Executive Committee Minutes 12/16/92

LAUC-B Executive Committee 1992/93 (6) 
December 16, 1992  
Present:  E. Byrne, W. Diamond, M. Drabkin, G. Handman (Chair), R.  Lhermitte 
(Past Chair), R. Moon, L. Osegueda, A. Sevetson (Secretary), P. Stewart, 
A. Youmans  
Absent:   G. Peete, K. Vanden Heuvel, 


A.  The January meeting will be re-scheduled for January 13 to meet with The 
Vice Chancellor. 

B.  G. Handman announced that he would like to have a joint LAUC-B/Library 
School symposium with Jack McCredie as the featured speaker (sometime in 
February).  The Program Committee will be asked to coordinate this event. 

C.  G. Handman and A. Sevetson will be working on the revisions to the 
"Berkeley Guidelines" (Librarian Policies and Procedures) to the APM in January
to incorporate the new peer review timetable "enhancements." 
D.  A.P.M. 160.  At the present time, the revisions to APM 160 (including 
procedures/policies concerning redaction of confidential peer review documents) 
only apply to non-represented Librarians. The AFL has to approve and issue a 
"side letter" (to the M.O.U.) approving these changes in order to have them 
apply to librarians represented under the Contract.  (NOTE:  It was announced 
shortly after the meeting that the Union had issued the side letter, and that 
the APM 160 revisions are now in place for all Librarians.)

E.  G. Handman reminded all that a second call for Statewide Research Proposals had been

F.  G. Handman announced that the Administrative segment (D. Gregor, D. 
Farrell, and S. Rosenblatt) of the Peer Review workshop is available from him 
on cassette tape.  There will be several copies made to facilitate circulation. 

G.  A. Sevetson announced that minutes from other LAUC divisions are now being 
distributed via e-mail.  Currently we have a "reader" for each division to 
follow what is happening.  This procedure will continue to be followed with the 
minutes being forwarded to the Division's reader and to LAUC-B Chair. 

Approval of Minutes:

The November 18 minutes were approved as amended. 

Ongoing Business:

A.  Ad Hoc Committee on Cultural Diversity.  G. Handman announced that Carlos 
Delgado, Susana Hinojosa, Marian Drabkin, and Lily Castillo-Speed (Statewide 
Representative) will develop a charge and work on the issues for this campus.  
They will begin meeting in January. 

B.  Status of the Upward Evaluation of Supervisors - The document developed by 
the LAUC-B task force is still on hold in D. Gregor's office.  It was noted 
that what has been taken as one document is, in fact, two documents and that 
they should be divided and considered separately.

C.  Management Options - G. Handman reported that the comments and ideas which 
came out of the LAUC-B Brown Bag (12/2) were very similar to discussions at 
other campuses.  Among the issues discussed were infrastructure & support, the 
idea of expansion of the Librarian Series to follow what the Faculty have done, ideas for
Sabbaticals, training for managers, reassessment of expectations in a time of realigning our other

New Business:

A.  LAUC-B Server - G. Handman has been corresponding with the Sparkplug group 
about mounting a file of chronological/topical file of LAUC-B documents (using 
World Wide Web, Gopher, or WAIS servers).  LAUC-SC has done this for statewide 
reports as well as local memos and reports.  Ideas about cost, where to mount, 
and logistics concerning management of the files were discussed. Executive 
Committee supports the idea of the server and we will follow up by finding the 
most feasible way to implement this.  R.  Moon will discuss technical aspects 
of this with LSO.  It was also noted that there are at least two other Gophers 
on campus, and Infocal which might be used for this.

B.  Travel/Leave Funding -  G. Handman reported on the December meeting with D. Gregor. 
She is interested in studying the Leave Funding process, and how 
requests are made.  She is interested in having the leave funding process mesh 
to some extent with the process of peer review--i.e. to build into the leave 
funding process a clearer definition of how the activity benefits the library 
and the individual in terms individual career paths.  D.  Gregor is 
particularly interested in streamlining the process and eliminating unnecessary bureaucracy.  She gave some sense that Library Administration may be willing to contribute funds to the
professional development pool.  The Professional Development Committee will meet with D. Gregor in January, and report to the Executive Committee in February.

C.  Professor A. Dundes Letter - G. Handman will check to be sure that B. 
Berring's response was distributed to M. Teitz and J.  Waldron.  
D.  LAUC Statewide Assembly -  G. Handman reviewed and highlighted items of 
note from the agenda attachments from the Statewide Assembly and Executive 
Committee Meetings December 3-4.