2011 Fall Assembly Committee Reports

LAUC-B 2011 Fall Assembly

Morrison Library

Tuesday, 29 November 2011

8:30-10:00 a.m.


Committee on Appointment, Promotion, and Advancement

Report by Chair Brian Quigley

CAPA Members 2010-11:

  • Brian Quigley, Chair (2011)
  • Jim Church (2012)
  • Rita Evans (2012)
  • Kathi Neal (2013)
  • Jennifer Nelson (2013)
  • Jane Rosario (2011)
  • Virginia Shih (2011)

Summary of activities for the period 11/1/2010-11/15/2011:

1.  Position Descriptions Reviewed 6

  • Reference and Instruction Librarian (Thomas J. Long Business Library)
  • Project Archivists (2 positions) (The Bancroft Library)
  • Librarian for the Japanese Collection (C.V Starr East Asian Library)
  • Digital Project Archivist(The Bancroft Library)
  • E-Learning Librarian (Doe/Moffitt Libraries)
  • Slavic and East European Studies Librarian & Head of Collection Exchange Program (Doe/Moffitt Libraries)

2. Candidate Interviews 7

  • Reference and Instruction Librarian (Thomas J. Long Business Library) 2
  • Project Archivists (2 positions) (The Bancroft Library) 5

3. Librarian Reviews

  • Total cases reviewed: 30
    • The Library: 26
    • Affiliated Libraries: 4
  • 4 career status
  • 4 promotions
  • 7 accelerations
  • 1 distinguished
  • 3 special

Four ad hoc committees were appointed to review career status and promotion cases. CAPA disagreed with the Review Initiator in 3 cases (10%). The University Librarian disagreed with CAPA in 3 cases (10%).  Vice-Provost letters to Affiliated Librarians were delayed this year due to salary reopener negotiations so CAPA cannot note whether the Vice-Provost disagreed with CAPA in those cases.

4. News

  • Rita Evans is the incoming Chair for 2011-12, and Debbie Jan (2014), Claude Potts (2014), and Kai Stoeckenius (2014) are the new members.
  • ExComm approved a revision to the Berkeley Procedures related to ad hoc committee membership. Ad hoc committees reviewing Librarians from The Library still require at least two members from The Library, and those reviewing Affiliated Librarians still require at least two members from Affiliated Libraries; however, if these requirements cannot be met after reasonable attempts, they may be waived. In these cases, at least one member shall be from The Library and at least one member from the Affiliated Libraries.
  • The LAUC-B Professional Development Committee and CAPA cosponsored the Academic Review Workshop on October 31, 2011. Speakers included Tom Leonard, University Librarian; Brian Quigley, CAPA Outgoing Chair; Jane Rosario, CAPA Outgoing Member; Virginia Shih, CAPA Outgoing Member; Susan Wong, Library Human Resources Department; and Stacey Shulman, Academic Personnel Office. CAPA extends its thanks to Jane Rosario and Virginia Shih for their diligent efforts on this workshop, Rita Evans and Jenny Nelson for their contributions and advice, and especially Jeffery Loo for his outstanding infographics.

Committee on Affiliated Libraries Affairs

Report by Chair Jennifer K. Nelson


  • Jennifer K. Nelson, Chair (2012)
  • Julie Lefevre, Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect (2013)
  • Rita Evans, (TALAG Chair) (2012)
  • Susan Edwards, ex-officio (LAUC-B Vice-Chair) (2011-12)

On Tuesday 8 November 2011, the Committee on Affiliated Libraries Affairs held our Fall Assembly in the Goldberg Room (297 Simon Hall). Our speaker was Janet Broughton, Vice Provost for the Faculty. The format was an informal Q&A session, and a wide-ranging and interesting conversation was held about issues relevant to affiliated libraries. The meeting minutes will be posted to the committee page on the LAUC-B website.

Vice Provost Janet Broughton is a professor of philosophy at UC Berkeley, where her research focus is the history of modern philosophy. From 2006 through 2011 she served as dean of arts and humanities, and has been in her current position as Vice Provost for the Faculty since July 2011. As Vice Provost for the Faculty, Professor Broughton has broad responsibilities for the academic affairs of all colleges, schools, divisions and other academic units, and oversees academic-personnel policies and practices covering Berkeley's faculty members and academic appointees, which includes librarians.

Committee on Diversity

Report by Chair John D. Berry

FY 2011-12 Roster

  • John Berry, Chair (9/2011-2012)
  • Debbie Jan, Chair (to 9/2011)
  • Jenna Kreiss, Staff representative
  • Jeffery Loo
  • Adnan Malik, Statewide representative
  • Manuel Erviti
  • Ramona Martinez
  • Susan Wong, Ex-officio, LHRD representative

The LAUC-B Diversity Committee is currently compiling a list of a "Calendar of Celebrations" for the Diversity Committee website.  This was suggested as a simple and practical way of increasing awareness of issues and contributions to our campus Library community. Committee members agreed to compile data.

Discussions are under way about how to get the proposed "Diversity Fellowship Librarian Position," implemented; this position was "accepted in principal" by the UL in 2002; and what to do about the Job Shadowing and Staff Mentorship programs from years past. Whether programs which have low participation should be continued/discontinued or modified.

We are proposing to invite a SJSU library school representative to a UCB library Brown Bag for an informational session for staff and given the degree and nature of current hiring in field, ask him/her to emphasize non-traditional MLS positions (program target assumes staff is more diverse than current pool of librarians). The idea of contacting librarians from other career paths to speak is also being considered.

We are also proposing to contact the Vice Chancellors Office in the Division of Equity & Inclusion to see if they can be tapped for joint programs and resources.

Committee on Professional Development

Report by Co-Chairs Dana Jemison and Teresa Mora

Committee Members

  • Dana Jemison, Co-Chair (2012)
  • Teresa Mora, Co-Chair (2012)
  • Hilary Schiraldi (2013)
  • Harrision Dekker (2013)
  • Randal Brandt (2013)

Committee Activities

The Professional Development Committee hosted the CAPA review workshop on October 31, which was well attended. We co-hosted a workshop on managing stress in the workplace with the Staff Development Committee on November 1.

Committee on Research

Report by Chair Jennifer Dorner


  • Jennifer Dorner, Chair (2012)
  • William Benemann (Affiliated representative) (2012)
  • Paul Hamburg (Townsend Fellow representative) (2012)
  • Dean Rowan (Affiliated representative) (2013)
  • Jaeyong Chang (2013)
  • John Shepard (2013)

 Statewide LAUC Research, Presentation and Mini Grants

LAUC announced that three Berkeley librarians were awarded Research Grants:

  • Randal S. Brandt "David Dodge: A Bio-Bibliography."
  • Jeffery Loo "The value of a doctoral education in academic librarianship: The perceptions of PhD librarians."
  • Susan Xue (Berkeley) Statistical Sources of the Republic of China (1912-1949): An Annotated Bibliography.

Townsend Center Library Fellowship

The Townsend Center received four applications for the Library Fellowship. Ramona Martinez from the Law Library was the Townsend Library Fellow selected for 2011-12.

Informational Brown-Bag for Research Grants and Fellowships

On September 14, 2011, the committee held a brown-bag session to inform librarians about research support opportunities. Representatives from the Townsend Center provided details about the Townsend Fellowship; Bill Benemann described the LAUC Research grants; Jeffery Loo described his experience applying for a grant and offered tips for others interested in applying.

CAPA Academic Review Workshop

On October 31, 2011, Dean Rowan presented information about the LAUC Research Grants program and the Townsend Fellowship program at the CAPA Academic Review Workshop.

Statewide LAUC Research, Presentation, and Mini Grants

The 2011-2012 LAUC Research Grant Proposal Call and Calendar was distributed to the LAUC-B membership on Oct. 24, 2011. The deadline for proposals to be submitted to the Chair is January 13, 2012. As of this writing, no proposals have been received.

Conference Planning Committee

Report by Co-Chairs I-Wei Wang & Margaret Phillips


  • Harrison Dekker
  • Virginia Shih
  • Jesse Silva
  • Monica Singh
  • Christina Tarr
  • Jill Woolums

The 2011 LAUC-B conference - Fiat Flux: Changing Universities, Challenges for Libraries was well attended and very well received according to feedback in evaluation forms submitted at day's end. In particular, the provocative opening address by Chris Edley and the active and lively debate his remarks elicited not only in the Q&A on his portion of the program but also during the panel discussion that immediately followed it were enjoyed and remarked upon by many attendees. Suggestions for topics or themes that might be addressed in a future conference, gleaned from the evaluation forms, have been submitted to ExComm for discussion, which is expected to charge the next committee early next year.

Nominations and Elections Committee

Report by Co-Chairs John Gallwey and Jianye He

Incoming 2011-2012 members of the LAUC-B Nominations and Elections Committee:

  • James Eason, Chair, Bancroft Library (2012)
  • Manuel Erviti, Music Library (2012)
  • Waverly Lowell,  Environmental Design Archives, Affiliated Rep. (2013)
  • David Eifler, Environmental Design Library (2013)

Outgoing members:

  • John Gallwey, Co-Chair, Inst. Of Transportation Studies, Affiliated Rep. (2011)
  • Jianye He, Co-Chair, East Asian Library (2011)

The committee conducted LAUC-B and LAUC Statewide elections and made recommendations for appointments to local and statewide committees.

The Following LAUC-B members were elected to office:

  • VC/Chair Elect: Susan Edwards
  • Secretary: Jeffery Loo
  • Treasurer: Adnan Malik (resigned; Susan Xue appointed to complete two-year term from Oct. 3 2011)
  • Library Representatives: Dana Jemison and Kai Stoeckenius
  • LAUC Statewide Secretary: Lillian Castillo-Speed
  • Julie Lefevre was elected Affiliated Library Representative (VC/CE of the Committee on Affiliated Libraries Affairs)

The Following members were appointed to LAUC-B and LAUC Statewide Committees:

  • LAUC-B Committee on Diversity: Manuel Erviti (2013), Ramona Martinez (2013)
  • LAUC-B Committee on Professional Development: Randal Brandt (2013), Harrison Dekker (2013), Hilary Schiraldi (2013)
  • LAUC-B Committee on Research: Jaeyong Chang (2013), Dean Rowan (2013), John Shepard (2013)
  • LAUC-B Nominations and Elections Committee: David Eifler (2013), Waverly Lowell (2013)

Following the practice of last year, the 2011 LAUC-B Elections were also conducted completely online.

Co-Chair John Gallwey retired in June, Susan Koskinen (Chair of LAUC-B Executive Committee) appointed Terry Huwe as a temporary member to help the Committee finish the final nominations for LAUC-B Committees.