LAUC-B Executive Committee 1993/94 (9) March 2, 1994
Present: T. Huwe, L. Leighton, P. Janes, B. Kornstein, E. Byrne(chair), G. Peete, M. Cochran (recorder), K. Frohmberg, L. Castillo-Speed
Absent: L. Osegueda, G. Handman, M. Burnette
I. Announcements and additions to agenda
1. The LAUC-B Spring Assembly date has been changed from March 24 to March 22 to accommodate the speaker, Associate Chancellor James Hyatt. The location of the meeting is tentatively scheduled for the Morrison Room. Alternative locations are being investigated because the construction noise outside the Morrison Room may be too loud.
ACTION: M. Cochran will continue looking for alternative locations for the Spring Assembly.
E. Byrne will send an e-mail to the LAUC-B membership announcing the date change of the Spring Assembly.
2. The Spring Assembly agenda will include an update of LAUC-B Ex Com activities during the year such as the response to the proposal for the new UCB Library School, LAUC-B's goals, the need for more publicity, UL Search committee, joint LAUC/LAG committee on reallocation of staff, and travel. The Nominations and Elections Committee will present the slate of nominees and there will be committee reports and written report summaries.
ACTION: Additional agenda items are to be sent to E. Byrne.
3. E. Byrne stated that she received several positive comments regarding the Ex Com's response to the report on the future of the Library School. E. Byrne sees this as a sign of appreciation from the membership for what the Ex Com is doing. She also thanked G. Handman for his assistance in writing the response.
Nancy Van House, Acting Dean of the SLIS, was scheduled to speak about the new School of Information Management and Systems at a LAUC program, but her talk was postponed until a decision was made on the future of the school. She was rescheduled for a May 5 Early Bird on this topic.
4. Several forthcoming Ex Com meetings have been rescheduled because E. Byrne will be attending the Statewide LAUC meeting and has other professional obligations that conflict with LAUC-B meeting dates. Also, there have been several cancellations by invited guest due to prior commitments. Note the following changes: Vice Chancellor Heilbron will meet with Ex Com on May 4 and there will be no Ex Com meeting March 16 due to a conflict with the LAUC Statewide meeting. The April 20 meeting has been moved up to April 6 because E. Byrne will be attending a Conference that week.
Ex Com meeting changes may pose a problem for the Nomination and Elections Committee. The slate of nominees are to be presented to the Ex Com prior to being announced at the Spring Assembly. There is no Ex Com meeting scheduled before March 22. An additional Ex Com meeting may be necessary. E. Byrne suggested working by e-mail, but the major problem with this is confidentiality. Working by phone was suggested in lieu of an additional meeting.
ACTION: E. Byrne will consult Judy Tsou, Chair of the Nominations and Elections Committee, to determine if an additional Ex Com meeting is needed. Ex Com members are to reserve the third Wednesday in May in case we need an additional meeting.
4. Minority Librarian Internship status- There was no news to report on this issue. The Statewide Diversity Committee is preparing a response to the Office of the President and LAUC President, J. Wilson, will participate in the discussion at the Library Council meeting. LAUC-B will respond if needed.
5. Report on meeting of Byrne and Kornstein with Sue Rosenblatt- A major portion of the monthly meeting with Rosenblatt was spent discussing ideas regarding LAUC's effectiveness. Rosenblatt suggested several ways LAUC could partner with departments and other campus bodies: joint seminars with the Townsend Center and the Library School, investigate working with Humcomp, a listserve for the humanities consisting of computerized workstations and digital libraries, and work with focus groups that were involved in the strategic planning for the Library. Ex Com may want to meet with the Research and Professional Development Committee to discuss pursuing some of these joint program ideas.
Other topics discussed were upward evaluation, ideas for improving relations with the faculty, publicity for LAUC members, improving LAUC's visibility, involvement with Stanford's SMILE project which is a Media Lab for students and instructors to prepare papers and lectures at a workstation using multimedia formats such as filmstrips, slides, and digitized images. Another idea suggested for LAUC involvement was a joint project with faculty to teach students and faculty about library resources and instructional technology such as downloading information to use in graphic presentations. E. Byrne will present Ex Com goals to the Library Managers Group on May 3.
ACTION: In a subsequent meeting with Rosenblatt, EB will ask for suggestions on what can be done to have peer review dossiers reviewed in the Librarian's Office at a faster rate.
II. Minutes- February 16 minutes were approved with corrections.
III. Continuing Business
1. Update on Joint LAG/LAUC Staffing Task Force- Leighton, Kornstein, and Byrne met with the Library Administrative Group (LAG) to talk about ideas regarding the task force. Rosenblatt suggested a Steering Committee whose members are Leighton, Byrne, Janice Burrows, and Jeff Pudewell (to represent LAG). The Steering Committee met last week and focused on two issues: 1) determining the prime number of library staff and how to determine this number and 2) which positions need recruitment, which positions might be obtained from reallocation and in what priority.
The group will use existing statistical spreadsheets and incorporate ARL and other comparative information to help determine our prime number. Leighton distributed copies of the task force's goals. The Task Force will begin to meet with LAG regularly starting March 17. It has not been decided whether or not the Task Force will deal only with librarian positions. Presently, the group is leaning towards a comprehensive approach that will include all levels of staff.
2. Follow up on travel funds for VERIPees- G. Peete One travel request was submitted from a librarian on VERIP recall status. The request was received after the deadline which makes it ineligible for funding. The e-mail E. Byrne sent out describing the general principles of LAUC travel funding still stands.
3. Questions for Heilbron and Hyatt- Questions for Heilbron and Hyatt are to be shared via e-mail at least a week prior to their meetings with the Ex Com. Ideas for Hyatt to address in his talk are also welcomed.
ACTION: E. Byrne will send out reminders to the LAUC membership regarding meeting date changes.
IV. New Business
1. Upward evaluation- E. Byrne asked for volunteers to work on this issue. Two librarians who worked on this issue initially are recalled employees and will not be able to commit the necessary time to continue with this project. If there are no volunteers, she will ask P. Maughan.
2. Honoraria for Guest speaker- The Research and Professional Development Committee and the Cultural Diversity Committee will co-sponsor a program featuring a non-UCB speaker. The question of providing an honoraria was raised. E. Byrne polled the Ex Com via e-mail and it was agreed that a $100 - $200 honorarium was affordable. More information about the program is forthcoming.
ACTION: M. Cochran will check with the Library Business Office regarding procedures for paying honoraria.
3. LAUC-B Budget update- M. Cochran
Cochran distributed a handout outlining the operation's budget to date and explained specific expenditures. E. Byrne suggested that a second laptop computer be purchased for LAUC-B Ex Com members and for use by LAUC-B members. It was not clear from the budget report if the 1992/93 carryover balance was included. It was suggested that LAUC purchase another laptop computer if the funds are available in the budget. M. Cochran announced that the laptop used by the secretary was available to other Ex Com members by appointment.
A discussion pursued regarding the disposition of equipment purchased with LAUC grant funds. For inventory and auditing purposes, there should be information on where the equipment purchased by LAUC is housed and if or how it was disposed.
ACTION: M. Cochran will meet with M. Shiells, Director of the Library Business Office, to determine the amount of the carryover balance from the 1992/93 budget and its distribution between travel and operations.
T. Huwe will review his files for information on how computer equipment was issued.
G. Peete will submit an order request for a laptop with a list of software to be purchased for the new laptop.
4. Informal Letters to Peer Review Files- E. Byrne received a letter from CAPA that expressed concern about the confidentiality of soliciting and responding to letters of support via e-mail. CAPA has decided not to accept e-mail letters of support for dossiers. The question raised was should J. Burrows be asked to establish a library-wide policy on a) the use of e-mail in any sensitive or confidential matters and b) to remind review initiators of the new requirements and legalities in requesting confidential letters of review because these are really broader personnel issues.
ACTION: E. Byrne will ask J. Burrows to issue an edict to all staff on the ill-advised use of e-mail and a reminder of the legal statement regarding a request for letters of support.
5. Reports from liaisons to committees- Affiliated Librarians representative, T. Huwe- The main purpose of the group is to hold two assemblies. The Affiliated Spring Assembly will feature Patricia Owens, Head of Academic Personnel. The program is Tuesday, April 12, 8:30-9:45 a.m., Boalt, VIP Room. Questions for Owens can be sent in advance to T. Huwe.
CIRG, P. Janes- Janes attended one CIRG meeting in M. Burnette's absence. System Office priorities were discussed.
PSAG-PS, B. Kornstein- Recent committee agenda topics have included the issue of recall and hold notices and whether these functions should be centralized or decentralized; the Action Plan for Technical Services which is a joint project with PSAG-TS; and the Doe Library Service Desk.
6. Report from Mentor project- Osegueda and Burnette were absent, no report was given.
7. Update from Research and Professional Development Committee-
P. Janes announced several upcoming programs. The committee will co-sponsor with the Cultural Diversity Committee a presentation by Armando Valdez, Policy Fellow of Telecommunications Education Trust of the California Public Utilities Commission, on April 11. Valdez will speak on the "Information Superhighway: Who will have Access?" Pending speakers for upcoming RPDC programs include Nancy Van House, Acting Dean of SLIS, James G. Delgonas, Director of Information Systems and Computing, who has recently been assigned Acting Associate Vice President for Information Systems Administrative Services, and Walter Massey, Vice President for Academic Affairs. A Peer Review Workshop is planned for the Fall. It was suggested that programs be widely advertised. RPDC will be minus one member due to maternity leave. Because of the amount of time involved in planning programs, the committee would like to request a replacement.
ACTION: P. Janes will consult M. Cochran on preparing an honorarium for Armando Valdez. Program announcements are to be sent to IS&T, the Vice Chancellor and the Senate Library Committee. P. Janes will consult Judy Tsou, Chair of the Nominating and Elections Committee, on the procedure for appointing a replacement to the Research and Professional Development Committee.
Meeting Adjourned.
Next Meeting: April 6, 10-12 noon, Moffitt Conference Room.