Present: P. Bischof (Co-Chair), N. Brailo (recorder), C. Lee (Co-Chair), P. Soriano, C. Tarr, B. Whitson
I. Announcements:
1. Bill followed up with Chris Ferguson on the issue of "deployed librarians" brought up at Ferguson's presentation held on February 25. Currently, there are two "deployed librarians" at USC campus. These librarians work out of the departments of Education and Social Welfare whose branch collections recently merged with the Main library. Two "deployed librarians" work regularly at the reference desk in the Main library. Bill will contact the Education librarian directly so that we may learn more about the inner workings of this setup.
2. Corliss announced that she is on the Pathfinder II task force. The Pathfinder II version release date has been postponed to the end of spring so that the task force has an additional time for review.
3. Corliss followed up on the public service issues that were raised at the Peer Review early bird.
4. Phyllis is working on the document on Ferguson's presentation, and will be sending it out shortly.
5. Phyllis contacted Rafaela Castro at UC Davis and sought her input for the PSTF reference panel. UCD has consolidated some weekend reference service points, while continuing to staff its reference desks by librarians seven days a week.
6. Phyllis announced that a document entitled Guidelines for the Evaluation of Reference Service dated 3/90 is not on web. This document needs to be reviewed and added to the Public Service Policy Manual. Gail Ford offered to assist with the mounting of the document on web.
II. Public Services Priorities Document
The rest of the meeting was devoted to the review of the revised version of the Public Services Priorities Document which will be presented to G. Lowell.
The next PSTF meeting will be held on April 22.