Executive Committee Minutes 5/27/93

LAUC-B Executive Committee 1992/93 (13)
May 27, 1993

Present:  E. Byrne, W. Diamond, M. Drabkin,  G. Handman (Chair), R. Lhermitte, 
L. Osegueda, A. Sevetson (Recorder), P. Stewart 

Absent:   G. Peete, K. Vanden Heuvel, A. Youmans

Guests:   S. Hinojosa, L. Castillo-Speed, C. Delgado

1.  LSO is close to putting up the library's gopher server. LAUC-B information 
should be some of the first information mounted.

2.  G. Handman is going to purchase a Toshiba 486 Laptop for LAUC-B and CAPA 
use.  Money was allotted several months ago for this purpose.

3.  Interviews have been set up for RSCD Chair and several other positions.  
There are several non-librarians (all M.L.S.'s) applying for the positions.   
The practice of rotating career staff with MLS degrees into Librarian series 
positions was discussed. The general feeling of the Executive Commiteee was 
that this practice is warranted in certain instances, particularly given the 
inability to hire from outside the library, and the dwindling number of 
available staff for internal rotation.

4.  The criteria for consolidation of Branches has been approved in principle 
by the Academic Planning Board.  Consolidation of several branches  (ANTH, 
Forest Products, Forestry, Social Welfare, Library School Library, and 
Entomology) is currently being considered by the Library Admin Group.

Ongoing Business:
Cultural Diversity Task Force Report - (L. Castillo-Speed)  The Task Force 
presented a revised proposal for a Diversity Committee comprising members from 
both LAUC and from library/Affiliated Libraries staff.  The committee would be 
a LAUC-B committee, chaired by a LAUC member.  Discussion centered around 
precise size, makeup, and term of members on the new committee. The Task Force 
will clarify the language, submit the report to CU News so that everyone can 
see and comment on the charge and the report.  The proposal will be submitted 
to the Fall LAUC-B assembly for vote.  If approved, LAUC bylaws will be revised 

New Business:
LAUC-B Participation in Library Public Services Committees- R.  Moon outlined 
his proposal for a restructured Public Services advisory and policy making 
committee structure.  The specific discussion focussed on LAUC's continuing 
role in this structure.  The arrangement finally agreed upon was for a LAUC 
Executive Committee member to sit on the Public Services Advisory Committee.  
The LAUC-appointed PSPC member would be charged with bringing LAUC's 
perspectives to the task of public service policy making; the LAUC member 
would also serve as liaison to the Executive Committee. LAUC's role in the second 
newly-constituted public services committee, the Advisory Group on Public 
Services (PSAG-P), will be primarily through the various task force groups 
appointed by this body.  When appropriate, the LAUC Nominations and Elections 
Committee will provide a slate of candidates for a LAUC appointee to these 
various groups.

Travel Funding - G. Handman lead a discussion on the structure of travel of 
funding.  If money were set aside on a straight per capita basis, each LAUC-B 
member would have $323 annually for travel and professional development (i.e. 
the per capita allocation established by the MOU for covered librarians and 
matched by campus for uncovered librarians) . Because not all LAUC members 
apply for this money, the per capita amount would undoubtedly be higher.  If, 
for example, the pot of money had been divided among those asking for travel 
funding in FY 1992/93, each traveller would  have receive approximately $530. 
The rationale for redesigning the process is to cut down on the labor-intensive 
nature of the process, to liberate the Research and Professional Development 
Committee for more productive endeavors, and to strengthen communication 
between librarians and their review initiator regarding professional activities 
and professional goals. The decision regarding funding models will be continued 
at the June Executive Committee meeting.