LAUC-B 2015 Fall Assembly Reports
I. Committee on Appointment, Promotion and Advancement (CAPA) (Ramona Martinez)
Written report submitted to LAUC-B ExComm in advance of the 2015 Fall Assembly. Oral report given by outgoing Chair Ramona Martinez.
- Jean Dickinson (2017)
- Julie Lefevre (2016) – incoming Chair
- Ramona Martinez (2015) – outgoing Chair
- Jason Miller (2018)
- Teresa Mora (2016)
- Margaret Phillips (2017)
- Michael Sholinbeck (2017)
- Jesse Silva (2018)
- Susan Xue (2015) – outgoing member
Summary of activities for the period 11/2014-11/2015.
1. Position descriptions reviewed since Spring Assembly: 7
- Latin Americana Curator
- Business and Data Librarian
- Science Data and Engineering Librarian
- Electronic Resources Librarian
- Chemistry Librarian & LBNL Liaison
- Literatures & Digital Humanities Librarian
- Film, Performing Arts & Media Studies Librarian
2. Candidate Interviews: 32 candidates for 13 positions
Since the Spring Assembly on April 21, CAPA has interviewed 32 candidates for 13 positions.
- Head of Acquisitions
- Asian American Studies Librarian
- Processing Archivist
- Digital Project Archivist
- Electronic Resources Librarian
- Optometry & Health Sciences Librarian
- Japanese Cataloging Librarian
- National Writing Project, Project Archivist
- Classics and German Studies Librarian/Research Specialist
- Anthropology & Qualitative Research Librarian
- Native American Studies Librarian
- Science Data & Engineering Librarian
- Electronic Resources Librarian
3. Total cases up for review: 23
The Library: 13 Affiliated Libraries: 10
Types of reviews:
- 16 Merits, 1 off-cycle
- 2 Career status
- 6 Promotions
Three ad hoc committees were appointed to review career status and promotion cases. CAPA was unanimous on all its recommendations. The UL disagreed with CAPA in two cases. CAPA disagreed with the Review Initiator in four cases. Ten candidates requested greater than standard merit increases, while only one among them made a specific salary point request. CAPA recommended that nine of the ten candidates requesting greater than standard increases receive them. There were two no actions.
4. Revised Berkeley Procedures
A Task Group was formed in the summer of 2014 to revise the Berkeley Procedures (for Librarian Review) and it completed its work. The revision was approved by the LAUC-B Executive Committee in October 2014. It was approved by Library Administration and has received final approval from APO and the Chancellor’s Office. The current Procedures are available on the LAUC-B Librarian Review page.
5. News
- Julie Lefevre is the incoming Chair for 2015-16.
- Jesse Silva and Jason Miller are the new members.
The LAUC-B Professional Development Committee and CAPA co-sponsored the Academic Review Workshop on October 13, 2015. Speakers included Jeffrey MacKie-Mason, University Librarian; Ramona Martinez, CAPA outgoing chair; Susan Xue, CAPA outgoing member; Susan Wong, Library Human Resources Department, and Penny Hines, Academic Personnel Office. CAPA extends its thanks to the Professional Development Committee and to the outgoing and continuing CAPA members for all their hard work.
II. Committee on Affiliated Library Affairs (CALA) (Barbara Bohl)
The Affiliated Libraries Spring Assembly was held jointly with the LAUC-B spring assembly April 21, 2015.
The Affiliated Libraries Fall Assembly (Fall 2015) will be held Thursday, November 12, 8:30-10:00 am in Room 170 in the Law School. Our speaker will be Dr. Carl Stahmer, Director of Digital Scholarship at UC Davis. Dr. Stahmer will be speaking about the BIBFLOW project at UC Davis and applying linked data concepts to the library catalog.
Refreshments will be provided, all interested parties are welcome to join us.
III. Committee on Diversity (Michael Sholinbeck)
Recent activities of the LAUC-B Committee on Diversity include:
The Staff Mentorship Program was revived by the Committee on Diversity late last year. Recently re-announced, several folks – both staff and librarians – have expressed interest in being matched. In addition, nearly all the matches made earlier are still ongoing.
On April 22, 2015 – the day after Spring Assembly – a brown bag featuring a panel of three recently hired librarians, and moderated by Committee on Diversity member L. Pendse, took place. The librarians shared information on projects they were working on, and the event was very well-attended. Its success led to the Committee on Diversity planning another such event, to take place on Nov. 18. The 3 librarians slated to speak are: David Faulds, Sine Hwang Jensen, and Jean Ferguson.
Two new Committee members joined us this year: Crystal Miles from SDC (now Co-Chair of the Committee on Diversity), and Corliss Lee, representing the statewide LAUC Diversity Committee. The statewide LAUC Diversity Committee is continuing its new “Meet Our Members” project (; they are also working on improving access via their website resources pertaining to diversity issues.
A reminder for all who are interested, the National Diversity in Libraries conference is at UCLA in August 2016:
Respectfully submitted,
LAUC-B Committee on Diversity:
Michael Sholinbeck (Chair)
Crystal Miles (Co-Chair)
Liladhar Pendse
Corliss Lee ex officio (LAUC Statewide Committee on Diversity)
IV. Committee on Professional Development (Samantha Teplitzky)
Members: Samantha Teplitzky (2016), Lee Adams, Christine Fidler (2016), Christina Marino, Shannon Supple
Academic Review: A Program for LAUC-B Members
October 23, 2015
Education Psychology Library
8:30 – 10 am
The Committee hosted the annual Academic Review Program for LAUC-B members. Representatives from the Library Human Resources Department, Academic Personnel Office, CAPA, as well as new University Librarian Jeff Mackie-Mason, were on hand to offer their perspectives on the review process and what reviewers look for in a dossier. A question and answer period followed the presentation. Roughly 50 people attended and felt that the program was very helpful, especially for those pursuing reviews this year.
Spring 2016 event
Planning is underway for a professional development event this spring. Details to come.
V. Committee on Research (Jean Dickinson)
Jean Dickinson, Chair (2016)
Chris Marino (Affiliated representative) (2016)
Toshie Marra (2016)
Liladhar Pendse (Townsend Fellow representative) (2017)
and Joe Cera, ex-officio (LAUC Statewide Research and Professional Development Committee).
Past and Current Statewide LAUC Research, Presentation, and Mini Grants
In February, the Committee received 6 LAUC grant proposals, and 5 were funded. Statewide informed us that they “simply did not have enough funds to significantly cover all of the applicants, thus they had to make the decision to fund only those who had not received a LAUC grant in the past two years.”
This October the Committee received one Research Grant proposal, and one Presentation Grant proposal, which were forwarded to LAUC. (This year Research Grant amounts were capped at $5,000 and Presentation Grants at $600 (instead of $750), in an effort to make funding available to more people.) The Committee has no word from statewide LAUC yet on whether these proposals have been accepted.
Townsend Center Fellowship for Library and Museum Professionals
On Nov. 2 the Committee hosted an informational brown bag at which Townsend Center Associate Director Teresa Stojkov and John Paulas, for the Fellowships and Special Projects department, described the program, and particulars of applying. The deadline for application for a Townsend Fellowship this year is Nov. 13 at 5:00 p.m.
Upcoming Statewide LAUC Research, Presentation, and Mini Grants
There will be a second round of Research, Presentation, and Mini Grants given, with proposals due to the LAUC-B Research Committee by Wed., Feb. 17, 2016.
VI. Nominations and Elections Committee (Marlene Harmon and Monica Singh)
Incoming 2015-2016 members of the LAUC-B Nominations and Elections Committee:
Kendra Levine, Institute of Transportation Studies, Affiliated Rep. (2017)
Lynn Jones, Teaching Library, (2017)
Debbie Jan, co-Chair, Public Health Library (2016)
Jennifer Dorner, co-Chair, Teaching Library, (2016)
Outgoing members:
Marlene Harmon, co-Chair, Law Library (2015)
Monica Singh, co-Chair, Business Library (2015)
1. The committee conducted elections for LAUC-B and LAUC statewide offices
The following LAUC-B members were elected to LAUC-B offices:
Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect: Jennifer Nelson
Secretary: Emily Vigor
Treasurer: David Eifler
Library Representatives: Jeffrey Loo; Michele Morgan
Affiliated Libraries Affairs Vice Chair/Chair-Elect: Chris Marino (will serve as Affiliated Libraries Chair in 2017)
2. The committee made recommendations to the LAUC-B Chair for appointments to
local and statewide committees.
The following members were appointed to LAUC-B and LAUC statewide Committees:
LAUC-B Nominations & Elections
- Kendra Levine (Affiliated representative) (2017)
- Lynn Jones (2017)
LAUC-B Professional Development
- Lee Adams (2017)
- Chris Marino (Affiliated Representative) (2017)
- Shannon Supple (2017)
LAUC-B Diversity
- Corliss Lee (2017).
- Serves as LAUC statewide Diversity Vice Chair (2016) and Chair (2017).
LAUC-B Research
- Liladhar Pendse (Townsend Fellow) (2017)
3. Following the practice of the last years, the 2015 LAUC-B elections were conducted
online, using Survey Monkey.
VII. Conference Planning Committee
The LAUC-B 2015 Conference, Open Access: Reclaiming Scholarship for the Academy, took place on October 16, 2015, at the David Brower Center in downtown Berkeley. The Conference Committee strived to organize a conference that would explore open access from the viewpoints of faculty, librarians, publishers and policy makers, and to also address the launch of the UC OA Policy across campuses. Based on conference feedback we were hugely successful at generating discussion and debate on this timely topic.
A total of 165 guests registered online and about 140 attended. Attendees came from eight UC campuses, UCOP, CDL, 5 CSU campuses, Stanford, University of San Francisco, CIIS, as well as non-profits (Authors Alliance, DataCite, CrossRef, SPARC, among others) and publishers (UC Press, Science, PLOS). The conference was successful in attracting a mix of librarians, faculty, policy makers, publishers, and students across a variety of subject areas.
Based on the results of the 53 surveys we received (a 38% return rate), overall satisfaction with the conference program was 3.595 (on a scale of 1=very dissatisfied to 4=very satisfied).
The most favorably ranked aspects of the conference were the facilities, online registration, closing keynote, morning panel, materials, length of sessions, and the opening keynote. Many respondents found the program to be “thought-provoking” and “superbly planned and organized”.
The LAUC Statewide Past-President generously funded recording the keynote speeches and panel discussions and videos will be made freely available on the UC Berkeley YouTube channel.
We want to thank the conference committee for two years of incredible work, the volunteers who gave their time on the day of the conference, and UC Berkeley Library Administration for funding the event.
Lisa Ngo, Conference Committee Co-Chair
David Eifler, Conference Committee Co-Chair
Joseph Cera
Cody Hennesy
Jeffery Loo
Lydia Petersen
Margaret Phillips
Claude Potts
Susan Powell
Hilary Schiraldi
Samantha Teplitzky