LAUC-B Executive Committee 1993-94 (12)
May 18, 1994
Present: E. Byrne (chair), G. Handman, P. Janes, K.
Frohmberg, L. Leighton, M. Cochran (recorder), L. Castillo-
Speed, G. Peete, B. Kornstein, M. Burnette
Absent: T. Huwe
Guest: A. Youmans, C. Delgado, R. Lhermitte
I. Announcements and Additions to Agenda
1. Update on UL Search- E. Byrne reported that
approximately 70-80 potential candidates have been
contacted. Approximately 20 have indicated they will apply
for the UL position. A preliminary screening committee
consisting of Faulhaber, Weil and Rosenmeyer has been formed
to review the applications using the criteria in the job
description to narrow the applicant pool. The entire Search
Committee will then select the candidates to be interviewed.
Interviews will probably cover a 1.5 - 2-day period.
2. Highlights from Statewide LAUC Meeting, May 5-6
LAUC Statewide is in the process of establishing a statewide
listserv and gopher. T. Huwe is assisting in mounting the
Statewide listserv. The gopher from the Office of the
President, will house all LAUC Statewide documents.
Guidelines will be issued.
The LAUC history may be published by LAUC on a subscription
basis because no commercial publisher is interested.
Statewide ballots have been sent out. The deadline for
divisional secretaries to return them to the LAUC Secretary
is June 10.
LAUC President, J. Wilson reminded LAUC division chairs to
discuss statewide issues at divisional Ex Com meetings.
A letter will be sent from LAUC regarding APM 615. The
final version of APM 615 will be distributed to LAUC
Statewide LAUC continues to work on a budget plan in the
face of additional cuts. Because of cuts, LAUC cannot
afford 2 assemblies, so it was voted to eliminate the Fall
Assembly, but send forth to the Office of the President a
plea for additional money, explaining the impact of the
cuts. Berkeley may have to host the Spring Assembly. Two
plans were discussed: 1. if there is no extra money, the
Fall Assembly will be canceled; 2. if there is extra money
to hold a Fall Assembly, Berkeley will host it and the
Spring Assembly will be held down south. To save money,
assemblies will be held at campuses easiest to get to, such
as, Berkeley, UCLA and Irvine. A Local Arrangements
committee will be appointed as soon as dates are confirmed.
A budget of $400 is available if we have to reserve an off
campus meeting site. Names of volunteers for the Local
Arrangements Committee should be sent to E. Byrne.
Copies of Vice President Massey's report regarding the cost
of service to external library users will be distributed to
all LAUC members and the Senate Library Committee.
Reports from all LAUC Committees were reviewed. However,
Statewide is waiting for a response from the Office of the
President on the Minority Internship Program. There was
unanimous support for the program from the Library Council
and LAUC.
There was a lot of discussion about the Cultural Diversity
Workshop held at UCR. There was some negative feedback on
the workshop, stating that it focused mainly on collection
development instead of bibliographic instruction, reference,
and effectively and sensitively dealing with diverse groups,
as advertised. Nevertheless, it was a financial success due
to multiple sponsorships and donations. C. Delgado, Chair
of the LAUC-B Cultural Diversity Committee, has been invited
to an Ex Com meeting to share his opinion of the workshop
and whether it would be feasible to host a similar workshop
in the north next year. LAUC divisions were asked to look at
their appointees to Cultural Diversity Committees with an
eye to broadening them to include more than ethnic studies
librarians. It is felt that the focus is too much on
collection development.
The Professional Governance Committee report prompted
discussion on the creation of steps beyond Librarian V.
Questions include how to do this in relation to the
structure already in place; and would 5 still be the most
difficult level or should this be reexamined and step 8 made
the highest. LAUC divisions are to discuss this issue and
report back to statewide.
Position paper no. 6 did not pass. It was tabled.
The transitional meeting for the LAUC Executive Board is
scheduled for August 19 in Oakland at the Office of the
Friday at the Assembly, Sandra Smith, Assistant Vice
President, UC Office of the President, in charge of policy
analysis and capital planning, talked about general planning
for the University. She reports to Massey and he is
emphasizing planning, budgeting and focusing on lobbying at
the local level. Smith talked about The Master Plan for
Higher Education 1960,its results and future; the California
Business Higher Education Forum which involves working with
local business people in public relations, not just fund
raising, and Judd King's new position, which includes
responsibility for libraries. Smith also mentioned the work
of the Academic Planning Council (the agenda for Council
meetings are available on the UC Office of the President
gopher and are sent to LAUC representatives). LAUC
President Wilson forwards the Council agenda to divisional
chairs who then forward them to the membership. This gives
LAUC an opportunity for input.
Wilson gave the President's report and mentioned some
changes in the Office of the President. G. Lawrence is
still in charge of library issues. Lawrence discussed the
work he did on the report on library use by external users.
It cost 21 million dollars a year for external users to
borrow materials and use reference service. This
information may not get the Library a budget increase, but
it will provide the campus administration with a weapon to
guard against further cuts. No new funds for libraries was
requested in the 94/95 budget. There may be some benefit for
inflation and some fee increases for the general fund which
will come to the library. State funds are given to the
Chancellors for their discretionary use and libraries need
to lobby the Chancellors. There is some possibility of a
one-time special funding for libraries. Analysts
recommended that excess hospital funds be used for library
operations. Hospitals do not agree with this proposal and
no decisions have been made.
Myron Okata, Personnel Office, stated that the University
will restore salary cuts, effective July 1. If the
Governor's budget passes, it will include 5% raises across
the board beginning January 1. However, another plan would
be to get 2 1/2% increases by July 1. It was suggested that
instead of across the board raises the money should be
pooled for merit increases. This has not been decided. It
has not been decided if merit recipients for 91/92 will
finally get their pay increases. Thirty-six per cent of
eligible faculty took the most recent VERIP. Academic
merits for 94/95 are in the budget, effective July 1.
Six applications (out of 7) were granted research awards.
ACTION: P. Janes will forward the research award
announcement to lauc@ced.
II. Minutes- approved as written.
III. New Business
1. CAPA Issues
CAPA Chair L. Castillo-Speed gave an update on issues
regarding review cases and the number of cases CAPA has
received and acted on this year. The committee identified 40
1993/94 cases the beginning of the year. The committee meets
every week to discuss cases. There is still a problem with
receiving delayed cases from the Librarian's Office. To
insure the timely receipt of dossiers, it was suggested that
a copy of the Berkeley procedures section on the
consequences of submitting cases late be sent to D. Gregor
so she could remind AULs. An e-mail of what is sent to
review initiators regarding late cases was distributed.
The CAPA office does not have an electrical outlet so it's
difficult for the committee to make use of the new laptop
ACTION: E. Byrne will request a new electrical outlet be
installed in the CAPA room.
2. Streamlining Peer Review Task Force Update- A. Youmans,
A. Youmans distributed a draft questionnaire that will be
sent to LAUC-B members. The purpose of the task force is to
identify those parts of the review procedures that are not
working efficiently and to seek creative suggestions for
simplifying the system where appropriate. Youmans stated
that the goal of the survey is to give staff an opportunity,
in a confidential way, to air their concerns about the peer
review process, problems and ideas for improvement.
ACTION: Ex Com will review the survey and send comments to
A. Youmans by Friday, May 20.
3. Proposal for Bylaws Change- R. Lhermitte
E. Byrne opened the discussion by providing some background
information on the changes LAUC-B would like to see and how
this may necessitate a bylaws change. LAUC-B would like to
propose a new position for treasurer. Currently, the
position is secretary/treasurer in one position. The change
was to be included on the current ballot, but since the
duties of the treasurer and secretary have to be written,
there wasn't enough time. E. Byrne turned this segment of
the meeting over to R. Lhermitte to further explain the
process and the implications on the overall bylaws.
Lhermitte informed the committee of critical decisions to be
made regarding the proposal. A decision has to be made
whether the treasurer position will be elected or appointed
from members at large. Other ramifications for the Ex Com
were presented and discussed. In addition, the question was
raised as to whether we need 12 members on LAUC Ex Com since
the total number of librarians has decreased. With only 109
LAUC-B members, is an Executive Committee of 12 members--11%
of the membership-- too large?
Lhermitte informed Ex Com that LAUC-B demands a 2/3 majority
of those casting votes to pass bylaws. Berkeley has a
higher standard than other UC campuses. Statewide requires
a simple majority. It was agreed that Berkeley would
maintain its standard.
ACTION: E. Byrne will discuss the proposed treasurer
position with S. Rosenblatt. Until then the bylaws
change was tabled.
4. Report on UCR Cultural Diversity Workshop- C. Delgado
C. Delgado distributed a written summary and financial
statement on the workshop. He reported that the workshop
was worthwhile. The keynote speaker adressed research trends
and issues in cultural diversity. At the Statewide Cultural
Diversity Committee meeting, it was decided to recommend to
LAUC Ex Com that the workshop be repeated in the north at
Berkeley or Davis. The final cost of the UCR workshop,
excluding registration, was $2061. If repeated, it has been
suggested that Professor Renato Rosaldo, Stanford
University, be asked to speak and the afternoon session
would focus on electronic resources, the internet and cd-rom
5. Diners Club Card- In order to assist UCB professional
staff with their travel arrangements, the campus has
negotiated a contract with Diners Club. Applications for
the Diners Club card were sent to UCB staff, but not
librarians. Since the campus will be using the Diners Club
cards for travel advances, librarians will need them.
ACTION: E. Byrne will write a letter requesting that
librarians receive Diners Club cards.
IV. Continuing Business
1. Goals
E. Byrne distributed assignments for goals. She and P.
Janes revised the draft and incorporated comments from
committees. Each Ex Com member was assigned a section of
the goals to review, rewrite or expand and assign to a LAUC-
B Committee if appropriate. Revisions are to be sent via e-
mail to Ex Com members and presented at the June 15 Ex Com
2. Budget
M. Cochran presented a budget report on current LAUC-B
expenses through March 30, 1994 based on the carryover
balance from 1992/93. The current balance is $9571.69. This
report supersedes the February budget report.
Meeting adjourned.
Next Meeting: Wednesday, June 15, 1994, 10-12 noon, 322,
Doe Library