LAUC-B Executive Committee 1994/95 (1)
August 17, 1994
Present:M.Burnette, E.Byrne (outgoing Chair), C.Eckman (recorder),
D.Fortner, K.Frohmberg, B.Glendenning, G.Handman, T.Huwe, B.Kornstein
(incoming Chair), P.Janes, D.Kearney, L.Leighton, L.Osegueda, G.Peete,
I. Welcome New Members/Thanks to Retiring Members
1.Call for Research Proposals.The deadline for submission of
applications is October 7.Requests for applicationpackets can be sent
to C.Eckman.
2.LAUC Statewide Transition Meeting.The meeting will be heldAugust
19th.The Chair solicited feedback on two agendatopics:
a.LAUC history publication.A commercial publisher has not been
found.Questions being discussed are thepossibility of editing the
material, binding options, publication on-demand by LAUC itself.Copies
are in the LSL collection and in the Bancroft LAUC Archives.
b.Committee on Professional Governance Report.Recommendation
Regarding Adding Steps to the Librarian Rank.Discussion focussed on
whether the fiscal impacts had been addressed, whether the proposal was
feasible in the current economic climate, whether scarce funds should be
allocated to hiring new librarians.The proposal addresses incentive
concerns arising most often at other UC campuses where a higher
percentage of librarians have reached the top step in the Librarian rank.
This proposal would take many years to implement and the economic
climate may have improvedconsiderably by the time it would be implemented.
3. There will be a reception for the four Berkeley interns
participating in the federally-funded Training Institute for Science
Librarians on Friday, September 23rd in the Morrison Library a 4pm.LAUC
members are strongly encouraged to attend.
4. The Committee expressed appreciation of the Chair's leadership
during the past year.
III. Minutes.The July Executive Committee minutes were approved pending
incorporation of the Chair's comments.
IV. Continuing Business
1. Goals.The LAUC-B Goals 1994/95 document was reviewed.Minor
revisions were suggested.A responsible individual or committee was
identified for each set of goals.
ACTION:E.Byrne will make appropriate revisions.
2. Travel Allocation Procedures.G.Peete presented the latest travel
guidelines draft, including a review of the document's background. The
document presents streamlined procedures for soliciting applications,
determining and allocating funds, obtaining reimbursement, and fund
ACTION:Executive Committee members should send comments to
G.Peete who will incorporate into a revised draft for consideration at the
next Committee meeting.
3. Job Descriptions for Officers.Draft job descriptions for the
positions of LAUC-B Chair, Vice-Chair and Secretary-Treasurer were discussed.
ACTION:Executive Committee members should send comments to
E.Byrne and B.Kornstein, who will incorporate them into the job descriptions.
4. Guidelines for Use of Laptop.Guidelines on the use of the two
LAUC-B laptops were reviewed and several suggestions offerred.
ACTIONS:E.Byrne will revise the guidelines in accordance with
the Committee's suggestions.C.Eckman will document the software
available on both laptops and explore possibility for installing automatic
virus detection software on both laptops.
5. Omega Report Update.L.Leighton distributed final copies of the
LAUC/LAG Task Force on Effective Allocation of Staff (Library Omega)
Report.The Committee suggested the Report be forwarded to the new
Vice-Chancellor, Carol Christ.
ACTION:B.Kornstein will ask Sue Rosenblatt for LAG's consent to
forward a copy to Carol Christ.
V.New Business
1. Future Directions for LAUC-B, 1994/95.B.Kornstein thanked E.Byrne
for her leadership of LAUC-B during 1993/94 that set a standard for
pro-active professional librarian involvement on several fronts.In
particular, she drew attention to LAUC's initiatives in the Library Omega
Report and setting standards for branch consolidation as two important
examples of LAUC-B's potential.She asked Executive Committee members
be think of similar issues where LAUC-B can establish a credible
presence.She also asked the Committee to be thinking of ways in which
LAUC can take a leadership role.
2. Slate of Candidates for Committees for 1994/95.Candidates proposed
statewide committees by the Nominating and Elections Committee were
3. Mentoring forTraining Institute for Science Librarians.Carlos
Delgado is seeking LAUC mentors for the three, possibly four, participants
in the Training Institute.The issue of finding mentors who match the
ethnic/racial background of the individual participants was discussed,
with a particular focus on the desirability and feasibility of such an
ACTION:L.Osegueda will work with the the three-four program
participants on locating mentors.
4. Budget.The twin issues of the LibraryUs emerging structural
deficit and current discussions in ManagerUs Group and LAG on alternatives
for eliminating the deficit were discussed.Several questions regarding
the budget shortfalls were raised.The Committee agreed that this might
be an area in which LAUC-B could--with some additional
information--provide useful input on reshaping the Library budget.
ACTION:V.Roumani-Denn will draft a set of questions that can be
addressed to LAG and distribute them to the Executive Committee via e-mail
for comment.B.Kornstein and L.Osegueda will meet with Sue Rosenblatt to
discuss the questions with a focus on next yearUs budget process.
5. Meeting dates.B.Kornstein asked all Committee members to reserve
the first Wednesday of each month as a possible meeting date depending on
agenda size.
Next Meeting: Wednesday, September 21, 1994, 10am-12 noon, Doe 322.