LAUC-B Executive Committee 1992/93(12)
April 28, 1993
Present: E. Byrne, W. Diamond, M. Drabkin, G. Handman (Chair), R. Lhermitte,
R. Moon, L. Osegueda G. Peete, A. Sevetson (Recorder), P. Stewart, K. Vanden
Heuvel, A. Youmans
Guests: L. Castillo-Speed, C. Delgado, D. Kearney
The LAUC Committee on Library Plans and Policies document "UC Libraries Forging
Strategic Alliances for Technological Change" was distributed.
New Business:
Statewide budget issues were discussed.
Ongoing Business:
Upward evaluation of supervisors - G. Handman announced he will bring this up
in the next meeting with D. Gregor. It had been effectively tabled last fall
because of other business.
Rotations and job postings - LAUC is highly supportive of current efforts to
fill positions in the library system through rotational opportunities and
similarly creative strategies. A number of issues were raised concerning the
various rotation/reassignment positions which were recently listed in CU News. Some of the
listings indicate specific qualifications, some do not; there is
generally no indication of the process to be employed in interviewing and
selecting candidates; there are inconsistencies in the terminology used to
characterize the nature of the position (e.g. temporary vs permanent rotation
or reassignment). The broader issue of how this type of rotational assignment
impacts the distribution of FTE in the library system was raised--how is the
process of filling open positions with existing staff tied into the larger
process of priority setting and planning? CAPA will go over all currently
listed rotations and make a list of questions for each and indicate whether
they feel it would be appropriate for CAPA to be included in interviews.