- José Adrián Barragán-Álvarez, Chair
- Christina Velazquez Fidler, Vice Chair / Chair Elect
- Jesse Silva, Past Chair
- Michael Sholinbeck, Secretary
- Jackie Gosselar, Treasurer
- Misha Coleman, Library Representative
- Jen Brown, Library Representative
- Kristina Chamorro, Affiliated Representative / CALA Chair
- Cyrana Dowell, Affiliated Representative-Elect / CALA Vice-Chair
- Hilary Schiraldi (CAPA Chair) (2023)
The Executive Committee is composed of elected officers: Chair, Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect, Past Chair, Secretary, and Treasurer, and three members-at-large. Each member of the Executive Committee participates on various tasks.
Unless otherwise designated by the Chair, all meetings of the LAUC-B Executive Committee are open to LAUC-B members to attend as non-voting observers.
The Executive Committee performs the following functions:
- Fill Executive Committee positions vacated prior to the end of the term of office.
- Meet at least once a month.
- Appoint members of all LAUC-B committees and nominate LAUC-B candidates as representatives to other committees including those of LAUC, those formed by the University Librarian, and other bodies as needed.
- Have jurisdiction with LAUC-B in all matters of policy concerning APM sections that affect librarians, peer review and other professional governance issues, and make recommendations thereon to the appropriate administrator.
- Outline and set policies and establish guidelines for all LAUC-B committees.
- Continually review library policy and practice.
- Executive Committee Meeting Minutes
- LAUC-B Box Login with your Calnet ID and password