LAUC-B Executive Committee 1992/93(2)
September 16, 1992
Present: E. Byrne, W. Diamond, M. Drabkin, G. Handman (chair), B. Lhermitte
(acting recorder), R. Moon, G. Peete, D. Sommer, K. Vanden Heuvel
Absent: L. Osegueda, A. Sevetson, P. Stewart
Guests: R. Heckart, A. Mitchell, C. Wanat
A. R. Heckart, chair of the Distinguished Librarian Award committee, presented
the 1992 honoree Camille Wanat to the Executive Committee. He reminded the
Committee that the ceremony will be held November 24, 1992 in the Morrison Room around 4:15
or 4:30 p.m.
B. G. Handman announced that the LAUC-B Fall Assembly will be November 18 from
8:30 - 10:00 a.m. and that the Statewide Assembly will be held December 4,
hosted by the San Francisco campus.
C. The Executive Committee approved the following nominees to Statewide
Ad hoc Task Force of Electronic Publishing -- Joe Barker
Committee on Cultural Diversity -- Lillian Castillo-Speed
Committee on Library Plans and Policies -- Chuck Eckman
Committee on Professional Governance - Bill Whitson
Ongoing Business:
A. G. Handman reviewed the charge to the LAUC-B task force to develop
guidelines for timetable extension. He has received comments from Roberta
Aasen concerning the PEER REVIEW TIMETABLE COMPLIANCE recommendations: she
expressed concerns about workload issues, but was generally supportive. The
draft document will be distributed shortly to the LAUC-B constituency for their comment.
B. Discussion continued around the Distinguished Librarian Award, its policies
and process. The Secretary has reviewed past minutes and found no decision had been reached as to the frequency of the award. G. Peete moved that the
Distinguished Librarian Award be granted in 1993/94 (i.e. not this year), and
that a task force be appointed to review existing criteria and other issues,
including the frequency of the award and the issues related to confidentiality
of supporting documentation. The motion was seconded by W. Diamond. After
discussion the motion passed.
C. D. Gregor has indicated that she has not had time to thoroughly review the
proposed LAUC-B recommendations concerning upward evaluation of supervisors
(strategic planning efforts have been given a higher priority). Dorothy
stressed her intent to offer comments and revisions of this document in the
near future.
D. G.Handman announced that both he and G. Peete were appointed to the "core
group" which will review/oversee the strategic planning process. The Executive Committee
recommended that W. Diamond represent LAUC-B's interest on the
Library Culture work group. E. Byrne and R. Moon are on other work groups, so
the Executive Committee can be kept current through their perspectives.
Approval of Minutes:
The August 1992 minutes were approved with minor changes.
New Business:
A. G. Handman applauded the work of the Nominating & Elections Committee in
producing the "Committee Service Opportunities for Members of LAUC-B." It has
generated a lot of interest from the membership. A. Mitchell announced that
Janice Burrows has offered to host a workshop for committee chairs in
mid-November. LAUC-B agreed to co-sponsor the program; G.Handman will ask the
new Program Committee Chair to contact J. Burrows.
B. The Executive Committee met in closed session to discuss nominations for
LAUC-B Committees.