Executive Committee Minutes 4/21/93

LAUC-B Executive Committee 1992/93(11)
April 21, 1993 

Present:  E. Byrne, W. Diamond, M. Drabkin, G. Handman (Chair), R. Lhermitte, 
R. Moon, G. Peete, A. Sevetson (Recorder), P. Stewart, K. Vanden Heuvel, 
A. Youmans 

Absent:   L. Osegueda

Guests:  L. Castillo-Speed, C. Delgado, D. Kearney

R. Moon has accepted the position of AUL for Public Service and has resigned 
from the LAUC-B Executive Committee due to the time constraints of his new 
position.  As a result of this, there will be three slots for LAUC-B Executive 
Committee membership in the May election.

W. Diamond reported on the progress of the Library Cultures report. The 
document has been reviewed and commented on by the LAUC Executive Committee and has also
been reviewed by a sounding board. The next level of review within the library was discussed,
including the possibility/desirability of a separate round of discussions by LAUC members (in an all-LAUC forum, brown bag, etc.). 

Ongoing business:
LAUC-B Task Force on Cultural Diversity - The task force presented its 
recommendations to the Executive Committee.  In surveying other campuses, the 
Task Force found considerable variations in the structure and nature of 
committees established to address cultural diversity issues.  Berkeley seems to be unique among
campuses in not having a committee of some sort to deal with 
diversity issues. The recommendations put forward by the Task Force include the constitution of
two standing committees:  a LAUC-B Committee to address the 
types of public service and collections concerns and projects outlined in the 
statewide report "Many Voices of Diversity," and a second committee on 
diversity and affirmative action, which would include staff, and which would 
address broader library-wide concerns.  The recommendations were discussed at 
length.  While the importance of constituting a working group within the 
library to deal with diversity issues was recognized, there was some question 
regarding the advisability of creating two new committees, particularly in 
light of current staffing shortages and increased workload demands.  The 
possibility of a joint LAUC/staff working group was discussed.   
G. Handman will discuss the concept of involving staff on a LAUC committee with D. Gregor.

Proposals for Restructuring Grants for Professional Development - D. Kearney 
presented a list of possible scenarios for restructuring the travel funding 
process developed by the Research and Professional Development Committee.   In 
considering the options presented by R&PD, the Executive Committee tentatively 
identified a number of principles which it favored:  
a) the retention of a ranking based on the nature and level of participation in the activity,
b) funding of travel and registration exclusively
c) establishment of a two meeting cap per individual [for LAUC-B funding], 
d) use of a standard allocation rate for heavily attended conferences (e.g. all attendees at ALA 
annual would receive the same travel allocation); allocation rates for unique 
meetings would be assigned on a case-by-case basis discussion of requests.  The review initiator
would sign off on the leave request.  
G. Handman will discuss these scenarios with D. Gregor.