago, Allan Urbanic presented a chart showing retirement benefits for Librarians and Emeritus Librarians, prepared by Lincoln Cushing, Ilan Eyman, and Chris Tarr, to UL Tom Leonard. Tom had no objections to the chart, but wanted to take it to Administrative Council for approval. Susan Wong was to be in touch with Allan regarding this issue.

ACTION: Chris Tarr will follow up with Susan Wong regarding posting the comparative chart on the LAUC-B Web site.

A question was raised about the process of granting Emeritus status to Librarians.

ACTION: Chris will check to see if the Emeritus guidelines were in fact finalized.

D. Retirement Recognition

How should LAUC recognize retiring Librarians? Allan Urbanic came up with the idea to have certificates made. It was proposed to recognize retirees at the Spring Assembly, having retirees honored individually with short narrative statements and a ceremony.

4. New Topics

A. Transition to new ExComm

The new LAUC-B Executive Committee took office:

Chris Tarr Chair
Lily Castillo-Speed Vice Chair/Chair-Elect
Allan Urbanic Past Chair
Linda McLane Treasurer
Juliet Demeter Secretary
Kathleen Gallagher General Library Representative
Carol McEwan General Library Representative
Paul Atwood Affiliated Library Representative

Chris thanked the departing ExComm members for their service.

Past Chair Myrtis Cochran expressed her appreciation for serving LAUC for the past three years, and encouraged other LAUC members to participate.

ExComm expressed kudos to Paul Atwood for putting the Affiliated Librarians in the Library Directory (http://www.lib.berkeley.edu/Staff/directories.html).

New ExComm member Carole McEwan volunteered for coordinating the LAUC Mentor Program in the upcoming year, taking over for Ilan Eyman. New ExComm member Kathleen Gallagher volunteered to coordinate Librarian interviewee lunches, taking over for outgoing member David de Lorenzo.

B. Budget

LAUCs budget will be submitted the Executive Vice Chancellor in October. Each Librarian is allotted money for travel and professional development. The MOU stipulates that each Librarian receives roughly $470 and LAUC augments the amount if it has the funds. In addition, individual libraries may also allot supplemental money for travel/development.

ACTION: Chris will submit the budget as soon as possible. Linda McLane will announce the allotment to the LAUC-B membership as soon as it is known.

C. LAUC Statewide Assembly Planning

The Statewide Fall Assembly will again be held at U. C. Berkeley on November 4-5, 2004. The Chevron Auditorium has been held for the Assembly on November 4, the Goldberg Room for the Executive Committee meeting on November 5. Tentatively, the program will include speakers from SOPAG (System Wide Operations and Planning Advisory Group) and the University Wide Senate Committee on Library. The following LAUC-B members volunteered for the Local Arrangements Committee:
Paul Atwood
Rita Evans
Susan Garbarino
Tanya Hollis
Margaret Phillips
Elizabeth Stevens
Jane Rosario (chair)

D. LAUC-B Assembly Planning

The LAUC-B Fall Assembly is tentatively planned for October. Potential speakers were discussed.

ACTION: Chris will try to secure the Morrison Room and a speaker.


Next LAUC-B ExComm meeting will be held on Tuesday, September 21, 2004,
10:00am to 12:00 noon, Dean's Conference Room, Boalt Hall