2005 Fall Assembly Committee Reports


LAUC-B Committees:

Committee on Appointment, Promotion and Advancement (submitted by Jean

CAPA Members 2004/2005

Randal Brandt (2005)
Lucia Diamond (Affiliated representative) (2005) John Gallwey (Affiliated representative) (2007) Susan Koskinen (2007)
Corliss Lee (2006)
Jean McKenzie, Chair (2005) Mary Ann Mahoney (2006)

CAPA Statistics, 11/1/2004 10/31/2005

Total Cases Reviewed: 41
Library 31
Affiliated 10

Cases reviewed, by rank:
Assistant Librarian 4
Associate Librarian 18
Librarian 19

CAPA Recommendations:
Merit increases 37
Remain at current step 2
Accelerated merit 2
Career Status 8
Promotion in Rank 5

CAPA disagreed with Review Initiator: 1
UL disagreed with CAPA: 2

Four ad hoc committees were appointed to review career status and promotion candidates. Workshops
The LAUC-B Professional Development Committee and CAPA co-sponsored a workshop on the academic review process on November 2, 2004. Workshop participants included Tom Leonard, University Librarian, outgoing CAPA members, and representatives from Library Human Resources and Academic Personnel.

Librarian Recruitment
CAPA reviewed position announcements for the following fourteen recruitments: Associate University Librarian and Director, Collections
Middle Eastern Cataloger
South Asian Librarian
Archivist Temporary Status, Environmental Design Archives
Reference Librarian for the Robbins Collection (Boalt Hall)
E-Learning Librarian 3-year appointment to support Mellon Institute activities
Africana/Reference Librarian
Federal Documents librarian
Cataloger Water Resources Center Archives Temporary Reference/Searcher Public Health 2-year Temporary Preservation Librarian Robbins Collection Temporary
Reference Librarian Research, Reference & Collections Temporary
Reference Librarian Law
Electronic Services Librarian Institute for Governmental Studies

CAPA interviewed candidates for the following positions:

Instructional Design & Instructional Development Librarian (3) Document Delivery/Reference Librarian Public Health Library (3) Legal Reference Librarian/School of Law (Boalt Hall) (3)
Searching Librarian Public Health Library (2) Librarian for Near and Middle East Collections (1) Head, Center for Chinese Studies (2)
Librarian for Chinese Collections (2) Slavic Cataloger (3)
Robbins Collection Librarian (3) Environmental Design Archivist (3) Associate University Archivist (3) Middle Eastern Cataloger (2)
e-Learning Librarian (3) South Asian Librarian (2) Africana Librarian (3)
Federal Documents Librarian (2)

As the lists above indicate, CAPA recruitment duties were extensive; the largest since

CAPA happily reports that dossiers were received on time, and the few requests for extensions were very reasonable. The quality of the dossiers was generally high. CAPA urges librarians to be focused in preparing their dossiers and judicious in selecting attachments to be included.

Committee on Affiliated Libraries Affairs (submitted by Rita Evans)

Committee Roster
Rita Evans, Chair (2006)
Lucia Diamond, ex-officio (LAUC-B Vice-Chair) (2006) Nick Robinson (2007)
Linda Vida (TALAG Chair) (2006)

Committee turnover A turnover meeting with the outgoing and incoming chairs and TALAG Chair Linda Vida was held in August. Outgoing chair Paul Atwood developed documentation for committee duties and tasks which will be a great help to succeeding
chairs. Those were reviewed along with a timeline for activities. Potential speakers and topics for upcoming assemblies also were discussed.

Fall Assembly Laine Farley, Director of Digital Library Service at California Digital Library, described some of CDLs current projects at the Affiliated Libraries Fall Assembly on November 2. She outlined how their digital tools might be applied to efforts in affiliated libraries. Her presentation will be posted on the committees website.

Reports from the various subject and function councils and LAUC-B committees with affiliated representatives were compiled and edited to focus on areas of particular interest to the affiliateds. These were distributed at the assembly and also will be posted on the committees website. Assembly minutes will also be posted.

Committee on Diversity (submitted by Teresa Mora)

DIVERSITY COMMITTEE MEMBERS: Teresa Mora, Chair; Ruth Girill (affiliate representative), Janice Otani (staff representative), Lynette Stoudt, Theresa Salazar (ex-officio)

According to the LAUC-B Bylaws below, the Cultural Diversity Committee is made up of non-LAUC staff as well as LAUC members.

From the LAUC-B Bylaws, Article IV, Section 5(E): The Committee on Diversity shall be composed of five members: three members will be selected from the general LAUC- B membership. Two Library staff members will be appointed by the Staff Development Committee. To the extent possible, one member shall represent the Library Human Resources Department. All members of the Committee shall serve two years with staggered terms of office. The chair of the Committee shall be a LAUC member, and shall serve a one year term of Office. The Berkeley representative to the Systemwide
LAUC Committee on Diversity shall serve as an ex officio member of the local Committee until his/her term of statewide office expires. The LAUC-B Committee on Diversity
shall serve as an advisory body to LAUC-B on issues related to diversity, including but not limited to collections, public service, staff training and development, recruitment and retention, and Library-wide policy issues. Diversity is defined broadly to include such

matters as those related to gender, ethnicity, race, class, physical and mental disability, age, and sexual orientation.

Currently the Committee includes three LAUC representatives, two from the University Library, and one from an affiliated library. A representative from the general staff of the Library was appointed but, despite recruitment efforts, there is still no LHRD representative.

The members of the Diversity Committee met to discuss the possibilities of programs that LAUC might sponsor, discussion again came to the idea of establishing a fellowship or internship opportunity for minority librarians. Teresa Mora attended the March 3 Forum on Diversity on campus to bring back to the group some ideas of what we might pursue. Partly, at the suggestion of the Committee, Genaro Padilla has been invited to speak at the upcoming Spring Assembly on issues of diversity. The web-page for the Committee has been updated.

The Committee is still interested in exploring how it, and by extension LAUC, could become more involved in campus efforts related to diversity this would involve anything from posting diversity related events on campus to co-sponsoring the events.

In 2002-2003, through the efforts of John Berry and Myrtis Cochran, the Library approved in concept having a UCB Library Fellowship dedicated to Diversity. That idea has been on hold contingent on budgetary issues. The committee discussed the need to continue to pursue this proposal, as the budgetary situation improves, and the library begins hiring again. ALA has been approached in regard to possibly reaching out to their Spectrum Scholars as a recruiting tool for such a fellowship (and general library positions).

Committee on Professional Development (submitted by Monica Singh)

The Committee on Professional Development had the following members: Paul Atwood, Susan Garbarino, Margaret Phillips, Dean Rowan and Monica Singh (chair).

The Committee sponsored three events.

On November 2, 2004, "Academic Review for Librarians" early bird was held in the Children's Literature Room of the Education Psychology Library. University Librarian Tom Leonard, Library Human Resources Department's Barbara Kornstein, and the two departing members of the Committee on Appointment, Promotion and Advancement, Barbara Glendenning and Chuck James, presented and took questions from the audience.

On February 16, 2005, the Committee arranged a panel discussion of the document "Strategic Directions for Libraries" authored by University Librarian Tom Leonard, Bernie Hurley and Anne Jensen. LAUC Chair Terry Huwe had requested LAUC-B's feedback on this document. The document authors and Elaine Tennant of the Academic Senate Library Committee engaged in a lively discussion with LAUC-B Librarians in the Doe Library. From

this discussion, Professional Development Committee formulated and presented Terry
Huwe with LAUC-B's response to the directions envisioned for libraries in the document.

On March 15, there was a panel discussion on UC's e-scholarship initiative. Catherine Candee and John Ober from the CDL/Office of Scholarly Communication, and John Lie, Dean of International and Area Studies, provided an informative and stimulating discussion of trends that are changing scholarship and the role that libraries potentially play in this revolution.

Additional Report Provided by Dean Rowan on November 2, 2005:

The Committee met on September 22, 2005, to greet new members and elect a chair. The new Committee comprises:

Dean C. Rowan, Chair (2006)
Susan Garbarino (Affiliated representative) (2006) Sarah McDaniel (2007)
Seyem Petrites (Affiliated representative) (2007) Michael Sholinbeck (2007)

We have two events scheduled for the near future. On Tuesday, November 8, we will sponsor the annual Academic Review for Librarians early bird at the Childrens Literature Room of the Education Psychology Library. Presenters will include Tom Leonard (University Librarian), Jean McKenzie (CAPA, Outgoing Chair), Randal Brandt (CAPA, Outgoing Member), Lucia Diamond (CAPA, Outgoing Member), Barbara Kornstein (Library Human Resources Department), and Elizabeth Leavitt (Academic Personnel). There will be an opportunity for questions from those in attendance.

The second event will take place on Wednesday, November 9. The Committee has agreed to co-sponsor a Library Pay Equity Forum featuring Dr. Maurice J. (Mitch) Freedman, American Library Association Past President and Initiator the ALA Better Salaries & Pay Equity Task Force. Specifically, LAUC-B will co-sponsor with the UC Berkeley Labor Coalition the second of a two-day Forum, on which Dr. Freedman will give an address about national pay equity issues and common goals for labor and management. There will be an opportunity for questions from those in attendance.

These two events will likely comprise all of the Committees work during the fall semester. We presently have no concrete plans for spring, but we have begun to consider possible programs.

Committee on Research (submitted by Michael Sholinbeck)

Michael Sholinbeck (Chair) Paul Hamburg
Jennifer Nelson
David Sullivan (LAUC-B Representative to statewide LAUC Committee on Research and
Professional Development) Statewide LAUC Research Grants
The call announcing the availability of research grants came from LAUC statewide on September 30, 2005. Since then, the LAUC-B Research Committee has met to discuss our publicity efforts. We have scheduled an informational brown-bag event to take place on December 6, 2005 from 12-1 PM in 303 Doe. We hope to have some recent grant winners there to talk about their experience with the application process and their research. E-mail announcements of the availability of research grants will be sent by our Committee every two weeks or so, until the grant proposal deadline.

Last spring, the LAUC-B Research Committee communicated some concerns to the Statewide Research and Professional Development Committee regarding the apparent lack of follow-up on research grants, asking the statewide RP&D Committee
to make this a priority. Statewide reported back that inquiries will be made to possibly hosting LAUC-created content at CDLs eScholarship. In addition, we noted to Statewide that their web site listing of research grants was not up to date; appropriate updates were made.

Townsend Library Fellowship

The Committee is planning another noontime brown bag to provide information about the
Townsend Library Fellow program and encourage applicants. It will take place on February
6, 2006. We hope to have a representative of the Townsend center there, as well as recent
Townsend Library Fellows, to answer questions and talk about their experiences.

Distinguished Librarian Award Committee (2005-2006)

No report.

Nominations and Elections Committee (submitted by Michaelyn Burnette)

Members of the committee are Michaelyn Burnette, Co-Chair (2005), Linda Vida, Co-Chair
(Affiliated representative) (2005), Tanya Hollis (2006) and Kai Stoeckenius (2006).

LAUC-B approved a suggestion by Randall Brandt, former N&E member, that candidate statements appear on the LAUC-B website during the period between the mailing of the ballots and the time they are due. Such a procedure saves paper and photocopying costs.

The committee has recruited candidates for the LAUC-B election and is preparing the ballots.

LAUC Statewide Committees, UCB Representatives:

Committee on Committees, Rules, and Jurisdiction (submitted by Maryly Snow)

LAUC Committee on Committees, Rules, and Jurisdiction (CCRJ), was charged by then LAUC President Terry Huwe to "conduct a comprehensive review of the LAUC Bylaws". Our committee for 2005 has been chaired by Paul Weiss, UCSD. Paul might be familiar to many of you as he has served as the LAUC Parliamentarian since 2002. His experience as LAUC Parliamentarian meant that he was familiar with the intricacies, contradictions, and ambiguities of the existing LAUC Bylaws. At Paul's suggestion, we separated policies and procedures from the bylaws and drafted two documents, bylaws and standing rules. Standing rules are used to implement bylaws and are easier to revise. We did not revise the
bylaws but completely re-wrote them from start to finish, calling all organizational structures, procedures, goals and mission statements into question. Our intensive semi-monthly conference calls began in March 2005 and continued until Sept 30, 2005 when our second draft standing rules and bylaws were turned over to LAUC ExComm. The May 05 drafts are posted on the CCRJ web site. URL below.

Paul steered the complex and intense work of this committee with skill, aplomb, and commitment. He scheduled the conference calls, set up the agendas, took notes during, wrote up minutes, revised the draft bylaws per our input. He set an awesome example of setting direction.

CCRJ committee members rotate in and out on staggered two year appointments. I completed my tour of duty Sept 30, and Jill Woolums will continue in my stead. Last year's committee fully expects comments, suggestions, and questions from LAUC ExComm and a round of revisions before the proposed bylaws are ready for a vote. In the meantime, the current LAUC Bylaws remain in effect. The May drafts of the Bylaws and Standing Rules are available on the LAUC CCRJ web site at: http://www.ucop.edu/lauc/committees/crj/index.html

Committee on Diversity

No report.

Committee on Library Plans and Policies (submitted by Elizabeth Edinger)

(The following is an abridged version of Ken Furutas Report to LAUC President Terry Huwe, dated April
16, 2005)

Summary of Activity to Date:

The Committee prepared and submitted a white paper on the specific charge for discussion at the Spring Assembly. Our consideration began with a summary of Committee activities from 1998 to date and a listing of systemwide committees on which LAUC has a representative. The white paper then addresses the pros and cons of reforming the Committee without taking a stance.

A link to the text can be found on the Committees web page:

Committee Members:
Kenneth Furuta (Riverside)
Julie Kwan (Los Angeles)
Elizabeth Edinger (Berkeley)
Juri T. Stratford (Davis)
Julia M. Gelfand (Irvine)
Craig Haynes (San Diego)
Peggy Tahir (San Francisco)
Chuck Huber (Santa Barbara)
Frank Gravier (Santa Cruz)

Committee on Professional Governance (submitted by Michaelyn Burnette)

The committee performed the biennial review of campus web information on the review process and documents pertaining to review.

In addition to its standing charges, the Committee addressed three special charges:

Compile information from each campus on efforts to define emeritus status for librarians

Review and discuss the status and effectiveness of the Assistant and Associate ranks

Gather information on the relations between LAUC campus divisions and the campus Academic Senate.

For more information about the Committee's activities, please see the 2004-2005
Committee documents and reports at:

Research and Professional Development Committee (submitted by David Sullivan)

The Committee's only significant activity this year was our annual meeting held in
Oakland to evaluate applications for University-wide Research Grants for Librarians.

All but one of the proposals were submitted by UC Berkeley librarians, and these latter were all granted after review, further consultation between the applicants and committee members, and in some cases, modifications to aspects of the original proposals.

One proposal was submitted after the published deadline, and the Committee weighed the question of whether we should be flexible and consider it, as there were some extenuating circumstances. After discussion, the Committee decided that establishing such a precedent was unwise and would make the work of future panels more difficult, and the application process less transparent.