LAUC-B Executive Committee 1994/95 (7)
February 15, 1995
Present: I.Arguelles; M.Burnette; E.Byrne; C.Eckman (recorder);
D.Fortner; K.Frohmberg; B.Glendenning; P.Janes; D.Kearney;
B.Kornstein (Chair); L.Leighton; Laura Osegueda; G.Peete; V.Roumani-Denn.
Guest: Andrea Sevetson.
I. Announcements
A. B. Kornstein encouraged Committee members to attend the
upcoming workshop sponsored by the LAUC Committee on Cultural Diversity
on March 24th at Berkeley. The title is "Promoting Dialogue in a
Multicultural Library Setting."
B. The LAUC Statewide Spring Assembly will be held at the
Berkeley Conference Center on May 19. Peter Lyman is one of the
potential speakers. The LAUC Executive Board will meet on May 18.
II. Minutes for the January 18 meeting approved with revisions.
III. Reports
A. Chair's update. B.Kornstein reported that she has spoken with
Alice Youman regarding progress of the Task Force on Streamlining the
Peer Review Process. The Task Force's recommendations will be available
in May.
B. LAUC Statewide Research & Professional Development (RPD)
Committee. G.Peete reported that 5 research proposals have been received
in response to the second call (including one resubmitted from the first
round). The proposals are currently being reviewed by local LAUC
committees. RPD will meet at Berkeley in two weeks to make recommendations.
C. LAUC-B Nominating & Elections Committee. A.Sevetson announced
the results of the recent special election and bylaws ballot. Kathleen
Vanden Heuvel was elected as Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect. The proposed bylaws
revisions were adopted. A call will be going out shortly seeking
volunteers to stand for election or for appointment to LAUC-B committees.
D. CAPA. I.Arguelles reported that CAPA has sent its proposed
list of ad hoc review committees to Peter Lyman (for Library reviews) and
the Vice-Chancellor (for Affiliate reviews).
E. Library Web Development. M.Burnette reported that CIRG
discussed the Library Web Development Team report and that the topic will
be on the agenda for an upcoming Collection Specialists Council meeting.
E.Byrne reported that two selectors--Debby Sommer and Terry Huwe--have
been working directly with the Web Development Team, apparently for
several weeks.
IV. 1995/96 University budget: librarian salaries.
B.Kornstein led the discussion of Beverly Renford's draft letter
to Judson King. The Committee endorsed the letter. When published,
B.Kornstein will be sure that copies are forwarded to Peter Lyman and
Carol Christ. D.Kearney and K.Frohmberg will make sure there is broad
distribution of the letter among the Affiliated Libraries and their
research units, including all review initiators.
V. Cultural Diversity Committee.
The Committee reviewed a recent proposal from the Cultural
Diversity Committee to expand their charge to include oversight of
ethnic studies collection development activities in the Main
Library. Based on information provided by the Research Services &
Collection Development Department, the Executive Board felt that
adequate checks were already in place with regard to collection
development in this area. B.Kornstein will convey the Committee's
specific concerns to the Cultural Diversity Committee Chair.
VI. P. Lyman visit--followup discussion
The composition of the nine proposed Strategic Planning Task
Forces was raised. LAUC should be represented within all the groups, but
in particular on the Academic Services group which focuses on the
organization of the Library's academic staff.