Executive Committee Minutes 11/13/2013

LAUC-B Executive Committee

November 13, 2013

10 am – 12 pm

303 Doe Library

Members Present:  Lynn Jones (Chair); Susan Edwards, Jim Church (recorder), Cody Hennesy, Jason Miller, Rita Evans, Elliott Smith

Guest: Chris Tarr

I.  Announcements

II.  Reports

a. LAUC-B conference wrap-up (C. Tarr)

The 2013 LAUC-B Conference, Making It Count: Opportunities and Challenges for Library Assessment, was a great success. 164 people registered and about 144 attended. The average rating for the content of the program was 3.56 (out of 4), and the average rating for the program logistics was 3.82, giving the overall conference a rating of 3.67. In the comments area of the evaluation attendees wrote: “This was the best LAUC-B conference I’ve attended”; “More than met my expectations”; “Even exceeded expectations. Excellent content and well presented.”  More than one respondent made comments similar to this one: “Exceeded expectations. Had little interest in evaluation prior to attendance. Now I have ideas”; this makes us think that our general plan—to introduce the idea of library assessment, have different speakers discuss it from different perspectives, and have the breakout sessions plus poster sessions discuss practical applications of assessment—worked well. This is a format that was introduced in 2011, and we think it is a good one. The variety, plus the ability to mix and interact with different groups of people, seems popular.

b. Treasurer's Report (L. Ngo)

c.  Committee on the Library, Berkeley Division of the Academic Senate (LIBR) (R. Evans)

Subject Specialty Libraries – Professors Victoria Frede, Thomas Shannon and Jeff Skoller worked with Chair Margaretta Lovell in formulating a process framework for evaluating decisions which will impact these collections. The draft document emphasizes need for consultation with LIBR and library users and states that decisions should foster teaching, learning and research.

Storage – UL Tom Leonard shared information on costs to operate NRLF, CoUL planning for storage, and UCB’s local efforts. Bernie Hurley is working with ADMIN on collection storage issues including costs, opportunities for storage at Berkeley campus, and partnership opportunities.

Moffitt Library – The update document recommends moving ahead in phases if funding is insufficient for complete renovation; two options for phased projects are outlined. Work proposed would require Moffitt to close in May 2015 with portions reopening as early as fall 2016. The Moffitt roof must be replaced. If funding is secured, this could be     scheduled to begin in May 2014 and completed by early fall semester 2014.

d. LAUC Systemwide conference call (L. Jones)

The last conference call took place on October 10 2013 and the minutes are posted on the LAUC Statewide web site at http://lauc.ucop.edu/exboard/execboard-2013-10-10.pdf. The next conference call is scheduled for tomorrow (November 14).  A key issue on the agenda is the impact of new MOU on local review procedures and the resulting uncertainty and anxiety this has caused.

e. Chairs' meeting with University Librarian (L. Jones and R. Evans)

III. Old Business

a.  Budget proposal 2013/2014 (L. Jones)

1)  Supplemental funds for librarian professional development.

Professional development is a requirement of all librarians, necessary for effective performance in our work, professional growth, and for advancement. The Commission on the Future of the Library report recommends "reinvestment in librarians with higher levels of expertise." Professional development is an essential mechanism for the campus to retain librarians able to keep up with the changing demands of the campus.  In past years, LAUC-B was able to supplement the funds contractually mandated by the MOU by using carryover funds, but that source has been exhausted.

Most librarians spend all their professional development funding. A recent survey of our membership revealed that, in addition, many librarians spend far more than their allocation on conference fees, travel costs, professional memberships and the like. Based on a survey of our membership, the median personal expenditure last year was $300 per person.

We are thus requesting a supplement of $300 per librarian, to bring the individual allocation up to $1000.  Last year the total available funding was $1200 per person, so this apparent increase is in effect a reduction.

2)    Increased funding for Librarian recruitment interview lunches and mentor lunches.

After a five year hiring freeze, the ranks of professional librarians have shrunk. The Commission report recommends, and The Library has committed to, recruiting twenty-one Librarian positions in the near future. LAUC-B conducts an interview lunch with every librarian candidate, providing a valuable opportunity for informal conversation with potential colleagues. Each recruitment involves an average of three interviews per position recruited.  With this large number of interviews expected, LAUC-B requires a substantial increase in funding during this time of rebuilding our professional staff.

b. LAUC-B Fall Assembly Planning (L. Jones)

i. Speakers: Bill Benemann, Theresa Salazar, Randy Brandt

The focus of the fall assembly will be on three recipients LAUC Statewide research grants: Bill Benemann, Theresa Salazar, and Randal Brandt. Bill Benemann will discuss his new book about adventurer William Drummond Stewart and self-conscious gay male identity in the 19th century. Theresa Salazar will present on the creation of her 1200-item (and growing) bibliography on religious images and their creators in New Mexico and the northern frontier of New Spain. Randal Brandt will discussed his research on the life and works of David Dodge, the Berkeley-born writer of To Catch A Thief (among many other books), which is chronicled on the “David Dodge Companion” website (http://www.david-dodge.com/).

ii. Catering status- Jim C 

Jim is working on the catering and has been in touch with the Library business office and FSM Café about placing the orders.

iii. Publicity plan discussed

iv. Technology and projection needs for the conference were discussed

 IV. New Business

  1. New AFT contract
    • Review the changes
    • A Task Force is charged to review local procedures in light of the new contract (James Eason, chair, Jennifer Nelson, I-Wei Wang and Rita Evans)
    • The task force will create a brief “what’s changed” summary for librarians already in the review process, to be completed by early December.  Coordinating with LHRD, CAPA, and LAUC statewide
    • Another CAPA workshop with the changes will be needed.
  2. Planning for a spring Professional Development & Research program