LAUC-B Fall Assembly
November 10, 2015
Morrison Library
8:30 - 10:00 a.m.
ExComm members present: Barbara Bohl, David Eifler, Rita Evans, Jeffery Loo, Michele Morgan, Jennifer Nelson, Emily Vigor, I-Wei Wang (Chair)
Total attendance: 49 members
I. LAUC-B Business Meeting, 8:30-9:00 am
A. Welcome and Call to order - I-Wei Wang
I-Wei Wang brought membership up to date on upcoming LAUC-B events, including the Affiliated Libraries’ Fall Assembly on November 12, 2015 and the Diversity Committee’s brown bag with new librarians.
B. Announcements on New LAUC-B members and retirements - E. Vigor
LAUC-B members with new positions, new members since the Spring Assembly, and retirements and separations since November 10, 2015 were announced:
New members since April 2015
● Lori Dedeyan, Bancroft Library
● Celia Emmelhainz , Anthropology and Qualitative Research Librarian
● Jeffrey MacKie-Mason, University Librarian
● Jeremy Ott, Classics and Germanic Studies Librarian
● Naomi Shiraishi, Japanese Cataloging Librarian
Announced retirements and separations since November 10, 2015
● Michaelyn Burnette, Humanities Librarian
● Paul Hamburg, Librarian for the Judaica Collection
● Jeffrey Sahaida, Bancroft Library
● Thomas Leonard, University Librarian
C. LAUC Systemwide update – I-Wei Wang
The President’s theme this year is celebrating the scholarship and professional achievements of LAUC members. A big part of this drive will be carried out via the redesigned website, including featured stories, a Meet Our Members section and, in future, slide-decks or other visual content as “featured” items. Berkeley’s contributions to this statewide effort are significant –
● The web redesign was launched under former LAUC President Nick Robinson, and shepherded by web administrator Julie Lefevre
● Berkeley division members dominate the three new statewide groups charged with developing and maintaining LAUC’s channels for disseminating and publicizing member achievements and for preserving LAUC records—the Web Content Committee with Harrison Dekker and Cody Hennesy (chair); the LAUC Journal Task Force, with Monica Singh; and the LAUC Archives Task Force, with Julie Goldsmith, LAUC Archivist Kathryn Neal, and Kate Tasker (chair).
● Berkeley is one of the next campuses scheduled to provide some “Meet Our Members” content. Our indefatigable Diversity Committee have been working on contributing content on behalf of this campus.
D. Treasurer’s report – David Eifler
● Professional Development funding for the coming year will be:
○ $1000 for all represented and non-represented librarians
○ An additional $600 is available for all librarians that report to the University Librarian
E. Committee reports (see link)
F. Report from the Chair
Among ExComm’s recent activities have been developing our communications and working relationship with our new University Librarian, Jeff MacKie-Mason.
● We have developed, through a brainstorming process, a list of the strategic initiatives that we see as priorities on which LAUC-B can support and advise the UL’s office.
● We have set the groundwork for CAPA to meet and work with the UL prior to his review of dossiers, as part of his orientation to our librarian peer review process.
● And planning is underway for Jeff to be our speaker at our Spring Assembly, giving LAUC-B a chance to hear the UL’s impressions after his first six months, as well as to discuss with him the concerns of our members. We hope that will be a good forum for a productive dialogue.
Sincere congratulations and thanks are due to the organizers of the very successful conference, Open Access: Reclaiming Scholarship for the Academy. A tribute to the success of this event recently came in the form of an inquiry from LAUC-Santa Cruz, which is considering starting their own library conference. If you are interested in helping to plan the next LAUC-B conference, in 2017, keep an eye out for a committee call.
Another upcoming committee call will be that for the Distinguished Librarian Award committee, which will begin work in the spring, chaired by Lynn Jones. Contact Lynn if you are interested in joining the committee.
Thank you to ExComm: Barbara Bohl, David Eifler, Rita Evans, Jeffery Loo, Michele Morgan, Jennifer Nelson, Emily Vigor, and (ex officio) CAPA Chair Julie Lefevre. And thanks to all the standing committees:
● CALA (Barbara Bohl, Chris Marino)
● CAPA (Jean Dickinson, Julie Lefevre, Jason Miller, Teresa Mora, Margaret Phillips, Michael Sholinbeck, Jesse Silva)
● Conference (Joe Cera, David Eifler, Cody Hennesy, Jeff Loo, Lisa Ngo, Margaret Phillips, Claude Potts, Susan Powell, Hilary Schiraldi, Samantha Teplitzky)
● Diversity (Liladhar Pendse, Michael Sholinbeck, along with staff reps Crystal Miles and Susan Wong)
● Nominations & Elections (Jennifer Dorner, Debbie Jan, Lynn Jones, Kendra Levine)
● Professional Development (Lee Adams, Chris Marino, Shannon Supple, Samantha Teplitzky)
● Research (Jean Dickinson, Chris Marino, Toshie Marra, Liladhar Pendse).
● And our statewide reps and committee members (Sue Koskinen, Corliss Lee, Joe Cera, Lynn Jones, Monica Singh, Cody Hennesy, Harrison Dekker, Julie Goldsmith, Kathryn Neal, Kate Tasker).
The power of professionalism, the service ethic, and the spirit of volunteerism of our members is demonstrated by this list and our collective record of committee and association service. It bears repeating that service to LAUC and this division is a significant factor in librarians’ peer review. All LAUC-B members are invited – encouraged – exhorted – to support the organization by volunteering for committee calls and accepting when invited to serve on committees or to run for office.
G. Program
How to Grow a Museum: The New Downtown BAM/PFA – Lawrence Rinder, Director, Berkeley Art Museum and Pacific Film Archive
Welcoming remarks – Erik Mitchell
● Mitchell thanked the library community, LAUC and the Conference Planning Committee for pulling together the Open Access Conference before introducing Lawrence Rinder.
● Our speaker was Lawrence Rinder, Director of the Berkeley Art Museum and Pacific Film Archive, who spoke on the history of the museum; the new museum, theater, and gallery space; and shared a preview of upcoming programs.