Executive Committee (Minutes)
Allan Urbanic, Chair
Chris Tarr, Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect
Myrtis Cochran, Past Chair
Jane Rosario, Secretary
Linda McLane, Treasurer
David de Lorenzo, Library Representative
Lincoln Cushing, Affiliated Representative
Barbara Glendenning, ex officio (CAPA Chair)
Terry Huwe, ex officio (LAUC Vice-President/President-Elect)
Committee on Appointment Promotion and Advancement (CAPA)
Barbara Glendenning, Chair (2004)
Charles James (Affiliated representative) (2004)
Jean McKenzie (2005)
Randal Brandt (2005)
Lucia Diamond (Affiliated representative) (2005)
Corliss Lee (2006)
Mary Ann Mahoney (2006)
Committee on Affiliated Libraries Affairs
Lincoln Cushing, Chair (2004)
Paul Atwood, Vice-Chair
Lily Castillo-Speed
Chris Tarr
Committee on Diversity
Theresa Salazar, Chair (2004)
Ruth Girill (Affiliated representative) (2005)
Teresa Mora (2005)
Staff representatives - VACANT
LHRD representative, ex officio - VACANT
Committee on Research
David Sullivan, Chair (2004)
Rita Evans (Affiliated representative) (2005)
Ann Jensen (Townsend Fellow representative) (2005)
Jim Church, ex officio (serving as Statewide representative) (2004)
Committee on Professional Development
Jim Ronningen, Chair (2004)
Amy Kautzman (2004)
Paul Atwood (Affiliated representative) (2005)
Margaret Phillips (2005)
Monica Singh (2005)
Distinguished Librarian Award Committee
Norma Kobzina, Co-Chair
Phyllis Bischof, Co-Chair
Lillian Castillo-Speed (Affiliated representative)
David Sullivan
Dan Wilson (Faculty representative)
Nominations and Elections Committee
Randal Brandt, Co-Chair (2004)
Phoebe Janes, Co-Chair (2004)
Linda Vida (Affiliated representative) (2005)
Michaelyn Burnette (2005)
Randal Brandt
Committee on Committees, Rules, and Jurisdiction
Maryly Snow (2005)
Committee on Diversity
Theresa Salazar (2005)
Committee on Library Plans and Policies
Elizabeth Edinger (2005)
Committee on Professional Governance
Ron Heckart (2004)
Committee on Scholarly Communication
Margaret Phillips (2004)
Research and Professional Development Committee
Jim Church (2004)