New committee rosters are posted annually, in October.
Executive Committee | Committee on Appointment, Promotion, and Advancement | Committee on Affiliated Libraries Affairs | Committee on Diversity | Committee on Research | Committee on Professional Development | Conference Planning Committee | Distinguished Librarian Award Committee | Nominations and Elections Committee | Statewide Representatives | Roster Archive
Executive Committee (Minutes)
- I-Wei Wang, Chair
- Jennifer Nelson, Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect
- Rita Evans, Past Chair
- Emily Vigor, Secretary
- David Eifler, Treasurer
- Jeffery Loo, Library Representative
- Michele Morgan, Library Representative
- Barbara Bohl, Affiliated Representative
- Julie Lefevre (CAPA Chair) (2016)
Committee on Appointment Promotion and Advancement (CAPA)
- Julie Lefevre (Chair) (2016)
- James Eason (2016)
- Jean Dickinson (Position Announcement Coordinator) (2017)
- Margaret Phillips (2017)
- Michael Sholinbeck (CAPA Interview Coordinator) (2017)
- Jason Miller (Affiliated Library Rep.) (2018)
- Jesse Silva (University Library Rep.) (2018)
Committee on Affiliated Libraries Affairs
- Barbara Bohl (Chair) (2016)
- Chris Marino (Vice-Chair) (2017)
- Jennifer Nelson, ex-officio (LAUC-B Vice-Chair) (2015-2016)
Committee on Diversity
- Michael Sholinbeck (Chair) (2017)
- Liladhar Pendse (2016)
- Jennifer Osgood (SDC representative) (2016)
- Susan Wong, ex officio (LHRD representative) (2017)
- Corliss Lee, ex officio (LAUC Statewide Committee on Diversity) (2017)
Committee on Professional Development
- Samantha Teplitzky (Chair) (2016)
- Lee Adams (2017)
- Christina Fidler (2016)
- Chris Marino (Affiliated Representative) (2017)
- Shannon Supple (2017)
Committee on Research
- Jean Dickinson (Chair) (2016)
- Chris Marino (Affiliated representative) (2016)
- Toshie Marra (2016)
- Liladhar Pendse (Townsend Fellow representative) (2017)
- Joe Cera, ex-officio (LAUC Statewide Research and Professional Development Committee)
Conference Planning Committee (2014-2015)
- Lisa Ngo (Co-chair)
- David Eifler (Co-chair)
- Jeff Loo
- Lydia Peterson
- Hilary Schiraldi
- Joe Cera
- Claude Potts
- Cody Hennesy
- Margaret Phillips
- Susan Powell
- Samantha Teplitzky
Distinguished Librarian Award Committee
- Susan Edwards (Chair) (January-November 2014), LAUC-B Past Chair
- Lynn Jones (Chair) (January-Novermber 2016), LAUC-B Past Chair
Nominations and Elections Committee
- Jennifer Dorner, (co-Chair) (2016)
- Lynn Jones, (2017)
- Debbie Jan, (co-Chair) (2016)
- Kendra Levine (Affiliated Representative) (2017)
Web Administrator
- Julie Lefevre
UCB Representatives to LAUC Statewide Committees
Committee on Diversity
- Corliss Lee (2017)
Committee on Library Plans and Policies
- (inactive)
Committee on Professional Governance
- Lynn Jones (2016)
Nominations and Elections Committee
- (inactive)
Research and Professional Development Committee
- Joe Cera (2016)
Systemwide Library and Scholarly Information Advisory Committee (SLASIAC)
- Susan Koskinen (2017)