Voting will take place May 16 - June 2, 2014. Ballots will be sent by email through SurveyMonkey on May 16.
Please contact Brian Quigley if you do not receive a ballot.
Candidates for LAUC-B Offices
Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect, LAUC-B Executive Committee
I-Wei Wang
Im pleased to be nominated to run for Vice Chair/Chair Elect of LAUC-B. I am a reference librarian at the School of Law, and in my seven and a half years here I have served on the Executive Committee as Treasurer and have served on and chaired the LAUC-B 2011 Conference Planning Committee and the FSM Caf Educational Programs Committee, as well as serving on Public Services Council, the LAUC-B 2009 Conference Committee, the LAUC-B Committee on Research, and other campus-wide library initiatives and projects. I hope to bring the perspectives Ive gained from those experiences, and the viewpoints of the Affiliated Libraries, to bear on the challenges that face LAUC-B now. In particular, Id like to focus on how LAUC-B can continue its strong legacy of supporting professional development and creative achievement by our librarians, in the face of our current organizational changes and budgetary pressures.
LAUC-Bs leaders have been some of the most dynamic, thoughtful and engaged individuals drawn from among the talented and dedicated pool of librarians here at Berkeley. If elected, Id be honored to follow in that tradition.
Secretary, LAUC-B Executive Committee
I'm pleased to be running for LAUC-B Secretary. I've enjoyed serving LAUC-B on the Professional Development Committee and as Library Representative, and would be honored to serve on the Executive Committee again.
I believe that clear, readable meeting minutes are extremely important, especially for elected bodies like LAUC-B Executive Committee. I'm an avid reader of minutes from all the Library's committees and councils, and particularly ExComm. I have experience writing minutes for several groups, including the joint Administration/Faculty Senate Commission on the Future of the UC Berkeley Library, for which I served as staff member.
Thank you for your consideration, and I hope to have the opportunity to serve.
I am currently serving on the LAUC-B Executive Committee as Library Representative coordinating the LAUC-B Mentor Program. I joined the Library in October 2010 as the Emerging Technologies Librarian at the Bioscience and Natural Resources Library, and have served on a number of Library committees including the Restricted Use Data Task Force, the Web Services Review Team, the Instructor Development Program, the Educational Initiatives Council and the Public Services Council. If elected as Secretary, I look forward to contributing further to the work of LAUC-B.
Library Representative, LAUC-B Executive Committee
Toshie Marra
It is a great honor for me to accept the nomination to run for a Library Representative position on the LAUC-B Executive Committee. After having worked for 22 years at UCLA Library, I came up to Berkeley in October 2012 to begin working as the Librarian for Japanese Collection at the C. V. Starr East Asian Library. At UCLA, I served on the Executive Board of the LAUC-LA as Statewide Representative in 2007/2008 and as co-chair of the LAUC-LA Committee on Research and Professional Development in 2009/2010. If elected, this would be a wonderful opportunity for me to learn about issues concerning professional librarianship from the Berkeley perspectives and to serve for our librarian community.
Thank you very much for your attention.
Liladhar Pendse
As the librarian for Eastern European, Slavic Studies and the Head of the International Exchanges, I am cognizant of the new normal in financial sphere that limits our ability to acquire print and electronic materials from both overseas and domestic locations. I also understand the changing role of the librarians within the libraries. Despite the changing role, we as the librarians are expected to perform a sort of magical wonders by providing excellent service to our undergraduate and graduate students, faculty members and visiting scholars. Considering my current role and responsibilities in the hierarchy of UC Berkeley librarians and as a new comer to this dynamic campus, I will be honored if I am given a chance to learn from and to share my perspective with LAUC-Bs Executive Committee as a representative for my colleagues.
Jesse Silva
I'm honored to be running for Library representative. I joined the Library in 2006 and have previously served LAUC-B in several ways: Secretary for LAUC-B ExComm, Cultural Diversity Committee, and the Conference Planning Committee. I have seen how our local professional association contributes to the future direction of the Library and influences our day-to-day work as UCB librarians. Since rejoining Berkeley in 2014 with a fresh perspective, I am excited by the possibility of representing the Library on ExComm. As the University continues to recover from the fiscal crisis, it will be an exciting time to be on ExComm and I look forward to representing the Library in these discussions and actions. Thank you for your consideration.
Affiliated Library Representative, LAUC-B Executive Committee
Barbara Bohl
I am pleased to be considered for the position of Affiliated Libraries Vice-Chair/Chair Elect and Affiliated Representative to the LAUC-B Executive Committee. I have been employed at UCB for over thirty years, my first job was as a library assistant in the Bibliographic Services Department of The Library. Since 1984 I have worked at the Law Library in a variety of jobs in acquisitions and systems management, and am currently employed as a Cataloging Librarian. As a long-time member of LAUC-B I welcome the opportunity to work on the behalf of the Affiliated Libraries.
Candidates for LAUC Statewide Offices
LAUC Statewide Vice-President/President Elect
Diane Mizrachi (LAUC-LA): Candidate biography [pdf]
LAUC Statewide Secretary
Christina Woo (LAUC-I): Candidate biography [pdf]