LAUC-B Executive Committee 1993/94 (3)
October 20, 1993
Present: E. Byrne (Chair), L. Osegueda, P. Janes, G. Handman, A.
Youman, M. Burnette, B. Kornstein, Y. Huwe, l. Leighton, M.
Cochran (recorder)
Absent: G. Peete, K. Frohmberg
Guest: S. Hinojosa, J. Spohrer
I. Minutes of previous meeting were approved.
II. Announcements
1. B. Whitson's discussion of LAUC-B archives was postponed
until the November 17 meeting. B. Robert's discussion of the
slate provided by the Nominating and Elections Committee was
2. Updated LAUC-B Ex Com roster was distributed.
3. Travel- Since D. Gregor is retiring, it's not clear how the
issue of supplemental funds for travel from the Library
Administration will be administered. It was decided that we
operate on the assumption that the travel budget will be the same
as last year's.
Action: E. Byrne will contact Debbie Kearney, former Research
and Professional Development Committee Chair, for the
amount of the travel budget carried over from last
The question of whether librarians could submit more than 2
travel requests arose. The Ex Com decided that LAUC-B could only
afford to fund two trips per person per year, but that librarians
requesting additional trips could submit requests to the library
administration. G. Handman proposed that after this year's new
guidelines, which have not proven to save time, LAUC-B consider
using a flat per capita allocation for travel.
The question was raised as to how we would handle exceptions to
the travel guidelines. It was decided that the treasurer and two
other Ex Com members would review travel request forms and bring
exceptions or problems to Ex Com. Decisions regarding exceptions
would be sent out under the Ex Com.
ACTION: P. Janes and L. Osegueda volunteered to work with LAUC-
B treasurer, G. Peete.
4. Research Proposals- E. Byrne did not receive any research
proposals. Normally, two calls for proposals are sent out. E.
Byrne stated that the LAUC Statewide Research Committee chair
reported that she did not see the need for two calls, October and
November, and suggested that LAUC move to one call in December.
The group agreed this was a better idea. Research funds have not
increased from last year.
5. B. Kornstein and E. Byrne met with D. Gregor in their
regular monthly meeting. The discussion topics included travel,
LAUC-B goals, and upward evaluation of supervisors, which was
presented to Gregor last year. She suggested we take this issue
to Janice Burrows, Library Human Resources Director, for
implementation. Gregor asked LAUC-B to review a copy of her
procedures for the review of AUL's.
ACTION: E. Byrne will send Ex Com members a copy of Gregor's
procedures for reviewing the AUL for comments.
6. Treasurer- G. Peete agreed to serve as treasurer for
travel-related issues. The position will be evaluated to
determine if a permanent change to create a separate position of
treasurer should be made in the bylaws.
7. Gopher- There is a problem in finding the proper edition
of LAUC-B documents, in particular position papers, to put on the
gopher. Some position papers in the chair's official LAUC
Handbook are missing or out of date.
ACTION: E. Byrne will send out a notice of missing LAUC-B
documents to determine if copies are available among the
8. Moderated LAUC-B E-mail List- A list can be created, but a
lot of work is involved. E. Byrne asked the group if a moderated
list is really needed. Systems indicated that they have the
software to create, but there were policies and procedures to be
followed, and in addition, someone had to be named moderator and
custodian of the list. B. Korstein indicated that a moderated
list was not needed, just another list, so one could be reserved
for official LAUC notices.
ACTION: B. Kornstein agreed to talk to Angeline Lok, Library
Systems Office, about creating a reflector for official
LAUC communication and the use of lauc@ced for informal
communication among librarians.
9. Andrea Vanek- A. Vanek is considered a member of LAUC-B.
Her travel requests will be paid by her supervisor out of grant
moneys which fund her project, so Lauc-B funds will not have to
be used.
10. Statewide Meeting, October 15- E. Byrne shared the
following highlights from the LAUC Statewide meeting:
Budget cuts for next year are inevitable, but they are expected
to be less severe.
More public relations is being requested; LAUC should get more
information out, as appropriate, to the Chancellor, Vice-
Chancellors, and the campus.
The need to get a librarian on the UL committee is being pursued.
The UL's have released their minutes which is a positive sign.
The LAUC Secretary has given each division chair a census form to
indicate, by November 12, the number of librarians on their
campus as of December 3, 1993. This information is used to
determine the number of delegates to LAUC Assembly for the budget
process and for public relations, etc.
Round-Robin discussions indicated that all LAUCS were discussing
ways to streamline peer review and travel fund allocations, as
well as how to deal with shortages of librarians and staff, and
maintain standards.
Gary Lawrence discussed reorganization and retirements in the UC
Office of the President and Division of Library Affairs. It is
not known yet to whom library concerns will report.
Senior Vice-President of Academic Affairs, Walter Massey, will
speak at the Statewide Fall Assembly. LAUC president Wilson is
organizing a workshop to be led by S. Jurow to help Lauc plan its
The question of keeping and recording peer review statistics was
raised and will be brought up for discussion. It was suggested
that peer review statistics be recorded every 5 years.
A Statewide committee is working on the issue of increasing the
number of steps in the academic rank of the librarian series for
librarians to 6 or 7 from the present 5.
A seven to eight per cent increase will be requested by Regents
for next year's budget; they will attempt to return all staff to
the pre-5% pay cut levels and provide merits and cost-of-living
increases including retrospective merits for those who did not
get them in 1991.
11. Fall Assembly, December 3- the agenda for the Assembly
meeting has not been set. Susan Jurow from OMS will conduct a
workshop on creative problem solving for LAUC to plan its future.
Packets with this information are being mailed the week of
October 25. Ann Jensen and a very capable Local Arrangements
committee have done a superb job in organizing the Fall board
meeting and assembly.
Attending the Fall Assembly for LAUC-B: E. Byrne, B. Kornstein,
M. Cochran, and T. Huwe.
12. Senate Library Committee- E. Byrne summarized the issue
of branch consolidations/closures and faculty reaction. B.
Kornstein represents LAUC-B on this group.
13. Bylaws changes- The recently approved bylaws changes
should be incorporated into the official bylaws and distributed
to all LAUC members as an addendum until new bylaws are printed.
Future LAUC-B bylaws changes should be approved by the Statewide
Bylaws Committee before put to vote.
ACTION: M. Cochran will incorporate bylaw changes and send to
A. Sevetson for inclusion in the gopher.
III. Ongoing Business
1. Goals- Postponed due to lack of time.
2. Nominations for committees- Problems and holes in the
slate of nominees presented by the Nominations and Elections
Committee were discussed.
ACTION: E. Byrne will follow-up and try to fill vacancies and
get committees appointed as soon as possible.
A. Youmans to discuss nominations with CAPA members and
send recommendations to E. Byrne.
IV. New Business
1. Library Assistants as curators/selectors- Susana Hinojosa,
RSCD, and James Spohrer, Chair, RSCD were guests for this portion
of the meeting. S. Honojosa led the discussion by expressing
concerns regarding the assignment of several LA's to selector
positions. Her major concerns are the process by which these
assignments were made and the impact this will have on librarian
positions. She questions whether the LA's with MLS' in these
positions should be paid as librarians.
J. Spohrer described his rationale for assigning LA's to
Curatorial Assistant positions in RSCD. He defined the
Curatorial Assistant as one who works under the supervision of a
selector. The level of independence and range of activities vary
from position to position. The CA positions are rotational
assignments for 1 year with an option for renewal.
A lengthy discussion ensued regarding librarian responsibilities
at UC Berkeley, union involvement, philosophical issues,
guidelines for CA assignments, and LAUC-B's role in this matter.
ACTION: LAUC-B will 1) identify issues of concern; 2) identify
positions on the Berkeley campus that fit the CA
category; 3) determine who is assigned a CA position;
and 4) establish a task force to review the issue.
Ex Com will review supplemental specifications for LA's
when they are completed by the Library Classification
Committee. L. Osegueda, who is on that group, will
distribute to LAUC-B Ex Com when this document is
M. Burnette, L. Leighton and L. Osegueda volunteered
for the CA review Task Force. It was suggested that a
member of CAPA, the Professional Development
Committee, and the Affiliated Librarians be a part of
this group. E. Byrne will appoint a task force to look
into this issue.
S. Hinojosa will share information from the Union, and
from other campuses on how they are coping with similar
2. Meeting with Vice-Chancellor- It is customary to invite the
Vice-Chancellor to at least one meeting.
ACTION: E. Byrne will invite the Vice-Chancellor to a
future LAUC-B Ex Com meeting.
3. Meeting with students- Some LAUC groups at other campuses
have met with student groups. There was discussion on whether or
not LAUC-B Ex Com should try to do so. The issue was left
unresolved, although it was felt that a meeting with student
representatives on Senate Library Committee and Branch Library
committees might be fruitful. The issue will be explored in
another meeting.
Meeting Adjorned
Next Meeting, November 17, 1993, 10-12, Rm 322