Executive Committee Meeting 7/14/04

Minutes Meeting No. 11 July 14, 2004

LAUC-B Executive Committee Meeting July 14, 2004
10:00 - 12 noon
Doe Library Rm. 303

Present: Allan Urbanic, David de Lorenzo (facilitator), Ilan Eyman, Paul Atwood, Jane Rosario (recorder). Guests: Carole McEwan, Margaret Phillips

Absent: Myrtis Cochran, Chris Tarr, Linda McLane

I. Announcements

No announcements were made.

II. Reports
A. Treasurer's Report - L. McLane

Balance is $76,365.00.

B. LAUC Executive Board Conference Call of July 13 A. Urbanic

The Board has drafted a statement on the retention of librarians and will be sending it out for distribution. Regarding the Distinguished Step, Myron Okada collected statistics from UCOP data that showed a steady decrease in the number of FTE in the Librarian series since 1990, with a slight increase in early 2000. The information does not reveal who has distinguished status; this information must be culled from human resources offices. Linda Kennedy has requested that each LAUC Division Chair contact their Human Resources Dept. for the number of librarians at the distinguished step and their current rank. The data should be compiled by August 15.

Appointments to LAUC Statewide committees are under way for the upcoming year. The procedures are left up to each campus. As of July 13th, there were no candidates for LAUC Statewide Web Manager.

The LAUC Fall Assembly will be back at Berkeley next year. Mark your calendars for November 4, 2004.

The transition meeting for LAUC Statewide will be August 20, 2004.

III Continuing Topics
A. LAUC-B Conference Update Margaret Phillips

Margaret Phillips is chairing the committee for an upcoming event on scholarly publishing. The symposium, funded in part by LAUC-B, will be held in March or April 2005. The symposium will be directed at faculty, with presenters from the faculty, and will address the present crisis in scholarly publishing. The symposium hopes to inspire the attendees about emerging e-scholarship trends, and present tools that faculty can use to master the new challenges. This symposium is intended as a forum in which the faculty can talk to each other.

In addition to Margaret, members of the committee include Beth Weil (Biosciences Library), Gail Ford (Librarians Office), Anthony Newcomb (Professor, Italian Studies), Elaine Tennant (Professor, German), Nicholas Jewell (Professor of Biostatistics and Statistics), C. Judson King (Director of the UC Berkeley Center for Studies in Higher Education), Robert Price (Associate Vice Chancellor for Research and Professor of Political Science), and James Hunt (Professor, Civil Engineering/CEE Environmental).

The committee is planning for a daylong event, to be held off campus. Participants will be invited, and the guest list will be aimed at key administrators, members of the budget committee, department chairs, and two designated faculty from each department one senior and one junior and others. The committee expects about 250 attendees.

The symposium will be taking place at roughly the same time as the e-Berkeley symposium, which will have its focus more on using technology to teach, while the Scholarly Publishing Symposium will focus on the research side of faculty life.

B. Librarian/Emeritus Librarian Retirement Benefits: finalizing the list

Allan, Chris, and Ilan have been working on this. A table summarizing the benefits will be mounted on the LAUC-B Web site. The table will list only the academic benefits; there are many others as well (see The Retirement Center, http://thecenter.berkeley.edu/campus.html).

Action: Allan will follow up on some details, then put the table up on the LAUC-B Web.

C. Scheduling the next Brown Bag Lunch about Peer Review

Because of vacation schedules, it was decided not to try to hold another Brown Bag.

Action: Allan will forward the notes from the last Brown Bag to ExComm; ExComm members are to review them one more time for clarity, and then Allan will forward the notes to the members. LAUC-B and CAPA will meet in September.

D. Other Business

The discussion of emeritus benefits brought up another issue: how should LAUC honor retiring librarians? LAUC has no budget set aside, but it may be possible to put together framed citations and/or to have some acknowledgement of the retirees at the Fall Assembly.

Action: To be discussed further at the next ExComm meeting.

F. Closed session.


Next LAUC-B ExComm meeting will be held on Wednesday, August 25, 2004, 10:00am to 12:00 noon in the Dean's Seminar Room, Boalt Hall.