Executive Committee Minutes 1/13/05

Minutes Meeting No. 5

LAUC-B Executive Committee Meeting January 13, 2005

10:00 - 12 noon
Deans Conference Room, Boalt Hall

Present: Chris Tarr (Chair), Allan Urbanic (Past Chair), Linda McLane (Treasurer), Juliet Demeter (Secretary), Paul Atwood (Affiliated Libraries Representative)

Guest: Corliss Lee

Absent: Lily Castillo-Speed (Vice Chair/Chair-Elect), Kathleen Gallagher (Library Representative), Carole McEwan (Library Representative)

I. Announcements

A. Urbanic: The Distinguished Librarian Award Committee has been formed. Current members include Alan Urbanic (chair), Bette Anton, Armanda Barone, and Linda Vida. The DLA Committee is seeking members from the faculty and will make an announcement when someone has been selected.

C. Tarr: The Scholarly Publishing Symposium will take place March 31 at the Oakland Marriott City Center. Chris is checking with Margaret Phillips to see if will ExComm members are to be invited to participate.

II. Reports

A. Treasurer's Report L. McLane

Balance is $46,172.91

B. Meeting with the University Librarian C. Tarr

Chris and Lily met with UL Tom Leonard on January 12. They discussed the Distinguished Librarian Award committee, the SIMS Task Force and the Systemwide Strategic Directions document. Tom informed them that the Library is close to adding the ten millionth volume to the collection and will be forming a committee to draw up a list of suggested titles and themes.

C. Senate Library Committee Report L. Castillo-Speed

Did not meet.

III. Continuing Topics

A. Discussion of "Systemwide Strategic Directions for Libraries and Scholarly
Information" C. Tarr

The Development Committee will be organizing the event to take place on February 16 from 2-4pm in 303 Doe. LAUC SLASIAC representative Ann Jensen, Bernie Hurley and Tom Leonard will introduce the document and provide some background on it's development. Elaine Tenant and Marianne Constable will be invited to provide faculty perspective on the document. PDC will moderate the discussion and will be in charge of refreshments.

IV. New Business

A. LAUC Taskforce/ Liaison with SIMS C. Lee

Corliss was invited by ExComm to provide background about the SIMS LAUC Taskforce and its charge. This discussion began following questions at the LAUC-B Fall Assembly directed to guest speaker Annalee Saxenian, Dean of SIMS about the potential for a stronger relationship between SIMS and UCB Library School Alumni. Dean Saxenian seemed interested in exploring this further. Corliss explained that as it now stands, the purpose of the Task Force is to facilitate communication between the Library and SIMS and also to facilitate communication between members of the library staff interested in working with SIMS.

ACTION: C.Tarr will seek alumni representatives from Technical Services and the Affiliated Libraries to serve on the Taskforce.

ACTION: The Task Force will submit a report to the LAUC-B Executive Committee by June 1, 2005.

B. LAUC Laptop J. Demeter

The LAUC-B laptop is no longer working. Juliet opened a ticket in the Library Systems Office, but it appears to no longer be under warranty and cannot be repaired. LAUC-B approved the purchase of a new laptop.

ACTION: Juliet will compare prices and report back to ExComm.

V. Other Business C. Tarr

The Townsend Center Research Fellow applications are due by March 31, 2005. A guide to the 2005/ 2006 Application Process and a link to project descriptions from past fellows are available on the LAUC-B website. Librarian Fellow applications will receive an initial review by the LAUC-B Executive Committee, which will forward up to three applications to the Townsend Center Selection Committee for final selection.


Next LAUC-B ExComm meeting will be held on Thursday, February 10, 10am -12pm, Dean's Conference Room, Boalt Hall