Preferred Thesauri:
- Library of Congress Genre/Form Terms (LCGFT)
- Search the Authority Files in OCLC Connexion - Genre (ge:) index
- $$2 lcgft
- Controlled Vocabulary for Rare Materials Cataloging (RBMSCV; formerly RBMS Controlled Vocabularies)
- $$2 rbmscv
- Art & Architecture Thesaurus (AAT)
- $$2 aat
- Thesaurus for Graphic Materials II: Genre & Physical Characteristics (GMGPC)
- $$2 gmgpc
- Library of Congress Subject Headings (LCSH)
- Use when a corresponding genre/form term has not been established in any of the above thesauri.
- Enter as 655 _0; no $$2
General Guidelines:
- LCGFT is the preferred thesaurus. When an applicable term is found in LCGFT, use it. LCGFT terms can be controlled in OCLC and can be utilized in future Linked Data scenarios.
- When terms from different thesauri are identical, prefer LCGFT (e.g, Oral histories, Diaries).
- ALWAYS check the OCLC Authority Files for more specific terms available in LCGFT.
- Terms that apply to the universal description of the resource being cataloged should be added to the WorldCat record.
- Terms used for copy-specific features (e.g., Provenance terms) should be added as local extensions to the Berkeley IZ record only.
On Subdivisions:
- LCGFT and RBMSCV terms cannot be subdivided. When geographic and/or chronological subdivision is desired, the term must be coded with $$2 local, even if it is identical to the established term.
- ALWAYS check UC Library Search to see what the established subdivision practice is for any given term. For some terms that have been in use for longer (e.g., Artists’ books, Broadsides), the Berkeley practice is inconsistent. With few exceptions (e.g., Almanacs, Artists’ books, Incunabula, Overland journals), chronological subdivisions should be given only as centuries, not exact dates (or ranges of dates). For Almanacs and Artists’ books, give both; for Incunabula, give only exact date.
The list below is not comprehensive. Additional terms can and will be added as necessary. If you find a term that applies to your record in one of the authorized lists, feel free to use it.
Account books (see also: Ledgers)
655 _7 Account books. $$2 lcgft
Advance copies/Uncorrected proofs/Galley proofs (see also: Review copies)
655 _7 Advance copies. $$2 rbmscv
655 _7 Uncorrected proofs. $$2 rbmscv
655 _7 Galley proofs. $$2 rbmscv
(Add some or all depending on how the item describes itself. Most records will include Advance copies and Uncorrected proofs. Only apply Galley proofs if the item contains the word “galley”)
655 _7 Almanacs. $$2 lcgft
655 _7 Almanacs $$z [Geographic subdivision] $$y [Chronological subdivision - century] $$2 local [when cataloging as a serial; use more than one 655 if run spans centuries]
Almanacs $$z [Geographic subdivision] $$y [Chronological subdivision - exact year] $$2 local [when cataloging as a monograph]
Architectural drawings
655 _7 Architectural drawings. $$2 lcgft
(Consider also adding Blueprints. $$2 gmgpc and/or Drawings. $$2 lcgft if item or collection includes those formats)
Artists’ books
655 _7 Artists’ books. $$2 lcgft
655 _7 Artists’ books $$z [Geographic subdivision (State/City)] $$y [Chronological subdivision - century] $$2 local
655 _7 Artists’ books $$y [Chronological subdivision - exact year] $$2 local
(Make entries for both types of chron subdivisions)
Audiovisual resources
655 _7 Video recordings. $$2 lcgft
655 _7 Videocassettes. $$2 aat
655 _7 VHS. $$2 aat
655 _7 DVDs. $$2 aat
655 _7 Streaming video. $$2 aat
655 _7 Compact discs. $$2 aat
655 _7 CD-ROMs. $$2 aat
(See AAT for additional A/V form terms; see LCGFT for film genre terms)
Authors’ autographs/presentation inscriptions (Local extension)
694 _7 Authors' autographs. $$2 rbmscv $$5 CU-BANC
694 _7 Authors' inscriptions. $$2 rbmscv $$5 CU-BANC
694 _7 Authors' presentation inscriptions. $$2 rbmscv $$5 CU-BANC
[holdings] 590 __ Autographed by the author on title page (endpaper, etc.).
[holdings] 590 __ Author's presentation inscription to [recipient] on title page (endpaper, etc.).
Broadsides/Broadside poems
655 _7 Broadsides. $$2 rbmscv
655 _7 Broadside poems. $$2 rbmscv
655 _7 Broadsides $$z [Geographic subdivision] $$y [Chronological subdivision - century] $$2 local
655 _7 Broadside poems $$z [Geographic subdivision] $$y [Chronological subdivision - century] $$2 local
(The LCGFT term for “Broadsides (Posters)” is an x-ref to “Playbills (Posters)”; do not use unless actually cataloging a playbill)
655 _7 Cookbooks. $$2 lcgft
655 _7 Community cookbooks. $$2 lcgft
655 _7 Cookbooks $$z [Geographic subdivision] $$y [Chronological subdivision - century] $$2 local
Comic books (see also: Graphic novels)
655 _7 Comics (Graphic works) $$2 lcgft
Cut-paper/Die cut works
655 _7 Cut-paper work. $$2 aat
655 _7 Diaries. $$2 lcgft
655 _7 Overland journals. $$2 rbmscv
655 _7 Overland journals $$y [Chronological subdivision - exact year(s)]. $$2 local
Digital resources
See the Born Digital Workflow procedures
655 _7 Drama. $$2 lcgft
655 _7 Comedy plays. $$2 lcgft
655 _7 Tragedies (Drama) $$2 lcgft
655 _7 Tragicomedies. $$2 lcgft
655 _7 One-act plays. $$2 lcgft
655 _7 Plays. $$2 rbmscv
655 _7 Comedies. $$2 rbmscv
655 _7 Tragedies. $$2 rbmscv [Do not use; prefer LCGFT]
655 _7 Cast lists. $$2 rbmscv
655 _0 Vaudeville.
Dummies (Bookselling)
650 _0 Dummies (Bookselling) $$vSpecimens.
655 _7 Dummies. $$2 rbmscv
Faculty papers
655 _7 Faculty papers. $$2 aat
False imprints (see also: Fictitious imprints)
655 _7 False imprints. $$2 rbmscv
(Use when the actual place or publisher is represented as a different place or publisher. Example: A Londres [that is, Paris])
Family papers
655 _7 Family papers. $$2 aat
Field notes (see also: Notebooks)
655 _7 Field notes. $$2 lcgft
Fictitious imprints (see also: False imprints)
655 _7 Fictitious imprints. $$2 rbmscv
(Use when the place or publisher is represented as a fictitious entity. Examples: A Cacopolis [that is, Paris]; Dans l'Isle de Calypso : Aux dépens de nymphes; A Ridiculomanie [that is, Paris])
Graphic novels
655 _7 Graphic novels. $$2 lcgft
655 _7 Comics (Graphic works). $$2 lcgft
(See also specific types of graphic novels/comics; e.g., Detective and mystery comics, Science fiction comics, Superhero comics, Transgender comics, etc.)
655 _7 Incunabula. $$2 rbmscv
655 _7 Incunabula $$z [Geographic subdivision] $$y [Chronological subdivision - exact year] $$2 local
Ledgers (see also: Account books)
655 _7 Ledgers (account books). $$2 aat
655 _7 Librettos. $$2 lcgft
655 _7 Operas. $$2 lcgft
Manuscripts for publication
655 _7 Manuscripts for publication. $$2 aat
655 _7 Mapbacks. $$2 local
(There is currently no thesaurus that includes this term; locally devised)
655 _7 Maps. $$2 lcgft
655 _7 Manuscript maps. $$2 lcgft
655 _7 Cadastral maps. $$2 lcgft
655 _7 Atlases. $$2 lcgft
(There are several additional map terms in LCGFT; add terms for specific type(s) of maps, as appropriate)
Marcas de fuego/Branded edges (Local extension)
694 _0 Book brands (Owners' marks) $$5 CU-BANC
694 _7 Branded edges. $$2 rbmscv $$5 CU-BANC
694 _7 Branded bindings. $$2 rbmscv $$5 CU-BANC
694 _7 Marcas de fuego. $$2 local $$5 CU-BANC
[holdings] 561 1_ Edges of textblock branded with the marca de fuego of the [organization].
655 _7 Menus. $$2 lcgft
Miniature books
650 _0 Miniature books $$v Specimens.
655 _7 Miniature books. $$2 rbmscv
Mystery fiction
655 _7 Detective and mystery fiction. $$2 lcgft
655 _7 Mystery and detective fiction. $$2 rbmscv
655 _7 Mystery and detective fiction $$z [Geographic subdivision - place of setting] $$2 local
Notebooks (see also: Field notes)
655 _7 Notebooks. $$2 lcgft
Oral histories
655 _7 Oral histories. $$2 lcgft
655 _7 Interviews. $$2 lcgft
655 _7 Interviews (Sound recordings). $$2 lcgft
Palm leaf manuscripts
655 _7 Palm leaf. $$2 aat
Photographically illustrated books
655 _7 Photographically illustrated books. $$2 local
(There is currently no thesaurus that includes this term; locally devised)
655 _7 Photographs. $$2 lcgft
655 _7 Documentary photographs. $$2 lcgft
(See GMGPC for numerous specific form terms for types of photographs such as albumen prints, salted paper prints, daguerreotypes, cyanotypes, etc. Also see GMGPC for format or presentation terms such as cabinet cards, cartes de visite, mammoth plates, etc.)
Photographic postcards
655 _7 Photographic postcards. $$2 gmgpc
655 _7 Postcards. $$2 lcgft
Photoplay editions
655 _0 Photoplay editions.
[bibliographic] 730 0_ $$i Adapted as motion picture (work): $$a [title of motion picture] (Motion picture : [date, if necessary])
655 _7 Poetry. $$2 lcgft
655 _7 Poems. $$2 rbmscv
(See also specific forms of poetry; e.g., Concrete poetry, Limericks, etc.)
655 _7 Posters. $$2 lcgft
650 _0 [Type] posters, [nationality].
(Follow LC SHM H1945.5 for specific types of posters that should also have 650 terms assigned (Dance, Film, Political, Sports, Theatrical, Travel, War -- which may be subdivided) and for addition of terms for nationality. In local past practice, the RBMSCV or GMGPC term “Posters” has occasionally been subdivided geographically and/or chronologically, and this remains an option, in addition to the LCGFT term. See also narrower LCGFT terms.)
655 _7 Postcards. $$2 lcgft
(See also Photographic postcards (GMGPC) for “real photo postcards” that are actual photographic prints.)
655 _7 Programs (Publications) $$2 lcgft
655 _7 Concert programs. $$2 lcgft
655 _7 Theater programs. $$2 lcgft
655 _7 Programs. $$2 rbmscv
(See LCGFT and RBMSCV for additional narrower terms)
Review copies (Local extension) (see also: Advance copies, etc.)
694 _7 Review copies. $$2 rbmscv $$5 CU-BANC
(Use for copies that are otherwise first editions, but that contain slips or letters from the publisher indicating that the copy is for review. Add 590 holdings note describing added material.)
Science fiction
655 _7 Science fiction. $$2 lcgft
655 _7 Dystopian fiction. $$2 lcgft
655 _7 Scrapbooks. $$2 rbmscv
655 _7 Albums (Books) $$2 lcgft
Sheet music
655 _7 Scores. $$2 lcgft
655 _7 Songs. $$2 lcgft
655 _7 Song sheets. $$2 rbmscv
655 _0 Sheet music.
Short stories
655 _7 Short stories. $$2 lcgft
Toy and movable books
655 _7 Toy and movable books. $$2 lcgft
655 _7 Pop-up books. $$2 lcgft
655 _7 Upside-down books. $$2 lcgft
Travel books
655 _7 Travel writing. $$2 lcgft
655 _7 Travel literature. $$2 rbmscv
655 _7 Exploration literature. $$2 rbmscv
655 _7 Humor. $$2 lcgft [Add for humorous travel writing]
655 _7 Travel literature $$z [Geographic subdivision - place described]. $$2 local
By rbrandt on 01-27-2025