Executive Committee Minutes 1/18/95

LAUC-B Executive Committee 1994/95 (6)
January 18, 1995

Present:  I.Arguelles;  M.Burnette; E.Byrne; C.Eckman (recorder);
D.Fortner; K.Frohmberg; B.Glendenning; P.Janes; D.Kearney;
B.Kornstein (Chair); L.Leighton;  Laura Osegueda; V.Roumani-Denn.

Absent: D.Fortner; G.Peete.

Guests: Bill Benemann; Peter Lyman.

I.   Announcements.

A. L.Leighton has sent a copy of the Omega Report to the
Chronicle of Higher Education.  He will keep the Committee
posted on the publisher's response.

B. The LAUC Statewide election has been set for June 7. 
LAUC-B members are not eligible this year for Secretary or
Vice-President/President-Elect.  Send proposals for these
and other positions to Susan Starr (San Diego), Karen
Andrews (Los Angeles) or Margaret Gordon (Santa Cruz).

C. C.Eckman announced that he has received positive and
negative feedback regarding forwarding the minutes of other
LAUC Divisions to the "lauc@ced" reflector.  The Committee
agreed that these minutes should continue to be distributed
to the LAUC-B membership.  Executive Committee members who
have agreed to review specific Division minutes will continue to
monitor them for possible LAUC-B Executive Committee discussion:
--B.Glendenning (Riverside, Los Angeles)
--M.Burnette (Irvine, Santa Barbara)
--L.Leighton (Santa Cruz)
--D.Fortner (Davis)
--V.Roumani-Denn (San Diego)
--E.Byrne (San Francisco)

D. B.Kornstein is getting Library Council minutes in paper. 
These minutes will be sent out as an attachment to CU News.

E. B.Kornstein reported that she has not yet received a
report from the Task Force on Streamlining the Peer Review
Process.  She will check into the Task Force's progress.

F. Librarian IV/Librarian V Review Guidelines.  B.Kornstein 
asked I.Arguelles whether CAPA could create specific wording   
for the needed changes to the APM that will change this
review from a mandatory to an optional review.  I.Arguelles
agreed to work on this.

G. B.Kornstein mentioned that three "strategic initiatives"  
documents were distributed a recent Library Managers Group
meeting.  A fourth initiative relating to the electronic
library may be out shortly.  These documents represent a
follow-up to the "reality checks" documents published
earlier.  All documents are going to be available on InfoLib
and the Library Web.  The possibility of discussing these
documents at the February Executive Committee meeting was
discussed, but the feeling was that February will be too
late for LAUC to have a real impact on the initiatives.  The
real deadline for input is late February when Peter Lyman
will present these initiatives to the campus Administration. 

H. V.Roumani-Denn reported on highlights from the latest 
LAUC-SD meeting minutes, including their work on streamlining the
peer review process.  Their proposals may be useful to the LAUC-B
Task Force working in this area.

II.  Minutes.  The December Executive Committee minutes were
approved as amended.

III. Reports.

A.   Statewide Executive Board Meeting (B.Kornstein). 
1. The LAUC Archives group has been formed and Bill
Roberts is the LAUC-B representative.

2. The Board's March meeting will be via

B.   Chair's Activities since December (B.Kornstein). 
1. The Chair has contacted Bill Whitson regarding the 
Executive Committee's concerns about the LAUC-B
retrenchment survey findings.  He has confirmed that    
the source data for questions six and eight are still   
available and agreed to do the requested correlations.

2. The Chair attended a Collections & Information  
Resources Group meeting regarding the Library Web  
Development Team's December report.  The discussion did 
focus on delineating the professional librarian aspects 
of web document preparation, the differences between    
data ownership for local versus remote documents, the   
issue of the use of statewide CDC selector affinity
groups for a statewide web rather than a UCB web, and   
workload issues relating to the serious decline in the  
number of selectors at UCB during the past four years.  
David Farrell is willing to propose direct selector and 
CIRG representation on the Web Development Team.

C.   CAPA Report (closed session).  I.Arguelles reported on
issues relating to the hiring process for a new UCB

IV.  UC Academic Council domestic partners proposal.

Bill Benemann (Chair, LAUC-B Cultural Diversity Committee)
presented the UC Academic Council proposal which focussed on
offering domestic partnership benefits for same-sex couples. 
Subsequently, the UC General Counsel has recommended that
domestic partnership benefits be extended to couples regardless
of sex to avoid any legal action based on discrimination.  The
Committee approved the concept of implementing domestic
partnership benefits.

ACTION:  B.Kornstein will send a letter endorsing the
proposal on behalf of LAUC-B to Beverly Renford.

V.   Meeting with University Librarian Lyman.

B.Kornstein welcomed the new Librarian and provided a
background on the roles and functions of LAUC.  CAPA's role
as a partner in the peer review process was highlighted. 
Peter Lyman provided some background on his experiences with
the review process at the University of Southern California.
He thinks investment in the training and development of its
librarians is one of the most important strategic initiatives a
library can make.

Peter Lyman is working with Paul Evan Peters on an EDUCOM    
white paper dealing with copyright in the context of digital
libraries.  The focus is creating CONTU-like guidelines for
digital libraries.   (CONTU: Commission on New Technological
Uses)   He is also working with the Commission on Preservation
and Access, a group including representatives of 13 major
research libraries, on a project that involves developing
consistent standards for digital libraries.

Peter Lyman reviewed the Library's serious budgetary
situation which involves a large "structural deficit".  He
is following a four-prong strategy:

1. Intense analysis of the budget looking for all possible   
places to trim nonessential expenses.
2. Looking for systemic efficiencies.
3. Looking for places where investment in technology can
create efficiencies in productivity.  For example, UCLA
saved approximately $100,000 by automating patron holds and  
4. New sources of revenue.  E.g., enterprises such as Copy 
Services and document delivery.

Peter Lyman welcomed the Executive Committee's input in this 
area in particular, because he is seeking solutions from
representative bodies within the Library.

Next Meeting:  Wednesday, February 15, 10am-12am, Main Library
Room 303.