LAUC-B Executive Committee 1992/93 (14)
June 16, 1993
Present: W.Diamond, G.Handman (Chair), L.Osegueda, G.Peete, A.Sevetson
(recorder), P.Stewart, K.Vanden Heuvel
Absent: E.Byrne, M.Drabkin, R.Lhermitte, A. Youmans
Guests: A. Jensen
A. The order for the Toshiba laptop computer for the LAUC-B secretary has
been ordered by Library Purchasing; it will be arriving next week.
B. Townsend Center Fellowship. G. Handman has sent out an email
solicitation for LAUC members interested in serving as a fellow to the Townsend Center for the
Humanities. Two responses have been received so far. Names will
be submitted to Tom Laqueur, Director of the Center, for consideration.
C. The revised version of the "Procedures for Review of the Librarian
Appointments, Promotions, and Advancement and Administrative Review Procedures
for Librarians Requesting A Reconsideration of a Salary or Promotion Decision"
(Berkeley Guidelines to the APM) will shortly be distributed to all LAUC
members and HRD. The revised procedures embody additions approved by the Vice
Chancellor in November 1992 having to do with peer review timetable compliance
and the extension of the peer review timetable. K. Vanden Heuvel noted that
the deadline for time table extension requests outlined in the new guidelines
was a problem this year for the CAPA Chair in certain cases.
Ongoing Business:
A. Latest draft proposal for a Cultural Diversity Committee. G.Handman has
asked the Staff Development Committee to review the proposal, but thus far have received no
response. Executive Committee will proceed by sending the proposal out for comment to LAUC
members and others via CU News [Secretary: the
proposal was subsequently sent out via email to allusers]. Formation of the
new committee will entail revisions to LAUC-B bylaws, and will require a vote
from LAUC members.
B. Travel Funding -- Changes in the structure of and procedures for LAUC
travel funding were further discussed. The rationale for changes include
1) a desire to make the process less bureaucratic, cumbersome, and time
consuming 2) a desire to free the Research and Professional Development
Committee for more productive work. D. Gregor has expressed a wish to
contribute travel support for Librarians in The Library, but has made this
support contingent on streamlining the process.
LAUC-B has received information from all UC campuses regarding the ways in
which travel allocation is handled. Not surprisingly, each campus handles the
process differently.
LAUC-B discussions included the notion of having the streamlined allocation
process handled by the Business Office and/or LAUC clerical support, with
oversight by a Treasurer (a new elected or appointed position; the Secretary
would, consequently, be divested of the Treasurer function).
The need to continue to separately account for travel allocation and expense
for librarians covered and not covered by the MOU was discussed (the former
money comes from the Office of the President; funding for the latter has
historically been matched on a per capita basis by the Vice Chancellor).
The proposed restructured allocation process will be submitted to D. Gregor for comment.
New Business
A. Distinguished Librarian Award - The DLA Committee will be constituted in early October
to review existing guidelines (G. Handman, as past LAUC-B Chair,
will chair the Committee). Then the timetable for soliciting and reviewing
candidates will proceed according to previous year timetables, with awards
being presented in Fall 1994.