LAUC-B Executive Committee Minutes 5/3/95

LAUC-B Executive Committee 1994/95 (9)
May 3, 1995
10:00-11:00, Room 303


Present: I.Arguelles; M.Burnette (temp. recorder); E.Byrne, P.Janes; 
D.Kearney; B.Kornstein (Chair); L.Leighton; G.Peete.

Absent: C.Eckman; K.Frohmberg; B.Glendenning; L.Osegueda; V.Roumani-Denn; 
K.Vanden Heuvel.

I.    Announcements

1. I.Arguelles stated that CAPA had met with P.Lyman to discuss the 
peer review process.  A further meeting will follow.

2. The Statewide Assembly will take place May 19 at the Berkeley 
Conference Center.  B.Kornstein, K. Vanden Heuvel, K.Frohmberg, 
and C.Eckman, K.Frohmberg and will represent LAUC-B.

3. B.Kornstein will poll LAUC-B Executive Committee members about 
the necessity of holding a June meeting.  If one takes place, it 
will occur on June 7.

II.   Approval of Minutes.  The minutes for the April 19 Executive 
Committee were approved as amended.

III.  Townsend Librarian Fellow recommendation--B.Kornstein

An ad hoc committee consisting of the current and past LAUC-B 
Chairs and the current Townsend Fellow discussed the 
applications and recommended to the Executive Committee that 
Terry Huwe's name be forwarded to the Townsend Center.  The 
Executive Committee endorsed the selection.  

ACTION:  B.Kornstein will modify the Chair's Calendar to add the 
composition of a screening committee for the selection of the 
Townsend Library Fellow.  She will also change the annual 
announcement to emphasize the ability to work collegially with the 
other fellows and to represent LAUC-B effectively.

IV.   Professional development/travel guidelines, continuation of discussion--B.Kornstein  
In their regular meeting with S.Rosenblatt, B.Kornstein and K.Vanden- 
Heuvel conveyed the LAUC-B Executive Committee's desire to retain 
the new model of distributing LAUC professional development 
funds.  S.Rosenblatt reiterated P.Lyman's desire to see this 
funding handled on a competitive basis.  The Executive 
Committee discussion focused on the need to be efficient in the 
distribution of these funds. The Executive Committee agreed that 
the LAUC-B procedures should remain the same and suggested that
the administration could institute competitive measures for its
portion of development/travel funding.  

ACTION: B.Kornstein will solicit membership input on the issue at 
the LAUC-B Spring Assembly.  

V.    Peer review streamlining report, continuation of discussion--B.Kornstein 
B.Kornstein has asked A.Youmans for a brief report of the 
recommendations of the Task Force on Streamlining the Peer Review 
Process which will be distributed to the membership before the 
Spring Assembly.  The Executive Committee discussed other ideas for 
streamlining such as prohibiting the solicitation of letters for 
normal merit reviews, limiting the length of self-evaluations,
and halting the practice of having all seven CAPA members read each 

ACTION: B.Kornstein will solicit membership input at the Spring 

VI.   LAUC-B Spring Assembly final agenda planning--B.Kornstein

P.Lyman has agreed to speak about his vision of the future of 
librarianship.  In addition will the the usual reports and 
discussion of development/travel funding and the peer review process.
If time permits, B.Kornstein will also lead a discussion of the 
Academic Services Team Report.

VII.  Statewide committee reports, preparation for the LAUC Statewide Assembly--B.Kornstein 
The LAUC-B Executive Committee endorsed the recommendation of the LAUC 
Committee on Professional Governance that the report on annual 
librarian peer review statistics be discontinued.

On the issue of campus use of substitute librarians, the LAUC-B
Executive Committee supports the LAUC Professional Governance 
Committee recommendations.  On the issue of temporary librarians, 
B. Kornstein will raise the possibility that campuses are relying 
on such hires because they cannot recruit for permanent positions.

NEXT MEETING:  Wednesday, July 26, 10-12, Room 303 Main Library