Executive Committee Minutes 3/10/05

Minutes Meeting No. 7

LAUC-B Executive Committee Meeting March 10, 2005

10:00 - 12 noon
Deans Conference Room, Boalt Hall

Present: Chris Tarr (Chair), Lillian Castillo-Speed (Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect), Allan Urbanic (Past Chair), Juliet Demeter (Secretary), Paul Atwood (Affiliated Libraries Representative), Carole McEwan (Library Representative), Teresa Mora (Diversity Committee Chair), Rita Evans (Committee on Research Chair), Michaelyn Burnette (Nominations and Elections Co-Chair), Dean Rowan

Absent: Linda McLane (Treasurer), Kathleen Gallagher (Library Representative)

I. Reports from Standing Committee Chairs

A. Committee on Affiliate Affairs (P. Atwood):

David Duer, Director of the Library Development Office spoke at the Affiliated Fall Assembly.
The Spring 2005 Assembly is currently in the works.
TALAG will provide a distinct reply to the 'Strategic Directions' document. Linda Vida will supply TALAG's reply to Chris/ExComm by the middle of next week.
Some updated information has been added to the Affiliated website: http://www.lib.berkeley.edu/AFFIL/

B. Committee on Diversity (T. Mora)

Committee now has a full roster with a total of five representatives.
The website has recently been updated.
The committee is hoping to bring the Minority Fellowship discussion back to the table.
Chris Tarr has announced that Genaro Padilla will speak on issues of diversity at the LAUC-B Spring Assembly to be held on May 31.

C. Committee on Professional Development (M. Singh)

Two new members are now on the committee.
In November, the committee presented a "Review Process for Librarians" workshop with CAPA. About 50 librarians attended this informative workshop.
In Spring 2005, the Committee arranged a panel discussion of the document "Strategic Directions for Libraries" in response to LAUC Chair Terry Huwe's request that all LAUC divisions present him with a response to this document. 35 librarians attended this event and the committee has prepared a response document from the discussion that ensued.
In Spring 2005 the committee will prepare a panel discussion on the e-scholarship initiative at UC and other academic institutions. We expect this to be an informative and stimulating discussion of trends that are changing scholarship and the role that libraries will potentially play in this revolution.

D. Committee on Research (R. Evans)

The Research Committee publicized the availability of research grants via emails to LAUC-B members during the fall semester. Three proposals were received and reviewed by the committee, which made suggestions for improvements and/or clarifications. The applicants revised their proposals and the committee forwarded them to our divisional representative on the statewide committee for consideration. That committee met on March 4 and approved two of the proposals.
The committee held a brown bag lunch in November to provide information about the Townsend Library Fellow program and encourage applicants. We elected to use this more informal setting after more structured presentations the past few years. We had the current fellow and three former fellows who answered questions and discussed how they had benefited from being fellows. The committee agreed that using different formats for this effort is a good idea and should be pursued in the future. The committee will send out a reminder to the membership regarding the deadline.

E. Nominations and Elections (M. Burnette, L. Vida)

LAUC-B Executive Committee approved a suggestion by Randall Brandt, former N&E member that candidate statements appear on the LAUC-B website during the period between the mailing of the ballots and the time they are due. Such a procedure saves paper and photocopying costs.
The committee has recruited at least one candidate for each LAUC-B position for 2005-2006. They are currently preparing the ballots.

II. Announcements

C. Tarr: The SIMS Taskforce is trying to arrange its first meeting on March 30.

C. Tarr: Randy Brandt is updating the LAUC-B website. Committee descriptions should be drafted and forwarded to him soon. After he has completed his update, ExComm will look at the website and provide feedback.

III. Strategic Plan document (D. Rowan)

The meeting to discuss the SLASIAC document "Strategic Directions for Libraries and Scholarly Information for Libraries" took place on February 16. As per Terry Huwe's request, the LAUC-B response to the discussion will be compiled and after review by the panelists and ExComm will be sent to Terry.

IV. Reports

A. Treasurer's Report L. McLane

Balance is $37,827.80

B. Meeting with the University Librarian C. Tarr

Chris and Lily met with UL Tom Leonard on March 9. They discussed the upcoming Scholarly Publishing Symposium and the decision to have Genaro Padilla, Vice Chancellor for Undergraduate Affairs, speak at the Spring Assembly. Tom announced there would be an increase in the Library's budget next year of $ .5 million.

C. Senate Library Committee Report L. Castillo-Speed

The Academic Senate Library Committee met on February 4. Discussion included the upcoming Scholarly Publishing Symposium that will take place March 31, funding for the Bancroft surge, and the Center for New Media. The North Reading Room of Doe opened on February 13. It was also announced that the AUL job description would be going out soon. There is no budget letter yet, but no cuts are expected. Hopes are that the budget for the following year will be bigger and better.

D. Distinguished Librarian Award Committee Report A. Urbanic

Announcements were published in the Berkeleyan and in the Daily Cal asking for nominations for the award. Two nominations have so far been received. The committee is awaiting more nominations and plans to send out a reminder to jog memories about the nominating process.

V. Continuing Topics

A. LAUC Laptop J. Demeter

A Dell Inspiron 2200 has been ordered from Scholar's Workstation. It should be
available for pick-up in the next few weeks.

B. Technical Services Review L. Castillo-Speed

The Library Administration was initiating a broad review of Technical Services and some librarians had expressed a concern that certain problems relating to how librarians' job duties are affected by changes in Technical Services might not be addressed adequately in the review. This concern was heightened by the major reduction in staff in Technical Services. Since LAUC represents the interests of librarians, there was discussion as to how LAUC might get involved, in its advisory capacity, in the TS review.

ACTION: L. Castillo will write a draft memo addressed to Bernie Hurley and Lee Leighton that would if and how LAUC could participate in the review.

IV. New Business

A. Catering (J. Demeter)

Juliet compared prices for catering the Spring Assembly. ExComm voted to use Rick and Anne's instead of Stradivarius.


Next LAUC-B ExComm meeting will be held on Thursday, April 14, 10am -12pm, Dean's Conference Room, Boalt Hall