LAUC-B Executive Committee 1993/94 (8)
February 16, 1994
Present: E. Byrne (chair), L. Leighton, L. Osegueda,
G. Handman, T. Huwe, L. Castillo-Speed, P. Janes, M.
Cochran (recorder), G. Peete
Absent: K. Frohmberg, M. Burnette
Guest: P. Maughan
I. In regards to LAUC-B's goal to increase publicity and
improve our public relations, P. Maughan, half-time
Director of Communications for the Library, was invited
to the Ex Com meeting to talk about her duties as
Director of Communications and how LAUC can benefit
from her expertise. She is responsible for a variety
of publishing task which includes editing CU News and
Library Briefings, the Library and faculty newsletters
respectively; reporting to staff on LAG meetings;
updating appropriate sections on the library gopher;
updating Library Orientation Leaflets; and submitting
library news to the Berkeleyan and other campus organs.
P. Maughan agreed to advise LAUC-B on appropriate
places to publicize programs, and activities of
individual members. Publishable activity categories
suggested were awards, publications, and appointments
to committees. G. Peete volunteered to serve as
LAUC-B's liaison for public relations in consultation
with P. Maughan. Peete will send out bi-monthly e-mail
reminders to solicit input from LAUC-B members. It was
agreed that guidelines for types of activities to
include are needed. To encourage participation, E.
Byrne will announce LAUC-B's publishing activities to
recognize important librarian achievements at the
Spring Assembly.
II. Announcements and additions to agenda
1. B. Kornstein is arranging for LAUC-B to set up an
additional e-mail reflector. The new reflector will
serve as the e-mail list for official LAUC-B Ex Com
business. LAUC@ced will serve as the list for general
information to be shared among LAUC-B members.
ACTION: B. Kornstein will contact the Help Desk to
create the e-mail reflector.
B. Kornstein will investigate how each reflector is to be used.
2. As a response to a February 11 e-mail from LAUC
President Wilson,E. Byrne asked for comments on and
additions to the agenda for the March 4 Library Council
meeting. Additional comments are to be sent to E.
III. Minutes- January 19 minutes were approved as written.
IV. Continuing Business
1. Goals- Copies of the revised list of goals were
distributed. E. Byrne sent copies to LAUC-B committee
chairs. The committee chairs were asked to review the
Ex Com goals with their committee members, identify
additional goals, and to note specific actions that
would be appropriate for their committees and respond
to E. Byrne by March 16. Ex Com members were
encouraged to send additional comments on the goals.
After receiving and incorporating comments from
committee chairs, E. Byrne will send the goals out to
the LAUC-B membership.
2. LAUC-B Spring Assembly Plans- The LAUC-B
Spring Assembly is scheduled for March 24 (since
changed to March 22). Jim Hyatt, Associate Chancellor
for Budget and Planning at UC Berkeley will be the
speaker. Mr. Hyatt has written several books including
University Libraries in Transition and Reallocation of
Resources in Academic Institutions. A LAUC-B business
meeting, including reports from committee chairs, will
follow the speaker.
ACTION: Ex Com members are to send E. Byrne specific
topics they would like Hyatt to address and
to be prepared to ask questions at the Spring
M. Cochran will arrange for coffee and tea
and check on alternative locations such as
the Bechtel Auditorium, Boalt VIP Room, and
Maude Fife Room, in case Morrison is too
3. UL Search Committee Nominees- E. Byrne reported
on her efforts to get volunteers to serve on the UL
Search Committee. Several recommendations were
submitted, but most of the people when contacted had
prior commitments. Nominees for the two librarian
appointees to the search committee submitted to Vice
Chancellor Heilbron are: G. Peete, Beth Weil, E.
Byrne. Nominees were chosen for a balanced
representation of science, social science, and
humanities librarians. The time frame for the
committee's work is not known.
ACTION: E. Byrne will update Ex Com on the progress
of the UL Search Committee.
V. New Business
1. Report on Library School- The Ex Com has been
asked to send a written response to the report,
"Elements of a Proposal", which proposes the creation
of a new professional school in lieu of SLIS. The
response is to be sent to Provost of Professional
Schools, Judd King, by February 23. Some concerns with
the report include the absence of traditional training
for librarians; the proposal of a program geared toward
corporations; and the implications for information
access and democracy.
ACTION: E. Byrne and G. Handman will draft the Ex Com
response to the report.
2. D. Gregor Proposal for Joint LAG-LAUC Effective
Allocation of Staff Task Force- E. Byrne distributed
the "Omega Report", a faculty model for effective
allocation of staff. The report uses algebraic
formulas to predict the number of faculty positions
needed and the number of positions to be filled. It
analyzes how many positions the University will be able
to fill and attempts to answer questions such as, how
do we deal with the fall out? Who gets the positions?
How do we reallocate. Gregor presented the Omega
Report as a reasonable model for the Library. Also,
she stated that LAG would like to work with the LAUC
Task Force on Effective Allocation of Staff. Gregor
would like to have AULs serve on the joint LAUC/LAG
task force and suggested J. Burrows co-chair with L.
Leighton. Gregor also suggested that the task force go
beyond establishing guidelines on the use of
non-librarians and librarians and assess priority
hiring, identify skills needed not currently on the
staff, , and make specific recommendations for
reallocations and recruitment.
Ex Com discussed positive reasons for working with LAG;
the inclusion of tasks not in the original charge; a
lack of representation from the staff on the task
force; and the task force structure. G. Peete
presented two articles about paraprofessionals at other
institutions that could be used as background
information by the task force.
ACTION: M. Cochran will send the articles on staffing
to Task Force members, Gregor, Burrows, and
3. Vice Chancellor Heilbron will attend the March 2
LAUC-B Ex Com meeting. Note: Heilbron has had to
reschedule to May 4.
ACTION: Ex Com members are to prepare one question
each for the Vice Chancellor and share them
with other Ex Com members via e-mail, prior
to the meeting.
E. Byrne will send the Vice Chancellor a copy
of the Ex Com list of goals.
4. Travel funds for VERIPees- An e-mail to E. Byrne
from Phyllis Bischof prompted a discussion about the
availability of LAUC travel funds for VERIP recalls.
The LAUC Bylaws state that in order to be a LAUC member
you have to work 50% time or more. Only LAUC members
are eligible to receive travel funding. After a brief
discussion, it was decided that for this one year only
LAUC members who had requested funds prior to the LAUC
deadline and retiring be granted their request since
the funds had already been allocated. Returning
retirees attending professional meetings and
representing Berkeley in an official capacity should
request administrative funds. As a courtesy, VERIP
recalls will be retained on the LAUC-B e-mail
ACTION: E. Byrne will respond to P. Bischof and send
a statement to the LAUC-B membership via
lauc@ced on the general principles of LAUC
travel funds.
5. Minority Internship Program- The Office of the
President canceled the Minority Internship Program due
to funding cutbacks, but encourages individual campuses
to continue the program. In a response to E. Byrne, C.
Delgado, chair of the LAUC-B Diversity Committee,
stated that this action was in direct opposition to the
"Many Voices of Diversity report and the whole
statewide initiative. J. Wilson, LAUC President, will
discuss this issue at the forthcoming Library Council
meeting. LAUC-B Ex Com will write a letter of support
if needed.
ACTION: E. Byrne will inform Wilson that the LAUC-B
Diversity Committee is working on a written
response to the Office of the President.
6. Telecommuting Policy- After discussion and
checking with other UC campuses, Ex Com agreed that
telecommuting be handle on a unit by unit basis, and
not by a library-wide policy.
Meeting Adjourned
Next Meeting: March 2, 10-12 Noon, Bancroft Seminar
Room. Vice Chancellor Heilbron was to be present, but
he has been rescheduled to May 4, 11-12 Noon. The
March 2 date and location has been retained for Ex Com.