2023-24 Executive committee

  • José Adrián Barragán-Álvarez, Chair
  • Christina Velazquez Fidler, Vice Chair / Chair Elect
  • Jesse Silva, Past Chair
  • Michael Sholinbeck, Secretary
  • Jackie Gosselar, Treasurer
  • Misha Coleman, Library Representative
  • Jen Brown, Library Representative
  • Kristina Chamorro, Affiliated Representative / CALA Chair
  • Cyrana Dowell, Affiliated Representative-Elect / CALA Vice-Chair


  • Hilary Schiraldi (CAPA Chair) (2023)


The Executive Committee is composed of elected officers: Chair, Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect, Past Chair, Secretary, and Treasurer, and three members-at-large. Each member of the Executive Committee participates on various tasks.

Unless otherwise designated by the Chair, all meetings of the LAUC-B Executive Committee are open to LAUC-B members to attend as non-voting observers.

The Executive Committee performs the following functions:

  1. Fill Executive Committee positions vacated prior to the end of the term of office.
  2. Meet at least once a month.
  3. Appoint members of all LAUC-B committees and nominate LAUC-B candidates as representatives to other committees including those of LAUC, those formed by the University Librarian, and other bodies as needed.
  4. Have jurisdiction with LAUC-B in all matters of policy concerning APM sections that affect librarians, peer review and other professional governance issues, and make recommendations thereon to the appropriate administrator.
  5. Outline and set policies and establish guidelines for all LAUC-B committees.
  6. Continually review library policy and practice.
