LAUC-B Executive Committee 1995/96 (3)
November 16, 1995
10:00-12:00, Room 303 Doe Library
Present: R.Brandt; T.Dean; D.Kearney; C.Kubota; J.Ober;
V.Roumani-Denn; K.Vanden Heuvel (Chair); P.Vanderberg (Secretary)
Absent: B.Glendenning; B.Kornstein, S.McMahon; G.Peete
I. Announcements
K.Vanden Heuvel reported that G.Peete had indicated
that the librarian salary bifurcation issue was non-negotiable
with the UC Office of the President. There was no news on the
status of the LAUC-B budget.
It was announced that in the case of affiliated
librarians that Vice-Chancellor Carol Christ or her designate is
the final decision maker.
III. Fall Assembly
Professor Robert Wilensky, Chair of UCB Computer
Science Dept. and Principal investigator for the UCB Digital
Libraries Project, will be the speaker for the Fall Assembly,
Thursday, November 30, 1995, 8:30-10:00 a.m. K.Vanden Heuvel
will present a review of the year's LAUC activities and announce
plans for the Copyright conference.
IV. LAUC-B budget
There was a discussion of scheduling for the LAUC-B
budget requests. Some consideration was given to building more
flexibility in the allotment and use of funds.
ACTION: C.Kubota and K.Vanden Heuvel will
investigate the possibility of using unspent LAUC-B funds for
purposes of research and professional development activities.
V. Digital Library
In response to Margaret Gordon's request for comment
on questions concerning the digital library, John Ober will send
a inventory of digital library projects at UCB. Individual
responses will be encouraged from the LAUC-B membership.
ACTION: J.Ober and V.Roumani-Denn will plan a series
of LAUC-B earlybird programs in conjunction with LAUC-B Committee
on Research and Professional Development to outline the players
and iniatives on digital libraries.
VI. Letter to Vice-Chancellor
LAUC-B is considering sending a letter to Vice-
Chancellor concerning the status of librarians in view of the
bifurcation of salaries and funding of information technology
projects. Suggestions and ideas from the LAUC-B membership are
VII. Copyright Conference
Planning is proceeding with the Copyright Conference.
It has support from the Townsend Center, the Law School, and the
School of Information Management and Systems. Corporate
sponsorship is being sought. Possible speakers are Pam
Samuelson, Jane Ginsburgh. Howard Besser is serving as an
advisor. K.Vanden Heuvel and M.Levy are seeking volunteers for
planning committees.