Minutes Meeting No. 6
LAUC-B Executive Committee Meeting February 10, 2005
10:00 - 12 noon
Deans Conference Room, Boalt Hall
Present: Chris Tarr (Chair), Allan Urbanic (Past Chair), Linda McLane (Treasurer), Juliet Demeter (Secretary), Paul Atwood (Affiliated Libraries Representative), Carole McEwan (Library Representative)
Absent: Lily Castillo-Speed (Vice Chair/Chair-Elect), Kathleen Gallagher (Library Representative)
I. Announcements
C. Tarr: On February 24 Terry Huwe will be meeting with the University Librarians to give a report on LAUC activities.
C. Tarr: The SIMS Taskforce is up and running. Isabel Sterling will serve as liaison to library administration. Ramona Martinez will serve as liaison to TALAG. There has also been discussion of including a SIMS graduate student on the task force.
II. Reports
A. Treasurer's Report L. McLane
Balance is $44,570.57
B. Meeting with the University Librarian C. Tarr
Chris and Lily met with UL Tom Leonard on February 2. They discussed the upcoming Strategic Plan panel, the SIMS task force, and the decision to have Genaro Padilla, Vice Chancellor for Undergraduate Affairs, speak at the Spring Assembly. Tom mentioned there would be an Early Bird to go over Surge plans sometime in February or March. He also showed Chris and Lily the job description for the AUL for Collections position that will be posted soon.
C. Senate Library Committee Report L. Castillo-Speed (via C. Tarr)
The Academic Senate Library Committee is looking forward to the upcoming Scholarly Publishing Symposium that will take place March 31 at the Oakland Marriott City Center. The committee will soon be providing input regarding the selection of the Library's 10 millionth volume.
D. Distinguished Librarian Award Committee Report A. Urbanic
An announcement was published in the Berkeleyan asking for nominations for the award. The upcoming issue of CU News will also include a call for nominations. Letters to the deans and department chairs will be going out the same week. April 15 is the deadline for nominations. The committee's next step is to put together an instructional packet for the nominees.
E. Strategic Planning Event P. Atwood
The LAUC meeting to discuss the SLASIAC strategic plan for libraries is to take place on February 16 from 2-4pm in 303 Doe. TALAG discussed the document in their last meeting. Terry Huwe will be drafting a letter with the Affiliated Librarian's response to the document. Juliet, along with members of the Professional Development Committee, will take notes at the LAUC general meeting. Both responses will be sent to Terry Huwe, LAUC Statewide president.
F. LAUC Statewide Conference Call C. Tarr
The conference call was held on February 9. The discussion included the following:
1) UC Davis wants to put together an ad hoc committee on E-Journal. Dan Goldstein
will chair.
2) Terry Huwe wants position papers on privacy issues and on copyright. He is currently looking into who will work on the papers.
3) Paul Weiss, the chair of the Committee on Committees, Rules and Jurisdiction, announced that they are planning to overhaul the by-laws.
4) There is a guest opinion by Kari Lewis on the LAUC website regarding pedagogy in librarianship. Upcoming topics will include copyright issues and information literacy.
5) The Statewide Spring Assembly will be held in Santa Barbara on June 2 and 3.
6) The Statewide Committee on Professional Governance is compiling information on participation of librarians on Faculty Senate committees on the different campuses.
III. Continuing Topics
A. LAUC Laptop J. Demeter
Juliet researched options for purchase of a new laptop. ExComm approved purchase of
a Dell Inspirion.
B. Diversity CommitteePlans
Teresa Mora is the new chair of the Diversity Committee. They are now drafting a letter about how staffing shortages are affecting us in our work. Teresa will bring the letter to the next ExComm meeting. Lynette Stoudt has joined the Diversity Committee.
C. CAPA Update
CAPA issues were discussed.
D. Principal Investigator Status Update
David de Lorenzo recently wrote a grant and the Sponsored Projects Office told him that librarians were not permitted to be principal investigators. The union will be drafting a report addressing the issue.
IV. New Business
A. Spring Assembly
The Assembly will be held on Tuesday April 19. Genaro Padilla, Vice Chancellor for Undergraduate Affairs, will speak.
B. Planning for Next Month's Meeting
Committee chairs will submit reports at the next ExComm meeting.
Next LAUC-B ExComm meeting will be held on Thursday, March 10, 10am -12pm, Dean's Conference Room, Boalt Hall