LAUC-B Executive Committee
May 8, 2013
10 am – 12 pm
Room 303 Doe Library
Members present: Susan Edwards (chair), Lynn Jones, Julie Lefevre, Teresa Mora (recorder), Nick Robinson, Jim Ronnigen, Hilary Schiraldi, Susan Xue
I. Announcements
A. Moffit Reference Desk will not be staffed this coming Fall, and for the foreseeable future.
B. Remembering Norma Kobzina
- There is definitely movement nationally to remember Norma.
- What can LAUC-B do to recognize her and her work? S. Edwards suggested consolidating comments from various lists to send to the family. She asked that we gather statements we come across (on Facebook, listservs, etc) to use in writing a letter to the family on behalf of LAUC-B.
- Could LAUC-B sponsor a scholarship in her honor or possibly make a onetime donation of a book in her honor? Confirm with B. Dupuis that she will be remembered at at an on-campus memorial. Ask E. Woods how LAUC-B funds might be used in a remembrance of Norma (money for a book/ scholarship/ donation?)?
- LAUC-B could also host a “guest book”/ memorial page on its website. ExComm finds this to be particularly appropriate for those librarians who have passed on while still working for UC. J. Lefevre can put something together for Norma if she is given the content.
II. Reports
A. Treasurer's Report (S. Xue)
- Current balance $70,227.78.
B. Meeting with the University Librarian (S. Edwards, L. Jones)
- The provost attended the Faculty Town Hall about the future of the library. Some good ideas were suggested by faculty, including the use of research funds to purchase library resources. Faculty at the Town Hall expressed frustration with copyright restrictions and their impact on teaching and learning.
- The provost met with the Library Advisory Board on 4/26.
- ULs will push ahead on public domain digitization, and an open access is still on the table systemwide.
- Regarding the SOPAG initiative on standardizing interlibrary borrowing policies for multiple formats system-wide, Berkeley does not want to offer more liberal lending policies for other campuses than our own patrons enjoy, and is in favor of a lending policy that emphasizes for facsimiles.
C. Committee on the Library, Berkeley Division of the Academic Senate (L. Jones)
- M. Lovell is going to write a report of the year’s work (first time ever).
- T. Leonard announcements included a discussion of Norma Kobzina’s death. He noted that the stacks shelving triathlon was successful and should become an annual event. He also reported that two AULs would be appointed shortly. Lastly he noted that he had had lunch with the director of UCPress and will be joining its Board.
- There was a discussion of Open Access. UCB and other campuses had rejected the policy promoted by UCSF, a new proposal has been developed. It is much weaker (faculty members can opt out of Open Access publishing and depositing) but is getting much more support. Some faculty voiced concern over the Campus Student Open Access Initiative. The group felt strongly that UCOP support was needed, noting that faculty will need help with these initiatives. In as much LIBR will recommend that CDL hire a FTE to help with Open Access issues. Open Access will continue to be a primary issue for LIBR next year.
- It was reported that the Commission on the Future of the Library report has been completed and stresses the need for reinvestment in the Library. The Commission is not opposed to library consolidation but makes no concrete recommendations and advises active consultation with deans and departments when deciding upon library consolidations. The report also calls for a reassessment of its recommendations in a year’s time.
- M. Lovell and some other members of LIBR have visited several subject libraries this semester and found it very enlightening. Lovell has written her notes into a report on the value of the subject libraries, which will be submitted to the new chancellor on behalf of LIBR.
- An additional goal of the upcoming year will be to focus on the condition of the Main stacks.
- ASUC representative will send LIBR text on the ASUC bill on the needs and future of the Library.
- T. Leonard reported that the new campus finance system will allow for more flexibility in hiring librarians.
D. Report from Commission (H. Schiraldi)
- A draft has been completed and the report should be ready for submission to the Divisional Council of the Academic Senate this Friday (5/10) so they can review at their final meeting of the semester.
- It’s not certain when the final report will be made public.
- A dollar figure will be included in the report with specific allocations recommended.
E. LAUC Statewide Conference Call (S. Edwards, N. Robinson)
- There was discussion of a proposal for a statewide award of $500 to recognize distinguished librarians. Edwards and Robinson were concerned that the administrative effort to offer and make such an award, which would only recognize those few librarians who have participated in LAUC at the state level, would be a poor use of librarians' time. Campus library service awards (like UCB’s DLA) seem more meaningful.
- LAUC-B submitted nominations for LAUC representatives to the Strategic Advisory Groups (SAGs) and a number of Berkeley Librarians were recommended by LAUC to SOPAG.
- There was discussion of the upcoming Assembly.
III. Continuing Business
A. Update from the Professional Development Committee (H. Schiraldi)
- The committee is in the process of reviewing a draft policy on the rollover of professional development funds. Proposed language will be forwarded to ExComm shortly.
IV. New Business
A. Fall event for the Research Committee
- S. Edwards suggested that the Research Commitee host an event to celebrate works completed by Librarians (especially those projects funded in part by LAUC-B).
- N. Robinson suggested any such event be included in the blanket pre-approval list sent to T. Leonard by the incoming LAUC-B Chair.
B. Transition planning – annual reports by outgoing chairs?
- S. Edwards proposed that annual reports be compiled by outgoing committee chairs (currently they are compiled in September by the incoming chair). Reports would still be distributed at the Fall Assembly. All agreed that this made sense. S. Edwards will send the current leadership a message about the change, asking that they submit their reports to the Secretary by August 1. She will also ask that committee chairs update committee documentation accordingly.
C. Invite Kathi Neal to advise us on which LAUC-B documents should be preserved – and how.
- S. Edwards will invite Kathi to the June meeting.
D. End of year celebration?
- There is still a surplus of wine from the Spring Assembly, it had previously been suggested that we use it for an end of the year celebration for LAUC-B members.
- It was decided instead to keep the wine for any Fall events.
- There was still interest in a end of the year get together for LAUC-B members. It was decided to have a “no-host” event at the Faculty Club on 5/23. S. Edwards will send an invitation to the LAUC-B membership.
- Confirm with B. Dupuis that Norma will be remembered at the Retirement Party.
- Ask E. Woods how LAUC-B funds might be used in a remembrance of Norma
- J. Lefevre will work to develop webpage memorial for Norma; S. Edwards will send a message requesting content.
- S. Edwards will send the LAUC-B committee chairs a message about the change in annual reporting. She will ask that they submit their reports to the Secretary by August 1 and that they update committee documentation accordingly.
- S. Edwards will invite Kathi Neal to the June ExComm meeting.
- S. Edwards will send an invitation to an end of the year get together to the LAUC-B membership.