LAUC-B Executive Committee 1992/93 (15)
July 21, 1993
Present: E. Byrne, W. Diamond, G. Handman (Chair), L. Osegueda,
R.Lhermitte, A. Sevetson (recorder), G. Peete, K.
Vanden Heuvel, A.Youmans
Absent: P. Stewart, M. Drabkin
1. G. Handman announced the three LAUC-B representatives to new
committees: Collections and Information Resources Group (CIRG) -
Michaelyn Burnette, Public Services Steering Committee (PSSC) -
Gary Handman, Public Services Advisory Group on Public Services
(PSAG-PS) - E. Byrne. LAUC-B will have to regularize the
appointment process for these positions in the future. It will
also be important to develop specific mechanisms within LAUC for
reviewing and commenting on the work of the two advisory groups.
2. One candidate for the position of Townsend Center librarian
fellow has been received and forwarded to D. Gregor and Tom
Laqueuer, Director of the Center.
3. G. Handman announced that B. Whitson would like to talk to
the Committee about LAUC-B Archives. This will be calendared for
a future meeting.
1. The LAUC-B Ad hoc Committee on Diversity is developing
bylaws amendments to allow for the addition of a local LAUC
standing committee on Cultural Diversity A separate bylaws
election will be required to pass these amendments.
2. Nominating and Elections Committee issues were discussed.
3. Travel: The travel issues were discussed again. The
Affiliated Librarians raised a number of concerns regarding the
potential impact of proposed changes on Affiliated Librarians.
The need for effective record keeping for travel funding under
the revised procedures was discussed; the Executive Committee
would like to closely monitor allocations under the new
procedures and compare these allocations with those under the old
As a part of this process the LAUC-B bylaws are being revised to
collapse two committees, the Research and Professional
Development Committee and the Committee on Programs for Research
and Professional Development.
1. The Committee reviewed a list of possible inclusions to a
LAUC-B Welcome Packet. A. Sevetson will pull something together
for review in the near future.