Executive Committee Minutes 4/6/94

LAUC-B Executive Committee  1993-94  (10)
April 6, 1994

Present:  P. Janes, G. Handman, L. Osegueda, B. Kornstein,
L. Leighton, L. Castillo-Speed, T. Huwe, M. Cochran
(recorder), E. Byrne (chair), G. Peete

Absent:  M. Burnette, K. Frohmberg

I.   Announcements and Additions to Agenda

E. Byrne's meeting with Sue Rosenblatt:  Because CAPA has
not received any cases to review, the AULs were asked to
review and forward any cases they may be holding.  (Since
then, CAPA has received several dossiers to review).

Update on LAUC-B goals:  E. Byrne asked LAUC-B committee
chairs to have their committees review and comment on the Ex
Com goals. Only a few committees have responded.  The
committees play a key role in our accomplishing these goals
so feedback is important.  E. Byrne will present the LAUC-B
goals to the Library Managers Group at their May 3 meeting.

E. Byrne sent a thank you note to Rosenblatt and the Library
Administrative Group for the financial supplement to the
LAUC-B travel fund.  Ex Com will review the travel
procedures this summer and in order to further streamline
the process will, most likely, adopt a flat rate funding

Budget Update:  A second portable computer has been ordered
primarily for use by CAPA. Both computers will be available
for loan to other LAUC-B members providing they make
arrangements with the primary user and be responsible for
securing the equipment. Loan requests will be approved on a
first come basis.  When the new computer arrives, an e-mail
message will be sent out to lauc@ced.  The total operating
budget plus some of the carryover is almost depleted.  This
is primarily due to the purchase of a second computer and
providing honoraria for LAUC-B program speakers.  There is a
possibility that the carryover amount from last year maybe
incorrect. G. Peete and M. Cochran will compare budget
reports to determine any inaccuracies.

Expenses for the Distinguished Librarian Award were
discussed.  The expenses for the event will be approximately
$4000. There is a concern that the budget will not be
sufficient. Because the ceremony will occur next fiscal
year, E. Byrne will include funding for the DLA in next
year's budget request.  

Travel funding:  G. Peete will send out a reminder asking
staff to let him know if they have not used their travel
funds so that the money can be reallocated.  Peete stated
that it would be helpful to have a cut-off date for when
funds can be reallocated and ideas on how to reallocate.  It
was decided that Peete would send out an e-mail stating that
travel reimbursements must be submitted within 10 days after
travel is completed or funds will be reallocated.  New
librarians will be eligible for remaining funds first,
everyone else on a first come basis.  Funding amounts will
be based on the existing travel guidelines.

ACTION:   G. Peete will provide suggestions on how to 
determine a flat rate allocation at the next Ex       
Com meeting.

Statewide Ex Com Meeting: E. Byrne reported on the March 16
LAUC Statewide teleconference.  Several reports were
distributed.  They will be made available to the Ex Com. One
favorable outcome of the LAUC Fall Assembly meeting with
Massey is that he has received information on non-UC use of
UC libraries.  Gary Lawrence and Calvin Moore, Office of the
President, put together a report for Massey which stated
that  12% (approximately $21 million)of the UC budget goes
to supporting activities related to the use of libraries by
non-UC.  The LAUC President, J. Wilson, will distribute the
document when it has been completed.

Three vice chairs have been appointed for next year's
committees:  Becky Lhermitte (UCB), Committee on Committees;
Debbie Murphy (UCSC), Library Plans and Policies; and Lucia
Snowhill (UCSB), Professional Governance.

The Professional Governance Committee has sent out a shorter
version of a survey as a follow up to the one sent out last
year regarding a Study of Peer Review in a Period of
Retrenchment.  E. Byrne encouraged all LAUC-B members to
complete and return the survey.

LAUC President Wilson chastised Division Chairs for not
responding to issues and for not distributing their minutes. 
The LAUC-B secretary distributes the minutes according to
the guidelines.

Changes in the Office of the President-  Calvin Moore will
return to a faculty position on July 1.  Judson King, now
UCB Provost of the professional schools, will be in charge
of research, but it's not clear if he will have any
responsibility for the Library.  Gary Lawrence will continue
working with the Library. LAUC Statewide is revising its
guide to the Office of the President.  A major problem
facing LAUC is another budget cut.  There are plans for an
additional 10% cut to the LAUC budget on top of last year's
10% cut.  There is not enough money for secretarial help,
copying and minimal travel.  There was discussion about
eliminating one Statewide Assembly per year, but it was felt
that this should be a last resort.

LAUC statewide budget questions:  LAUC is investigating ways
to save money.  The main expense is related to travel for
meetings, Ex Board and Statewide Assemblies.  One option is
to suspend the Fall Assembly and only have one assembly a
year.  (The cost is $10,000 for two assemblies a year and
$5-6,000 for one).  There is nothing in the bylaws that
prohibits this, but the change must be done soon before too
much work is done by the host campus,UC Davis.  

Another option is for committee membership to be selected on
the basis of location.  Half of the members would be in the
same region and meet on a regular basis.  The rest would
work by e-mail and consulting.  Most of the committee
meetings could be teleconferences which LAUC currently does
not pay for.  Another option is to have teleconference Ex
Com Board meetings more frequently than once or twice a
year.  Ex Com Board meetings and assemblies can be scheduled
at the larger, easier to get to campuses in the north and

E. Byrne asked for committee suggestions.  It was suggested
that Statewide experiment with a combination of these ideas
keeping in mind that not having the Fall Assembly may lessen
the cohesion of LAUC,  and that being able to see co-workers
enhances collegiality.  Scheduling meetings and assemblies
to coincide with national conferences such as SLA and ALA
would save travel cost.  If meetings are limited to regions,
there may be a decrease in committee participation.  LAUC-B
recommends that as an experiment in 1995, Statewide suspend
the Fall Assembly.

ACTION:   E. Byrne will respond to LAUC Statewide that as a
cost saving measure, LAUC-B Ex Com would prefer to
continue two assemblies in combination with some
of the above suggestions, but support
experimenting with scheduling one assembly for one

UC Irvine has volunteered to host a statewide listserv and
volunteers are needed to get it mounted.  Those interested
in volunteering should contact J. Wilson.

Cultural Diversity,  Minority Librarian Internship Program. 
Library Council is strongly in support of continuing the
program. J. Wilson is working with Marilyn Sharrow, Chair of
Library Council, to draft a letter to the Office of the
President.  Copies of the letter will be sent to LAUC
Divisions.  J. Wilson will write a letter of support from
LAUC Statewide.  Divisions are not to send letters because
consensus is more important than quantity at this point.

There were reports from other divisions; everybody's doing
similar things,for example, other divisions are drafting

Bylaws:  Becky Lhermitte is to provide information to be
included on the ballot because LAUC-B bylaws are not in
accordance with Statewide.  She will contact E. Byrne to
have the bylaws information included in the election.  A
brief discussion ensued regarding a new position of
treasurer for LAUC-B Ex Com.

ACTION:   E. Byrne will consult B. Lhermitte about bylaws
and a proposed treasurer position.

II.  Minutes:  Approved as written unless e-mail corrections
are received in the next two days.

III. Continuing Business

1.   Update on Library Omega- L. Leighton

The committee has added two support staff: Imani Abalos and
Mark Mentges.  The first meeting of the larger group is
April 7.  Discussion will include ratios of faculty to
librarians before VERIP and current criteria for adding new
staff, reallocation vs additional staff, and whether it is
feasible to have another round of rotations to fill
vacancies. In 1989/90, there was an 8/1 faculty to librarian
ratio, now it is 12/1.  According to the faculty Omega,
faculty would like to rebuild the number of faculty to
1,420. Janice Burrows and L. Leighton estimated 115
librarians which means the ratio of faculty to librarian
would remain 12/1.  The committee will determine if this
ratio means anything, and decide how to gather additional

UL Search Committee:  E. Byrne reported that there was no
information available as to why one librarian was appointed
to the University Librarian Search Committee by Vice
Chancellor Heilbron.  A letter to the Vice Chancellor asked
that an additional librarian be appointed, but a response
has not yet been received.  Beth Weil, LAUC-B's
representative to the search committee, attended the initial
meeting where the May 15 deadline for receiving applications
was announced as firm and it is unlikely that it will
change.  B. Weil's role as LAUC-B's representative to the
search committee was discussed.  

E. Byrne will circulate a copy of the letter sent to the
previous UL search committee from LAUC-B Ex Com.  It will be
used as a model in drafting a letter to the current UL
search committee outlining the criteria we would like to see
in the new UL and some of the procedures followed during the

It was suggested that LAUC-B Ex Com sponsor a brown bag
lunch to  discuss issues and concerns regarding the UL
search.  The program would assist B. Weil in gathering
information to share with other members of the search

ACTION:   The LAUC-B Program Committee will plan a brown bag
lunch for late April or early May for staff to discuss the criteria they would like to see in the new UL.        

Additional comments for a letter to the UL Search Committee are to be sent to E. Byrne.

3.   CAPA Update- L. Castillo-Speed

CAPA now has 10 Library and seven Affiliated peer review
cases.  The total will be approximately 40.  The cases are
coming in sporadically.  This compromises the committee's
ability to compare cases and complete its work in a timely

4.   Update on Publicity- G. Peete

An e-mail will be sent to LAUC members as a reminder to send
announcements of professional activities to P. Maughan for
publication in the Berkeleyan.  P. Janes announced that 
LAUC programs are being advertised in the Berkeleyan.

5.   Update on second e-mail list- B. Kornstein

B. Kornstein described the complications she has encountered
while trying to establish a second e-mail list. She
questioned whether we should continue to pursue this idea. 
Following a brief discussion,  it was decided that an
alternative to a second list would be to send an e-mail
message to LAUC members  with a general statement on the
purpose of lauc@ced.

ACTION:  B. Kornstein will send out an announcement on how
lauc@ced is to be used for LAUC related issues and as a
mechanism to communicate to the LAUC constituency on matters
pertaining directly to LAUC-B.

6.   Update on Distinguished Librarian Award- G. Handman

A number of queries have been received and criteria for the
award has been e-mailed to interested individuals. The
deadline for nominations is May 20. 

7.   Nominations and Elections Committee-

In the past, elections have been held on June 1.  This year,
the LAUC-B Spring Assembly and the Statewide Assembly were
held earlier than usual; therefore, slates were presented
earlier.  The question is can elections be held earlier?
According to the bylaws, LAUC-B elections are to be held
prior to the Statewide elections.  Normally, the Statewide
and LAUC-B ballots are sent out at the same time.  The Ex
Com will recommend to the  Nomination Committee that the
LAUC-B elections be held the same time as Statewide
elections to eliminate duplication of effort.

ACTION:   E. Byrne will forward the Ex Com recommendation
regarding when elections are held to J. Tsou,
Chair of LAUC-B Nominations and Elections Committee.

8.   Update on Mentor Program-  L. Osegueda

A lunch for mentors and mentees was held on March 23 at the
Men's Faculty Club. There were more mentees present than
mentors. A second lunch is being planned.  Osegueda is
considering reestablishing the New Librarians Group whose
sole purpose was to bring new librarians together
periodically for an informal lunch and casual conversation.

IV.  New Business

1.   Townsend Librarian Fellow procedures

Two applications have been received and a second reminder
was sent out.  E. Byrne will be out of town the week of the
deadline; G. Handman will be in charge and one other person
will be appointed to work with him.  It was suggested that
written criteria for selection of Fellows be drafted.  The
criteria will serve to answer questions about the selection
process as a means for making a selection. The deadline for
applications is April 15.  LAUC-B Ex Com will make the final
selection decision.  P. Janes volunteered to work with G.

ACTION:   E. Byrne will send out an e-mail indicating that
between now and April 15 applications for the Townsend
Librarian Fellow should be sent to G. Handman.

2.   Questions for Heilbron Meeting

Vice Chancellor Heilbron will be our guest at the May 4 Ex
Com meeting.  Ex Com members are to prepare 1-2 questions
and share them over e-mail prior to the meeting.

Meeting Adjourned.

Next Meeting:  May 4, 10-12 noon, Bancroft Conference Room.