LAUC-B Executive Committee:
Elizabeth Byrne, Chair
Barbara Kornstein, Vice-Chair
Gary Handman, ex-officio, Past Chair
Myrtis Cochran, Secretary/Treasurer
Michaelyn Burnette, Library Alternate
Lillian Castillo-Speed, ex-officio, CAPA Chair
Katherine Frohmberg, Affiliated Library Alternate
Terry Huwe, Affiliated Library Representative
Phoebe Janes, Library Representative
Lee Leighton, Library Alternate
Laura Osegueda, Library Representative
Gary Peete, Library Representative
Major Accomplishments and Activities:
Goals: drafted goals, objectives and action plans for 1993/94-1995/96
Task Force on Effective Allocation of Staff: resulted in a joint LAUC-
LAG task force, chaired by Lee Leighton and Janice Burrows, to develop
an "Omega" plan for filling librarian and other staff vacancies
Task Force to Streamline Peer Review Process: chaired by Alice
Youmans, small task force prepared a survey and began to draft report
on ways of streamlining the academic review process for librarians
Revised travel procedures and obtained supplemental funding from the
Library Administrative Group: chaired by Gary Peete, sub-committee of
the Executive Committee attempted to simplify allocation procedures,
and obtained approximately $11,000 supplemental funding for LAUC-B
members' in The Library for professional development and travel
Hosted LAUC statewide Fall Assembly
Job descriptions: Prepared job descriptions for LAUC-B officers to
clarify duties
Purchased laptop computer for CAPA use
Distinguished Librarian Award: selected Ron Heckart 1993/94
Programs and Speakers:
Prof. Armando Valdez spoke on access issues concerning the
information super highway, jointly sponsored by the LAUC-B Cultural
Diversity Committee and the Research & Professional Development
Assoc. Chancellor for Budget and Planning James Hyatt spoke at a
LAUC-B Assembly;
Nancy Van House, Acting Dean of the School of Library and
Information Studies, discussed the future of Library Education;
James Dolgonas, Office of the President, Acting Associate
Vice-President, Information Systems and Administration Services.
LAUC-B Activities Outside the Library
Maintained a LAUC-B representative, Vice-Chair Barbara Kornstein, as
a member of the Senate Library Committee.
Published article: "Criteria for Consolidation of Branch Libraries,"
written by 1992/93 LAUC-B Executive Committee sub-committee Gary
Peete, Ralph Moon and Elizabeth Byrne, was published in College &
Research Libraries News, June, 1994.
Search for University Librarian: Two LAUC members, Beth Weil and
LAUC-B Chair Elizabeth Byrne served on the Search Committee for
University Librarian
Solicited applicants for second Townsend Center for the Humanities
Librarian Fellow; selected Kathleen Van den Heuvel
Goals: finalization and formal approval
Upward evaluation of supervisors: policies and procedures
Task Force on Streamlining Peer Review--final report and
Bylaws change to create position of treasurer
Revision of travel/professional development fund allocations