Present: Nensi Brailo (recorder), Alison Brandt, Agnes Concepcion, Corliss Lee (co-chair), Christina Tarr, Bill Whitson
This was the second meeting of the task force. The minutes of the first meeting were approved and will be sent out to allusers together with a brief description of the task force [note: this has been done.]
C. Lee announced that the task force is still looking for prospective representative(s): Collection Advisory Group (not definite), a faculty representative (M. Constable of the Academic Senate Library Committee has been contacted), a graduate student from the social sciences or humanities, a graduate student from the sciences, and possibly a student library employee [note: since this meeting, the following appointments have been made: Lissa Bell from Sociology, who is also a graduate student representative to the Academic Senate Library Committee; Chris Lunde, a graduate student in Comparative Biochemistry, and Roy Tennant, representing the Digital Library].
C. Lee and P. Bischof sent a message to Penny Abell proposing ways in which the PSTF might work with the proposed Doe-Moffitt task force. C. Lee and P. Bischof have been meeting with members of library administration to seek input, and met with Barclay Ogden about the organizational learning study group and its interest in creating broad staff participation in decisionmaking.
The task force discussed its goals and proposals for events in October, which include speakers on public service issues and brainstorming sessions for all library staff.
The next meeting will be held on August 20, 1998.
[note: the subject lines of future e-mail messages will start with "PSTF" to identify the task force]